I am having a re-excision to get wider margins. I have been reading posts where it is worse than the lumpectomy? My surgeon says it is much easier? I was off wrok from Dec 8th through January 13th for my lumpectomy and this time they are saying I will have surgery May 14th and I can return on Tuesday the 17th as long as my…
I need to lose weight and need a support group
Im new to the board and am just short of 3 years since my first diagnosis. I was overweight before I was diagnosed but put on more weight during chemo. I know that it is imperative for me to get on a diet and exercise program and to lose maybe 40 pounds. Anyone have any suggestions or want to be an online weight loss…
CatsToy Thanks for the Inspiration
Hope you don't mind but I made a copy of your bib and will carry it with me in my pocket when I walk in the "Relay for Life" this week end. I will have all of you with me thanks to Cats Toy. I haven't worn a hat to work for the last 2 days. I have been crocheting little caps and berets to sell for donations to ACS. My…
from 4 to 6 sessions? Why?
I have had two oncologist recommendations for 4 treatments of taxotere and cytoxin followed by tamoxifen. My cancer is ER+ and I am pre menopausal- 50 years old. Yesterday went for my 2nd treatment and the oncologist asked "If I could make this even more tolerable would you be willing to do 6 sessions? I would like to…
Taxol or Taxotere what is the difference?
I am beginning chemo on 5/20/10 with AC every 2 weeks for 4 cycles (8weeks) but My Onc also said I would come back in on Fridays for your shot? I am really confused now, not that I was not before lol. Is there a difference in how they are given to you? One shot or a few hours infusion? Side affects are they the same or…
has anyone been hospitalized with neutropenia?
I had my first T/C chemo two weeks ago. After 7 days I developed a fever and severe abdominal pain. I was admitted to the hospital with a white count of 260! Normal 5000 to 10,000. Diverticulitis and C Diff. I was in the hospital for 5 days. Now I am afraid to have the next treatment. They are going to lower the chemo dose…
one year ago and here i go again
i havent been on lately i was diagnosed april 2009 with breast cancer on my left side. i found out the first of april i have cancer on my right side, i am having a masectomy this time. i had a lumpectomy on the left side i meet with the surgeon monday, i can say im very dissapointed and scared. my dr took me off of…
radiation ?: excercise, time of day & creams
I will be starting radiation on Monday and have some questions that I have not seen answered in the many radiation question sections. I had a bilateral mastectomy with expanders placed at the time. I have had several rounds of chemo and now will start radiation on just the left side. I have had my expanders filled as full…
relationship ending
A while back I posted a pity party topic and was upset that my S.O. was so hurtful and uncaring. Well, now this journey we took together all these years is ending. And the weird part is that I am okay with it. Breast Cancer, for all of the things it took from me, has made me stronger. Unfortunately, it changed us. But, I…
DEIP follow-up recovery time?
Hello! I had DEIP reconstruction in January. My follow-up surgery is scheduled for June. How much time off did you need after this? I will have a lift of the natural breast to match the new one and a bit of lipo to smooth out the tummy/hips area. thanks! jill
Of course being an Old Broad has some perks.....
////// Perks of reaching 50 or being over 60 and heading towards 70! 1. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. 2. In a hostage situation you are likely to be released first. 3. No one expects you to run--anywhere. 4. People call at 9 pm and ask, did I wake you? 5. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. 6. There…
Shout Out To Lady Parvati!
I realize that the posts jump and run all over the place, and sometimes I just miss things~ but where is Lady Parvati? Have I just been missing her postings? If any of the Kindred Spirits knows something, please let me know! And of course if you are reading this, sweet LadyP, chime in! I miss you! Hugs, Chen♥
my sister has breast cancer that has metastized to brain and lungs
My sister is 49 yrs old, was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer last yr. had chemo, rad and mastectomy with 13 positive lymph nodes. well in August she started having headaches, dr said miagraines and gave her meds. she called me and said the meds dont help and would be crying. long story short.... on Christmas…
Second round of TAC chemo last Tuesday and still feelin queazy!
Hi everyone. I've been reading the posts how I should drink lots of water but it makes me feel worse. It just sloshes in my stomach and makes me queazy. I'm taking nausea meds but they're not helping a lot. What else can I do? Thank you everyone! Carol
Today is kms3566's Birthday!!
