Newly diagnosed back again
I need to know this. Do any of you wake up feeling this is just a bad dream only to look at you bruised biopsied breast and remember it isn't? Do you feel in between numb and scared to death? Do you have all your friends/ family stop calling after they hear you have this breast ca bomb dropped on you? Do have some loved…
Newly diagnoised with breast cancer
I have run into a very unusual experience., I after being told 4/24/10 I have breast cancer. (my surgeon met with me and was wonderful.)I met her nurse who gave me a bag and in it was a lot of ACS material to read. The next day when I became unfrozen the fear set in. When I called my doctor she was out of town as was her…
Look Good Feel Better
Wow! What a wonderful evening I had last night, not so much the makeup (although that was nice), but the fact that this was the first time I was with a group of ladies going through the same things I am! It was good to be able to talk freely, and I think some new friendships were made. I told them about this site, and how…
knees crack alot
I have been having alot of trouble with both my knees, I am not overweight and was on Taxotere which ended about Sept 09, I am currently on Tamoxofin. It feels like my knees want to pop out of the sockets when I walk, they crack alot too. I have started to wear knee braces, they seem to add strength. Anyone have this?…
CT scan results
Hi all, Great news no sign of bone or brain tumors. I was triple negative after all and the genetic testing comes into play. It was intersting actually to see just how many of my father's paternal family had cancer and a couple at very early ages. But it was my father's mother who had breast cancer and I more than 25 years…
BLM and Diep in 2 days
Fow weeks I have complained about how long this process has taken now that it is 2 days away I am freaking out! I am so anxious and scared. I hope it all goes well. I hope nothing goes wrong. I hope it doesn't hurt as bad as I think it will. OMG I can't believe this is really going to happen to me! Who's life am I in?
surgery over
Hi all, well 11 days ago I had my mastectomy, doing pretty weel. Had my staples out this morning. I really though it was going to worse than it was. Surgeon said I was doing good, that he was going to call the oncologist to see if I needed anything else,(chemo and rad) he said in his opinion I didn't,As my numbers were…
pain 2 months after radiation
I am 2 months post radiation and still experience pain in my breast and incisions. I can only wear 1 shirt and no bra. Is this common for many women?
I'm baaaaaaack!!
Hi, everyone. I have not been on line either reading or responding to posts for 2 weeks. It's not because I was on vacation or having fun. I, along with my family, have been moving. Yes, that's right, moving. We went from our 3,000 square foot home to our 1,200 square foot townhouse. But, the good news is, we are done and…
Update I begin Rads on the 18th of May
Had a CT today for my mapping and 3 little tattos. I am colostraphobic(SP) so the CT was not much fun but I have them give me something to cover my eyes. If I cannot see it it doesn't bother me as much. Except for an MRI which I absolutely hate. I will see the doc and have some xrays done on the 17th and then begin rads on…
reconstruction surgery..,.expander placed in me and worried about the unknown.
I had a mastectomy done on 2-16-2010. Last Wednesday, 4-28-2010, I went in for suregery to have the expander placed in me. I have been REALLY SORE where the expander was placed. I am just wondering if anyone out there can tell me if they have gone thru this, and if so, what can I expect as far as the entire ordeal. How…
Update since surgery 4/23/10** I am sore and scared again full of sad emotions?
I had breast biopsy 4/7/10,on 4/15/10 MRI, then on 4/20/10 I had SONO node biopsy in office and DR hit my rib cage...OUCH (least it was not my lung)which was all NODE Neg.Then Blue dye breast injections on 4/22/10 and then on 4/23/10 I had surgery...lumpectomy and 2 nodes removed in armpit. Dr called on 4/27/10 (Our 19th…
Pathology Report From Tumor Different From Initial Biopsy
Just came back from the follow up meeting with my wife's surgeon. The pathology report is now estrogen and progesterone negative,when the initial pathology report said 50% positive for estrogen and 3% positive for progesterone; both reports said HER2 negative. Has this happened to anyone else. My wife is terrified of…
Estrogen Positive: Is Red Wine Bad?
I have seen a couple of comments that suggest wine (I suppose it's the alcohol) is not good for ES+PR+ BC. Can anyone explain that to me? I do like a glass of wine from time to time, but will stop immediately if it is going to make my cancer worse or increase my recurrence odds. Thanks to all of you. Kristi xoxox
Port malfunction
At my last chemo, my port did not work properly. They could not get blood to come out of it. My port is only used for chemo, not blood draws. They rearranged my meds and put the Adriamycin last because they said this one could only be given through my port if they could get blood out of it. They had me move my head and arm…
Shout out to MyTurnNow!
