Started Xeloda chemo pill today...

Chrispea Member Posts: 123 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1

I had 8 rounds of chemo and it didn't do much of anything to my tumor. I had a radical mastectomy on April 1st.

My onc said she wanted me to go on Xeloda because the tumor was 90% aggressive, and as she put it she "wants to make sure there aren't any cells trying to set up shop."

It seems I'm one of very few who take this form of chemo, so I'll try to post how it's going with me.

My onc said to start around May first. I got a free pill box from Xeloda that has the days of the week and am/pm. I have to take 3 pills in the am and 3 in the pm, so this is a nice box. The days begin on Sunday (obviously! lol) so I decided to take my first pills today, just to make it nice and even. I actually got 2 of these boxes, one from the onc and one when my pills got delivered, and since I am on it for 2 weeks, they came in handy.

Here's the weird part. Even though my onc calls it chemo, the insurance company looks at it as a prescription. These pills cost over $2000. My local pharmacy where I get all my meds from couldn't get the pills for me because of the cost, so they had to be delivered. I was really nervous on how much my copay was going to be, because I paid $30 for a bottle of that magic mouthwash stuff.

Well, luckily, the copay was only $127. I'll have to pay this 4 times, so my out of pocket for this chemo will be around $500.

Luckily, we can afford it... the strange part is that with regular chemo, the insurance paid for all that.

There are programs, and even the manufacturer of Xeloda will help out if you can't do the copay.

I just took the first course around 8:30 today. No side effects yet, although I did feel a bit of nausea after I ate lunch, but it passed quickly.

I hope what little hair I have doesn't fall out. :(

Sorry this is sooo long, but I'll keep you posted, in case, God forbid, anyone else has to take this.



  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    I didn't have to take chemo,
    I didn't have to take chemo, but, want to wish you good luck with it. I am sure others that have will post information for you. Good luck!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Angie2U said:

    I didn't have to take chemo,
    I didn't have to take chemo, but, want to wish you good luck with it. I am sure others that have will post information for you. Good luck!

    Just wishing you good luck
    Just wishing you good luck too. I am glad your copay wasn't too bad for you. Hoping you have no side effects and get thru your chemo easily.

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    Good luck with Xeloda! I
    Good luck with Xeloda! I hope you keep your hair too. What did your oncologist say? Could it happen with this? Keep us posted on how you are doing!

    Sue :)
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Ritzy said:

    Good luck with Xeloda! I
    Good luck with Xeloda! I hope you keep your hair too. What did your oncologist say? Could it happen with this? Keep us posted on how you are doing!

    Sue :)

    After 3 round (21 days) of
    After 3 round (21 days) of Xeloda we had to atop it due to the perepheral neurophy. I lost all of my toe nails but my finger nails just look horrid. Feet are either painful or numb.
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294

    After 3 round (21 days) of
    After 3 round (21 days) of Xeloda we had to atop it due to the perepheral neurophy. I lost all of my toe nails but my finger nails just look horrid. Feet are either painful or numb.

    Good luck with Xeloda. I wish this new medication will work for you without significant side effects. Please stay strong and positive,
    New Flower