Humor before your hair falls out
Thought it would be fun to hear what everyone did before their hair fell out. For me losing my long hair was devestating. I had gotten it cut short before the treatments began so I could adjust slowly. Then came the day I had to ask my husband to shave it down to the 2" mark. Before my second treatment I thought long and…
Hello and how is everyone? to day i went to the ENT(ear/nose/throat)doctor about my nosebleeds well he burnt the inside of my nose to stop the bleeding when i got home i was in so much pain on the left side of my face i was crying well i call the office back and they tell me that most people don't have that kind of pain…
Stage 4 chemo side effects
Well today is my last chemo treatment. Six months of adriamycin. Things have been going well. Was getting transfusions every 2 weeks now it has been 14 weeks since I needed blood. Was wondering if anyone has had this side effect. The past 4 weeks I have headaches everyday. The past 2 days they have been so severe it makes…
recurring problem with scar pberge3947
Kind Ladies, This person has a question but posted to the end of someone else's thread, so I am putting her issue into a new topic. >>>pberge3947 Posts: 1 Joined: Dec 2009 December 17, 2009 - 12:42am Scar Tissue new Hello Sylva, I'm new to this site and wanted to share my experience. I had Breast Cancer 12 years ago and…
going to feel like a tropical heat wave here in Maine today
going to feel like a tropical heat wave here in Maine today. Right now(6:45) it is 23 and it is going to be 37-44 today. Break out the shorts and flip flops--HAHA--Not. Hope Florida is warming up. Margo
What A Way To Go...
There are two guys in a bar...one says, "Did your hear the news - Mike is dead!!!" "Whoa, what the heck happened to him?" asks the other guy. "Well he was on his way over to my house the other day and when he arrived outside the house he didn't brake properly and boom - He hit the curb, the car flipped over and he crashed…
Who else is in the Phoenix area?
And have you joined any support groups in the area? I was thinking about joining one that meets at Thunderbird hospital twice a month. Just wondering...
Exhausted but continuing Taxol
I had my 10th weekly dose of Taxol today after I saw Dr. I was given the option of stopping it now as I am soooo exhausted/tired/whatever you want to call it, most of the time and it is getting progressively worse with each dose or continueing. Some blood work is low but not close to dangerous. He told me that if it was…
Another question
Concerning the radiation burns. I got 2 degree radiation burns. Last day was fri. 1/9, my burns are still getting redder. Is this normal? I also believe a little nerve damage? Arm's real weak and it's painful to touch the back shoulder area. Could barely touch to wash. Felt the pain down my arm. Any thoughts? I work in…
Charities-A Word to the Wise
Tonight I got a phone call from Breast Cancer Charities of America. They were asking for donations to help with the cost of medication for patients. Ok, sounded good to me until I started asking questions. After going through 3 different people,who wanted to know if I would donate at least $20.00, I found out only 20% goes…
Had first Chemo treatment
Yesterday I had my first Chemo treatment. It went well..........just took 7 hours to do it all! LOL Today felling a bit tired and my tummy is not real happy, but pushing through. Just wanted to share. Hugs to all Angel
Unsympathetic management
I just returned to work after 4 weeks off following lumpectomy. What amazes me most is how unsympathetic and downright mean some management people can be when you return. They act like you were out having a face lift. I managed to work most of the time during my chemo and yet if I took off an extra day because of reactions…
Thyroid levels
I only have half my thyroid and have been on Synthroid for many years and my thyroid levels have always been normal but on my yearly lab test my levels dropped from 4.11 to 0.15 Normal levels are .35-5.5. I have read where Lynn your thyroid went haywire. My PCP has lowered my dose and I will have my levels checked again in…
First Day back to work
Went back to work today. Did not make it the entire day. everyone was so nice and supportive, but I felt so weak and light headed I left at 3:00. Usually five. I broke down and balled about noon. I am going to go half days for awhile. I hate feeling so shakey and emotional. My poor husband. Tonight I made myself get on the…
Help with Chemo schedule
Hi. I wanted to inquire whether there is a better day to receive chemo or does it just vary by each individual? I will begin next Monday because I return to work the following Monday and want to see how I will feel next week. But, at Monday's appt. I can change to have my remaining 5 treatments on Friday's. My husband is…
My face and neck have been like sandpaper very dry irritated red and itchy. kept me awake last night. I was using a moisturizer but it doesnt seem to help anymore called a dermatologist waiting for an answer. Anything you guys use? I am at the end of taxol and at the end of the week, I think its the taxol but not an…
fact of life
Fact of life – After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says WTF :)
What is remission and when are you in remission ?
