Today is LisaMNovak's Birthday!!
Yesterday was JennyTwist's Birthday!!
I'm so sorry for missing your birthday-I thought today was the 8th..I blame Chemo Brain! Anyway-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY 56TH BIRTHDAY DEAR JENNY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day was filled with all the things you love most! Thank You again so very much for all your help!…
Pull me out of the oven, ya'll! I'm DONE!!!!
with RADS!!!! Hopefully I'll never see the inside of that oven again! and for those of you in the middle/just beginning/or almost done I have to say that after my last crybaby post I have healed significantly. Probably only about 1 week of OUCHIES! With the last 5 treatments being focused on the scar area the rest of the…
hot flashes from tamoxifen
I've given up on bras. I think there is no answer until more healing occurs. Would help if I'd been warned about this. However, my hot flashes from tamoxifen are so frustrating. Has anyone found things that help? I am on Effexor for hot flashes and despression and am thankful for that. I suppose it's just something to…
Update, Sunrae, Now Stage 3A, First Chemo Done
Yesterday turned out to be a 12 hours ordeal, 5 hours at the hospital for the port (which wasn't as bad as I expected) then saw my onc. She told me I'm now considered Stage 3A instead of 2A because of all the lymph nodes and cells in chest wall. But seems to think with chemo and rads it should take care of this. Then over…
Back from port removal
Had my port out at 7:30 this a.m. All went very well. Just felt some tugging like everyone said. Then he cauterized the area (which smelled awful!) then stitched me up. I did take a Percocet beforehand and it really made me feel relaxed. My doc even let my husband stay in the room with me while he did the procedure. The…
This has been the longest year of my life, but it's finally coming to an end (and it's a good one!) How do you say goodbye to these wonderful ladies who have BURNED THE H.E. double hockey sticks out of you? hahaha, in my case I just give em a hug and say "SEE YA!" PRAISE the LORD I DID IT!!!!!
Today I received my Chemo Treatment Plan-any advice to those had my cocktail?
I meant with my Medical Oncologist and his staff today. I received my treatment plan. IDC Stage I, all nodes negative, Triple Negative(downside). I had a lumpectomy and node removals done on 4/23/10. I will have Port Cath Inserted on 5/17 or 5/18 (schedule still pending) First round of chemo will be on 5/20/2010. (READY TO…
5 years ago today....
5 years ago, on this very day, I was in surgery to try to save my life from invasive colorectal cancer....saved for my second, breast cancer, 5 years in August...today, my oncologist released me back to my GP!!! YEA!!!! Hugs, Kathi
Has anyone heard anything from Golda 21 and scared?
I have been looking for any news on our newest young sister 21 year old Golda.21 and Afraid. She posted she did have cancer and that was it. I am concerned and hope she lets us all know how she is.. I am 2 weeks into my diagnosis and it is still scary and I still have a million questions and concerns. I got physically ill…
I'm finished with rads today!
Today was my last radiation treatment and I'm soooo happy! My mammogram is scheduled for Sept. I meet with my oncologist next week. Are there any specific questions I should be asking him? I can't think straight right now so I'm not sure what to ask. Maybe by next week I'll be able to have my thoughts together so I can…
Hi, I'm having my 3rd chemo (Taxotere & Carboplatin) Fri. I get a Neulasta shot then on Monday. Does it wipe anyone else out for a few days? I tolerate the chemo just fine but on Tues after the shot I can barely move. I sleep most of the day and feel awful. It just annoys me to be so lifeless. After about 3-4 days I'm fine…
I am back from my 1 cancer free day!!Something great happened.
Hello, My Fellow Sisters. I took a cancer free day. I am newly diagnosed and just got over whelmed. Exhausted. Still exhausted, still overwhelmed but got to stop and smell the roses..I also was overwhelmed by my son and the generous spirit of those that I love. My son is running(a boy who would never wear pink)in the…
My poor kitty cat
has cancer in his ear. He is 16. And the best boy! Right smack in the middle of surgery - rads he started to stink, we recently moved, so made an appt with new vet close by. Because I was so exhausted, I had my hubby take him. He had 3 visits - Jan, Feb, Mar - that nincompoop had him on meds, eardrops, even repeating the…
My son's race for a cure
Hi Everyone, Happy Mother's Day. My son ran yesterday in the Karmanous race for a cure 5K. this is his first ever doing this. He had planned it before my diagnosis(4/26/10.)He loved it. He said it was the most touching thing he has ever been involved in. At the beginning they brought out about 150 survivors on stage and…
Locks of Love post from daughter
It's almost Mother's Day and one of the gifts I got from my daughter was her post on Facebook. While I can't get you to her facebook post...I have stolen a few pictures and what she said, and posted them on my expressions page. This was a total surprise to me. When I first found out I would lose my hair...she offered then…
any smokers still smoking?