Wondering if anyone has heard from MyTurnNow in awhile? It seems like it's been a few weeks since she's posted -- I PM'd her about a week ago, but haven't heard from her. MyTurnNow, I hope you're just out enjoying life and enjoying spring! Please check in when you can! Traci
Another Rads Grad Today!!
I finished my last booster this morning - YAY!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how quickly the last 6 weeks went, but I'm now an offical Chemo & Rads Grad, and I only have my daily Tamoxifen and follow ups with all of my docs to look forward to. My good friend, who just became a chemo grad (she isn't doing rads) last week, and I…
May I just say (&%%%$#@@@@!!! ????
Not to bore any of you~ but I spent 4 hours last night in the ER and another 5 hours there this morning! Why? Because I have "Biliary Colic wth Gallstones! So, I have an arsenal of drugs, and an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow. Why am I **&^%$#@(!?? Because on Friday I am supposed to attend a going-away luncheon for…
done with rads..yippee
I finished rads yesterday! I am so ready to start my new normal life. I came through it pretty well so far with only some minor fatigue and skin redness and peeling. I am fair skinned and large breasted so my rad dr thought i would experience more skin irritation than I did. I put lotions and cremes on like 5 times a day.…
Newbie, stage III diagnosis
Hello all I am new here. I was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. It was in the lymph nodes as well. According to the doctors the out look is grim. I never missed a mammogram in 14 yrs. and suddenly I have stageIII breast cancer. My question is has anyone lived beyond the 5 year point at stage 3 cancer. If you can give me any…
Final Rad TOMORROW!!
I almost break down in tears every time I think that tomorrow is the last one. It will be sooo nice to not have to get in my car and go anywhere!! I am soooo itchy from the severe burns and it is great that they are finally healing during this boost stage. I don't know what I do after this... if anyone can tell me what…
Store Security Alarms/Expanders
Hello Everyone... I know we talked about this subject in another thread a while back and some girls said that it doesn't happen but I wanted to let you know about my experiences. When I traveled two weeks ago I did not set off the alarms at the airport, however, I have set them off in the following three stores upon…
help!!! night sweats
I am suffering from severe night sweats. I am lucky if i get 4 to 5 hours of sleep. Has any one tried the over the counter product "estroven nightime". I am not to use any soy products and running out of ideas on how to alleviate this problem. Thanks in advance for your help ladies
Born, raised, and work in the Bay Area of California, But I Live 85 miles away in Central Valley, Sa
I am just beginning this journey but if there is someone in my area that would like to become email friends from this site or just support each other on CSN or in person, please let me know. I can say I am so grateful for finding CSN and all of you. If I can help anyone locally I am willing even though I am just starting…
I am meeting the Radiation Oncologist today for the 1st time
I'm not sure what to expect or what questions to even ask - any guidance would be appreciated... Health and Happieness to all... Sunnie
Did you have a recurrence that appeared on top of breast?
Has anyone out there had a recurrence that appeared on top (skin) of breast and if so, could you describe it? Janelle
I just finished 8 treatments, 4 of AC and 4 of Taxol. Was told up-front that I would need a masectomy no matter what but they wanted to try to shrink my tumors. I only have cancer in the left breast but decided to have a double masectomy as to not worry in the future. Met with my surgeons today and was told that since they…
anybody else feel stuck?
I am "cancer-free" so really don't have anything big to complain about. My last surgery (ovaries removed) was 2 1/2 weeks ago. But, I knew I was cancer-free after the pathology report following the bilat mastectomy in mid december. My expander to implant exchange was in mid march. I just feel like I can't get on with my…
☻ ☻ Your Friday HAHA About A Short Little Man! ☻ ☻
THE STORY OF A VERY SHORT MAN A man walks into a bar and says, "Bartender, give me two shots." Bartender says, "You want them both now or one at a time?" The guy says," Oh, I want them both now. One's for me and one's for this little guy here," and he pulls a tiny three inch man out of his pocket. The bartender asks "He…
Update First visit to Radiation Onc
We went yesterday for our first visit with my Radiation Oncologist. He discussed just about everything and answered all of my questions. I will probably have 33 treatments. The last week will be boosters. He said that he will also give me radiation in the level one and two lymph nodes but only about half the way up my…