I am on facebook too !!!!!!
Sister unnite, connected with old hs friend's. mine name is vickie conner melvin
Whats with the drooling?
Is drooling a side effect? I have never been a drooler! NOw I wake up with slobber running down the side of my face. Even when I am a wake I find that I need to wipe the sides of my mouth?
Cat 64-birthday messenger
Love your new photo! It's super duper. Also, you are a sweetie pie for sending those birthday reminders. Thank You!
Ha Ha Ha
The Moods of a Woman An angel of truth and a dream of fiction, A woman is a bundle of contradiction, She's afraid of a wasp, will scream at a mouse, But will tackle a stranger alone in the house. Sour as vinegar, sweet as a rose, She'll kiss you one minute, then turn up her nose, She'll win you in rage, enchant you in…
Okay, since my post about a week ago, a few things have happened to change... Yes I am still doing the colonoscopy next month. But now I have been scheduled for a sonogram of my left breast. Last month, my check up went very well except for the labs showing my anemia again. Today I went to the surgeon who will be doing the…
Thoughts? I feel like crap
Diagnosed IBC Sept, stopped full chemo mid Nov (allergic) Now:nasty cold ear infection that wont quit stomach aches tired (of course) nosebleeds (coumadin) no appetite short of breathnad other piddly stuff I am suppposed to call in 2 hours for desensitization appointment this week.(ICU) I am allergic to taxotere (Cannot…
Why skating should be left to the kids...lol!
So, figuring it is the last time we will be skating for awhile, since today starts a thaw, my dear beau and I hit the ice... Well, I hit it a bit harder than he did...while getting onto the ice from the bank of the canal, the board I was sitting on slid...and my skates naturally slid...and I ended up on my bottom, severly…
You girls would be proud of me.
Hi everyone.Me and my daughter done a little shopping today.While going through the checkout line I forgot that I didn,t have my wig on.its more comftorable wearing a warm hat.Anyway the checkout lady was a older lady.She says what kind of cancer do you have.I told her breast Cancer.She says have you had surgery?I said yes…
hands,nails, feet
Hello and how is everyone doing? i just wanted to know if anyone is/having/had problems with there hands turning dark, nails turning dark, feet hurting kinda feel like that are cold but when you warm them they just hurt. to day was my first day at 2Nd set of chemo i had a whole week off. didn't know what to do with my self…
Hair regrowth while getting Taxotere
Hi, I had my 4 AC treatments, then I had one round of Taxotere (boy that was a bugger!) Yesterday I was rubbing my head under my hat and noticed that I have hair growth!! Little peach fuzz!! I was kind of excited, but also realize that it could just fall out... Has this happened to anyone else? Will it keep growing or fall…
Backache from HELL
I'm one week out from my first chemo now. My worst was day 4, when I just felt like I had the flu, bigtime. Then, the next morning I thought, "OK, I'm feeling a little better. Maybe that was the worst of it." Then, yesterday, the MAJOR backache hit. I'm on Taxotere/Cytoxin. Has anyone else had this backache and how long…
breast cancer
my wife had a breast exam. said she has a fibroglandular pattern bilaterlly could someone tell us what this is?