I seem to be having a terrible time quitting smoking. I have cut way way back though. Is anyone else struggling with this. Kathie
That's what we're talking about!
Met with my oncologist yesterday. It has been 5 months since I finished chemo. Since then, I've had a colonoscopy, bone density scan, chest Xray and mammogram. My dr said "As far as I can tell, you are positively fabulous. All your tests look great. Go enjoy your trip to Florida and I'll see you in 3 months!" Praise God…
don't go thru this alone
My onocologist, highly recommended, told me to go off my Zoloft and see how I got along. Zoloft makes tamoxifen less effective and I was slated for tamoxifen. So I did. I got depressed and didn't recognize what was happening. I didn't feel like going on. Fortunately I was talking to my husband who got me help. I worry…
Please explain this makes no sense to me.
Went thru chemo first the chemo killed the cancer. Pet scan showed no cancer anywhere. Went in had surgery. The tissue including 27 lymph nodes showed no cancer according to the pathology report. Now my doc wants me to go thru radiation. What for I do not have cancer anymore. She says just in case there was a cell left…
I'm 21... and scared.
About a month ago I went in for my annual. My doctor found a relatively large lump in my left breast. She told me to wait 2 weeks and come back, I still had in and it was a little bigger. I was told that is was most likely a cyst. I just had my ultrasound Thursday. I have a tumor with hot spots. From what I can tell, my…
09 was not a good year, 2010 has to be better
In april 1 i had gallbladder surgery and 5 months later i had breast cancer. I have learned a lot about life and what really bothers me is when i see someone who is so misreable, always complaining, never happy and i think to myself what if you were told you had cancer how would you act then. I see the beauty in clouds,…
did someon say "noise"?
Hope all of you have given your feet a good soaking after all the walking you did yesterday! What an amazing event, and what an amazing day! We were on the road a little late and ended up parking about a mile away and walked in to the event. So many people! So many survivors! Everyone there coming together for the common…
Relay For Life Was Inspiring
Well, Saturday’s Relay for Life is over and I totally agree with Pitt, I had the most rewarding time it was simply amazing. I held you all in my heart and carried a list of 78 names in my pocket of all my friends here at CSN. I dedicated several laps just to my CSN pals wherein I lifted you all in prayer and positive…
Relay for Life was amazing!!!
Well, I did the Relay for Life this weekend and it was amazing! I was worried that this would be too emotional only a few weeks post-treatment, but I am now so glad I went. We had a "survivors lap" around the track where everyone cheered us on. Then there was a dinner/raffle. I won free ballroom dance lessons!!! (I'm…
I saw each and every one of you today -- your names on Cat's Toy's back!!!
We made a last-minute decision to drive up to L.A. from San Diego, too late to make arrangements to connect with Cat's Toy, Chen, and Cindy. But guess what?? There I am, reaching for a cup of water and I saw Cat Toy's sign!!! What an amazing coincidence. There were probably 50,000 people and that's who I run into. By the…
To blkhwkwife re: Tram Pregnancy
I just responded to your 10.19.04 post but thought I'd give you a heads up in case you weren't checking responses any longer... Be well! Marty
5 days later after first chemo
Oh my chemo,It is worse then and better then I imagined.....Seems like I have a lot of side affects..Was very nauseated for 2 days used 2 diff. meds[zofran? and compazine] have a very very very itchy rash on upper body, sores on my tongue, and feels like I am starting a [hate to say it]yeast infection.. But Praise God one…
My cancer was on the right breast, upper, outer area. My scars aren't the problem, its my port. Every bra I wear, the strap rubs either on or beside my port. My surgeon tells me to wear a good supportive bra and I can tell a difference when I don't have one on. But when I wear one, I end up pulling the strap down off my…
Hi I am out 12 days since mastectomy, how soon should I go,or can go get fitted for a prosthetics? Doctor has given me a script. Dottie 68