Radiation question
Day #1 of radiation treatment ... 4 hours later and I feel like my throat is closing ... very sore. Is this from the radiation???? Thank you for responding since it is too late to call the treatment center and I prefer your advice anyway!!!
Pathology Report Not Good
I spent today with my surgeon and oncologist to discuss what to do next because of what showed up after my masectomy. I had 17 lymph nodes removed, 11 which had cancer. Also had cells show up in the chest wall. I definitely will have radiation and it looks like now I'll start chemo in a couple of weeks after having a port…
Getting 1st Zoladex Shot This Morning
Hi, everyone. The beginning of treament is here (Ugh!). I get my first Zoladex shot in about 2 hours. I am so nervous. I know there are so many others that go through much worse, but I'm still scared. The thought of a needle in my abdomen has me crying already. And one of the worst parts is that I will be sitting in the…
Finally got angry and I mean angry
I have known since April 26th that I have breast cancer. I have cried, felt like I am dying every emotion a woman can have. But not real anger until last night. First I read about the 21 year old being newly diagnosed yesterday. Sucks.. Then My daughter overwhelmed me with too much infor on her gentic testing(not back for…
Wedding Rings
I had been wearing my wedding bands on my left hand since a mastectomy and lymph node removal in Sept. Thankfully I have had no lymphedema signs yet. When I saw the radiologist last week he was shocked that I still had them on. He said that they might have to be cut off if I would have any swelling. I am just wondering…
My oncology nurse practitioner changed my medication from Tamoxifen to Femara. She said I am close enough to my 5 years on Tamoxifen to change it. However, I just read on the Femara website that one should be within 3 months of the 5 year mark and I am 7 months away still and have had NO adverse reactions to this…
I'm Ticked Off
Yesterday I read about Lynn Redgrave losing her battle with the beast. I was very sad and then very upset. Seems I'm hearing more and more lately that this one or that one lost their battle with bc. I know we are all survivors and warriors and we know we are cured, there is always that one itty bitty chance it will come…
Question about Chemo??
Does the doctor typically prescribe pain meds after chemo? Thank-you. I'm so worried. I start chemo tomorrow. Please pray it doesn't make me too sick. jannie_
ER Positive PR Positive: How much SOY is too much?
I keep asking some questions that I should have thought to ask my doctors but I am so happy that I can come here and receive some guidance. I went grocery shopping yesterday to get healthy foods and for the first time I noticed how much food has Soy in it, even my vitamins. Are we supposed to avoid soy like we are allergic…
How is our Beautiful 50 Foot Woman?
Claudia/Chen <3 - Did you feel all of us surrounding you in the OR this morning? Hoping all is well and that you're getting relief from your gallbladder pains. Post when you feel up to it. Gentle Hugs, Cindy
Hi... I am new
Hi, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on April 5. Bilateral mastectomy on April 16. I am wanting to be able to talk to others that know how I am feeling emotionally and physically. I've been reading your posts for the past few days and wanted to get connected. Love and hugs to all, Jan
night sweats part 2
Thanks ladies for all the info. I started effexor last night, and the night sweats have improved. But it has me feeling all drugged up and light headed, so instead of nights sweats keeping me up, effexor kept me up. Go figure lol
Lucky Me -- update from 21... and scared.
Hello everyone, I was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Lucky me. Whatever I have in found in 1% of something, I kinda let me mind wonder. I just spent three days joking around about me having cancer. It made the whole think seem less serious. But, now it's hitting. I'm going to go cry for away.
Wine/breast cancer/Tamoxifen
Ok, I am ER+ and PR+ and on Tamoxifen. I know that because my cancer is estrogen driven, alcohol is not a good idea at all. But, I love my nightly wine. So, my question is, shouldn't the Tamoxifen counteract the alcohol and lessen my chance for recurrence? I haven't had any wine for a while so it's not a matter of if I can…
compression for shoulder lymphedema swelling
I had bilateral mast 2/10/10 for cancer contained to the breast. I had sentinal node biopsy. Just one node removed. I didn't have rad or chemo. Now I'm having troubles with lymphedema! I was so shocked. I did all the right things and the chances were so slim, like 5%. Anyway, that's enough whining. I'm wearing a sleeve and…
Started Xeloda chemo pill today...
