Chemo Chicks - newbies to the group
Hello Chemo Chicks. We've had more than a few folks indicate that they are starting / have just started chemo. I thought we could all update on this thread to give the new girls a chance to gain some insight on our past experiences. My recap: I am stage I IDC and am currently taking the Taxotere/Cytoxan cocktail every…
I think it would be nice to coment on the best Ideals we came up with to help ourselfs through our
Hi everyone.I think it would be nice to comment on what we think was the best things we did for ourselfs to deal with this beast of Breast Cancer.And we could help someone out.Mine is finding this sight of course.I love the ideal that I started a Journal.When I am having a hard day I can go back and look at how far I have…
Because my white blood cells took a drastic nosedive the second week after my first treatment (but bounced back the 3rd so it didn't delay treatment) the doc has prescribed Neulasta. I've read all about the side effects and such but I noticed there is a warning about taking it while taking Lithium. I've had a long term,…
Stoked!! Chemo is done!!
Yah!!! I have my last treatment today, 4 a/c and 11 taxol under my belt. Now I need to prepare myself for bilateral mastectomy, all lymph nodes, both ovaries and expanders in 3 weeks. Oh Boy, it takes a lot to scare me and I got to be honest this one is freaking me out, I know it can be done because of all you brave…
Radiation threatments
HI, I'm new to this, so bare with me. I am seeing my surgeon today, just diagnosised with DCIS stage O, Good I guess! She is going to do another mamogram, looking for my second clip that got lost in surgery. I see the radiation oncologist tomorrow for my consultation. Question is how bad is radiation and what is the worst…
Mapped for Rads, left with mini Constellation
I went in for mapping this past Thursday. I didn't sleep well the previous night thinking about this phase. But... you know, it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The whole procedure took about 45 minutes. I was expecting to leave the department with a small constellation of tattoos, but only required two! I plan to give…
Last Herceptin, port coming out.
Hello sisters, I am very very proud to anounce I've had my final Herceptin treatment today. The chemo nurses cried with me when I left...I love them. They gave me a beautiful wall plack with the "footprints in the sand" poem on it. I will always cherish it, it really does say it all. My hands have gotten better, but with…
I'm sitting here typing under the "steroid glow" as this works its way out of my system. My 4th and last chemo was yesterday (Taxotere and Cytoxan) YEH! YEH! God bless all my little angels sister out there with their prayers. My DIL is taking me up this afternoon for my last Neulasta shot. Now except for the Arimedex I…
Masectomy with reconstruction
Hi all, I posted this past week about having a prophylatic masectomy with reconstruction. I was wondering if you guys could do me a favor and tell me your experience story from the time you walked in to surgery through your hospitalization and recovery. Also if you can tell me about anything that helped you recover from…
Clinical Trials for BC Liver Mets
Hi, Has anyone gone for a Clinical Trial for liver mets? Whats the out come? Inquiring mind wants to know. Thanks, Waterbabytish
Kari--glad to be able to vent
Kari, When I read your post yesterday, I was glad to know I'm not the only one that feels that way. I come to this site, b/c none of my friends have been in my shoes(thank God) & you all have(unfortunately.) I was diagnosed in Oct & had a bilateral mastectomy in Nov. & I am so angry right now. I truly have the best husband…
Need prayers
My girlfriend has battled this awful disease twice, she has been in remission for 3 yrs. Came to my aid when I was diagnosed. I got word yesterday it's back again and now has spread to many other parts of her body. I'm devastated, angry and feel completely helpless, I hate the damn disease, it has haunted me my whole life,…
Today is Natly15's Birthday!
Knockout by Suzanne Somers---has anyone read book
When I was first diagnosed with bc, my bestfriend's husband sent this book to me. To be honest, I haven't read it, but I have skimmed through it. I was wondering if anyone has read it & actually does what it states to do. It is all so confusing...according to this book soy is bad for bc, but every other thing I read states…
My fiancee was confirmed to have BC
Hello lovely pple, This site as being of great information to me about cancer. Its started in November,09 when my girlfriend age 25 started coughing blood then came lump(not sure if its the right word or spelling)on her breast.She decided to see a doc. did some scan all negative and the doc suggest to wait until Jan,2010…
peripheral neuropathy
some people have posted that their docs have stopped their treatment because of progression of peripheral neuropathy. What were the symptoms? how severe? To make them stop.