Non Cancer Related Question *** What Is Your Favorite Color And Why Is It?
I just thought it would be fun to see what everyone's favorite color is. I will start. My favorite color is royal blue. I like darker colors better and just love that color of blue. Hubby says it brings out my eyes. LOL So, tell me yours and why. Thanks! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
My first session next week with Radiation Oncologist
I have that 1.5 hour appt with the Rad-Onc on Thurs. I was cleared by the Med-Onc last Thurs to begin Radiation with return to her just before finishing my radiation treatments for Rx for hormone receptor blockers. It was suggested that I increase my Vitamin D supplements by 1000mg/day. I plan to discuss this with my…
I'm Sorry
After reading this board for a few weeks, I feel like I need to agologize for the male sex. As a group we are generally insensitive, and likely to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Also, even when we try to say the right thing it will come out wrong. I told my wife that I will probably say the right thing only about…
Opinion on a final scan after chemo is done.
I am in the middle of chemo treatments and I have found out that my Dr will not be doing a final scan after chemo is done. He told me that is will only do scans when I have an ache or pain that lasts for a couple of weeks. Did your Dr do a scan at the end of chemo to check that the cancer hadn't spread and that you were…
Where was your lumpectomy incision?
This is just a curiosity question, for those of you who've had lumpectomies -- where's your incision? My surgeon seems to pride himself on doing the incision around the edge of the areola whenever possible, so that, as it heals, it just kind of fades into the nipple -- which, admittedly, is quite cool. I had bilateral…
When does radiation start after lumpectomy? I plan the 33 treatment plan. No chemo as of now. Haven't had surgery yet. The doctor told my husband and I it starts in 2-3 weeks. But her nurse just told me 4-6 weeks. I have a appt next week with the surgeon then possible surgery right away after that the same week.. But now…
Has anyone had rads without putting thier arm over their head?
I am going to have my mapping done on Tuesday so I can get started with my rads. I have a problem with my shoulder and can not get my arm up over my head without pain. I am very worried about what will happen. I have seen an occupational therapist and am going again tomorrow but that will not solve the problem. I have…
I went to Walmart NAKED. Well without a hat. Just me and my little quarter inch of hair. No one really seemed to notice how brave I was trying to be. Missed my support team cheering me on. This is the new me with my little pink Cancer sunhat Sending lots of Hugs Donna
lumpectomy scar tissue
Hi everyone. I'm nearing the end of treatment with 7 boosters of rad to go. I'm more itchy than burned. Recently I've developed a hard mass under my scar big as an egg. I know its normal to get lumpy under the scar, but its still unnerving. Its like a rock. Will this go away or is it a permanent thing? It doesn't hurt, I…
I am dealing with all of the side effects of chemo other than the weight gain.
I was diagnosed 8 weeks ago with invaside ductal carcinoma with lymph node involvement. I chose to have chemotherapy before surgery and am happy to tell that it is working. You can no longer feel my tumors!! I am dealing with all aspects of side effects other than weight gain. I have always been fairly thin and have…
Weight Watchers - Weigh-in 05/03/10
Monday's weigh-in results. Loss 1 lb. 8 oz. Total Weight Loss: 15 lbs. 2. oz. Walked 5 days, 1 hour per day. Slowly, but surely, the weight is coming off. Hugs, Janelle
survived 1st round of taxotere/cytoxen on Thursday. Pretty lightheaded today.
Any suggestions besides lots of water and small meals? I have to work today (Monday)....not sure how that's going to go.
DCIS and side effects of radiation therapy
Hi, I'm in the middle of my radiation therapy and have started having headaches that are borderline migraine and nausea. Is this normal? Any ideas how to handle it? Thanks, Betsy
Hair after chemo
I am looking forward to hair after chemo. I have 2 more (TAC)treatments to go. I guess what I am really wondering is whether anyone has documented their hair growth. You know, how much it has grown after 6 weeks and so on? How much hair you have 3 months post chemo? If my head is totally covered with an inch of hair I am…
Another port removal question
Port is coming out on Friday, May 7th. I'm starting to freak out because it's being done only under a local. I'm a big chicken when I know what's going on!! I really don't want sedation (even twilight) so I just called my surgeon's nurse and asked her if I could take a Percocet or Vicodin before I come....hopefully to…