Hi, I had 8 rounds of chemo and it didn't do much of anything to my tumor. I had a radical mastectomy on April 1st. My onc said she wanted me to go on Xeloda because the tumor was 90% aggressive, and as she put it she "wants to make sure there aren't any cells trying to set up shop." It seems I'm one of very few who take…
Lynn Redgrave
Lost her battle with breast cancer. She was a wonderful performer and will be sadly missed.
I pull started the mower!
Today was the first time my yard needed mowing since before surgery (right mod. Rad. mastectomy and I'm right handed). I've never been able to pull start mower without Hubby or Son starting it first - then I could restart it if I stop it. I restarted it today with no problem several times! YEAH ME!
Total Hysterectomy
My 34 year old daughter just saw her Gyn who is a national expert in Braca 1 and 2 genetic testing. When she told him I have DCIS he told her to have me come see him.He said he would recommend at least removing my ovaries. He would prefer removing everything. He says this prevents cancer from returning and a spread later…
Super Newbie allergic to dye used in MRI's Help!!
I have a question I hope someone else has experienced and can give me some info. I just found out they inject dye with my pre-op MRI.(Also allergic to iodine which is not even in this dye.) Well,I have no luck at all. I am deathly allergic to this dye too. Almost died 10 years ago during a routine MRI for neck problems. I…
Financial Assistance for BRCA testing
Everyone here knows how important BRCA testing can be in the war against the evil BC beast. Sadly, it is very expensive and many insurance companies won't cover it (thank God, my beloved Moopy's insurance did). Myriad (the company that performs the test) does offer some financial aid for those who need BRCA testing but…
Why am I more nervous about the expander surgery than the bilateral?????
Hi everyone. I just needed to post and tell someone...anyone...how darn nervous and scared I am about my expander surgery (May 10th). More so than my bilateral and hysterectomy. WHY? I can only figure that when I had my bilat/hyst I had only a week to absorb it and I just wanted the cancer out. With this surgery I know it…
Kentucky derby honnors
Hi I live in Ky, so the derby is a big thing, on oaks day everyone who went was suppose to wear pink, and a lot did includung our news people. Since this is the 136 derby, they had 136 breast cancer survivors walk around the track. They were so beautiful out there. For everyone who bought a special pink drink so much was…
My Moms 2nd Chemo today!
I cried myself to sleep lastnight, its really hard just having to accept the fact that it just makes her so sick!! The chemo was changed though!!(i had the names in a paper but i cant seem to remember where its at!) The ONC said that hopefully it decreases the nausea and vomitting which i really hope so but he did say she…
I have IDC grade 1, stage III, Have had chemo first, surgery second, and now I am facing radiation and pills. Anyone out there with similiar or exact cancer. 14 lymph nodes negative and 1 positive. How was your experience so far? How long have you dealt with this cancer.
Lynn Redgrave
I was so saddened to hear that Lynn Redgrave lost her 7 year battle with bc. The family isn't saying too much, but is it true that we don't die from breast cancer? It usually goes somewhere else? I don't know if that's true and I was wondering if anyone ever heard that. Also, she and her daughter wrote a book with photo's…
Can't stop eating!
I am on Taxol now, I will have my 3rd round out of 12 tomorrow. I felt horrible on AC and didn't hardly eat. Now on Taxol I can't stop eating! Anyone else experience this? I feel like I have gained 10 pounds in the last week!
surgery scheduled
Well, I finally made the decision to have a bilateral mastectomy and will have the diep flap surgery on June 14th. My pl tells me it will be about 6-8 hour surgery and then 24 hrs in ICU. Then, a long recovery. I am SO scared, but I know I am doing the right thing. After the last year I have had, mastectomy, chemo, rads, I…
Upcoming Bilateral: What should I expect?
Hello to everyone - this is my first post. I am looking for information on what I can expect after my bilateral surgery on the 13th. The doctor said I will be able to go home the same day of the surgery. Is that normal? Also, will I be able to empty the drains myself? How long will I have them? Any and all information…
Cleaning for a Reason
If you know any woman currently undergoing Chemo, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. Cleaning for a Reason will have a…