Just for a chuckle
I was talking to a Facebook friend from Ireland today and told her about how I had my head buzzed. My Irish friend said I should have 2 rabbits painted on my scalp----this way I would have "hare" on my head. (I can almost hear everyone groan!) She said one rabbit should be pink for BC and the other one yellow for my sunny…
TJ's Challenge
Okay, here is my high school graduation picture. It is 1966. I wanted to put in my sophomore class picture with the beehive and heavy makeup but I can't find it right now. When I do find it, I will post it because it is too funny. So for now, here I am at 17. Stef
Just to clear things up....
Apparently my post on "you've got good color" disturbed a couple of you and I just wanted to clear something up. I truly understand that it may be hard for the ones around me to come up with something to say, I don't look anything like I used too and it's got to be tough to be on the other end as well. Before I had cancer…
Oh, what fun!!!!!
I spent the evening in the ER....much to my relief, nothing is broken, but I have an immobilization cast to help with the pain...lol..wear it for a week....nice people there...spoke both dutch and english! But Im down to one hand for typing...lol! Hugs, Kathi
bc with node involvement
I had a lumpectomy and axillary node dissection last week. I was told up until surgery that the cancer was in the very early stages as it was still in cell form and was very small. It was disappointing to find out that it had spread to the lymph nodes. I am now very concerned about this. I'm not sure what it all means yet.…
Taxtorre/Cytoxan...did you have a port?
I meet with my oncologist again this week for my chemo schedule. I am going to have 4 treatments & I was wondering if I will have a port. I know I should have asked my dr, but at the time, I didn't think I had to have chemo. Also, should I expect to gain even more weight? Thanks, Tina
Encouragement needed please!!
Hi...I'm 42 and was dx'd with IDC in late June. I had 6 rounds of chemo and just had a mastectomy on 11/30. I had a 5 cm tumor removed (clear margins) with 3 of 7 lymph nodes involved. I am stage 3a, grade 3, and triple negative. I will start radiation in mid-January. I thought I would be happy after the surgery, but I'm…
I have no idea whats going on with me. I could cry at the drop of a hat. Now I have felt like this before at the very beginning of this journey, but now I am close to the end of treatment, besides herceptin until next summer. I started taking Tamoxifen, is this making me feel like this? I am on all the good drugs for the…
Flushing port ?
I know I saw the answer to this question somewhere recently, but can't seem to find it now after searching. How often should your port be flushed? I finished Chemo the end of October and it has not been flushed since. (Should be on Herceptin, which was the purpose of the port in the first place...but I won't go there!)The…
Hello: Although I am new to this discussion board, I'm not new to the website. My daugther just found out that her boyfriend's mother has breast cancer. Although I have never met her, I would like to send along a 'care package' with my daugther to give to her. Having been through OVCA twice, I have a pretty good idea what…
abdomen drains Newbie here
good morning everyone..hope you can help..last month i had a mastectomy with immediate diep flap...where the ab drains were is still very sore and swollen...i saw the doctor last week and he looked at it because i thought it may be infected..he said no it was normal...but this week it's more uncomfortable...how long will…
LOw BP and swollen ankles after 6 years
Anyone had low BP and swollen ankles after 5 or 6 years. Concerned that my heart is up to something after chemo long ago. My back has early degeneration and spinal stenosis has become a problem way too early the Doc say. Anyone having or hearing of anything like this?
Hi everyone.I finished rads. yesterday.ya.I see my cancer Dr. Monday about taking Femera.I would like to hear from some of you that have taken it.Did you do ok?what sideeffects if any did you have.I also wonder if it is exspensive.She wants me to take it for 5yrs.Thanks averyone.have a wonderful day.Love and Prayers.(Pat).