Mapped for Rads, left with mini Constellation

Bella Luna
Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I went in for mapping this past Thursday. I didn't sleep well the previous night thinking about this phase. But... you know, it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. The whole procedure took about 45 minutes. I was expecting to leave the department with a small constellation of tattoos, but only required two! I plan to give my mini constellation a name just the same. I told my oncologist I would too.

I am so glad to be done with chemo and know radiation will be a breeze in comparison. I will start radiation in a weeks time. As the saying goes, one step at a time.

Best to all on your journey.


  • rosebud5
    rosebud5 Member Posts: 15
    Congrats on your mapping! I
    Congrats on your mapping! I agree with you. It was easier than I had anticipated. I just finished my 26th of 34 treatments. It's going quickly. I hope it does for you too!
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    rosebud5 said:

    Congrats on your mapping! I
    Congrats on your mapping! I agree with you. It was easier than I had anticipated. I just finished my 26th of 34 treatments. It's going quickly. I hope it does for you too!

    Congrats! You will soon be
    Congrats! You will soon be done with rads too and be dancing with NED!
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Congrats on your mapping!
    One more step'll find the rads very simple in comparison to chemo...takes longer to get 1/2 naked than it does for the treatment. I'm almost done, 27 of 30! I'm doing my boosts now. Good luck w/your treatments. Remember Lotion Lotion Lotion!

    God Bless...
  • DianeBC
    DianeBC Member Posts: 3,881 Member
    jbug said:

    Congrats on your mapping!
    One more step'll find the rads very simple in comparison to chemo...takes longer to get 1/2 naked than it does for the treatment. I'm almost done, 27 of 30! I'm doing my boosts now. Good luck w/your treatments. Remember Lotion Lotion Lotion!

    God Bless...

    Good luck with rads! Use
    Good luck with rads! Use your creams from day one and get lots of rest!
  • pmartens
    pmartens Member Posts: 6
    mapped for rads
    I just had my mapping on Thursday also. I will not start rads until next week. I wanted to get a tattoo of the mountains when I turned 50, but chickened out. I was afraid if I gained weight I would no longer have the mountain scene but the whole contintial divide Ha Ha
    So not at 56 I have my first tattoos and they are only two little dots. Wasn't bad at all
    Good luck to you, hope it goes quickly