Broken Mammo Machine!
So this morning at 9am I had my first full mammo after my diagnosis a year ago. I didn't think I was too worried except that I didn't sleep well. When I got there, I was told that the machine was broken and I would need to reschedule. I hate having to have these tests! They hurt and fill me with anxiety. Now I have to wait…
Tailorx Trial?
whent to the Oncologist. He recommended the TailorX trial. Anyone on it? What did the select you for as far as treatment?
MyTurnNow...Good luck!
You have your first mammo tomorrow, right? I wish I could be there with you! I went alone and I would highly recommend that you bring someone with you if you can. I can't believe how emotional I was and scared, too! But, it was all fine in the end and I know yours will be, too! Let us know how it goes! Patti
Ninty-five percent sure on chemo
I'm still a little bit unsure of chemo for me. Have IDC, ER+ PR+ HER2- with an ONCOTYPE DX recurrence score of 22. Had a lumpectomy on May 11 and am scheduled for Chemo July 1. Those ONCOTYPE DX charts are pretty confusing to me, but I figure I should hit this damned thing with the big bullets. The invasive part in my…
Favorite flower and why
I just love the little relief topics like, favorite food, color or origin of name. They bring nice thoughts. So I thought I'd ask what your favorite flower is and why? I love flowers and they are very calming to me to take care of them. Thanks and I hope I get a lot of responses. I need more than one....sorry, Rose- is…
aw c'mon- give me a break!
as recommended by you ladies when i broke out with sores in my mouth after the latest chemo, i started using biotene. worked like a charm, mouth feeling almost normal. so why am i whining today? i have that yucky, soapy-dish-waterish taste in my mouth! now that i could actually eat something, everything tastes awful!
my 9 year old just asked.............
Carlie: Mom why are you so tired all the time Me: the medicine the doctors give me make me tired Carlie: Do you think for one day the doctor can give you medicine to let you be strong enough to take me to the park and play like we used to all the time. Me: I wish! then of course I have been crying ever since!!!!! what do I…
"Im a-leavin on a jet plane" well, almost...lol :)
We start the switch today....I'll take plenty of pics (especially from Spain and Italy...) BIG hugs to you all!!! Hugs, Kathi
Cold indulgence
So...not that it has to be Summer to enjoy this cold tastey treat but in celebrating the beginning of the Summer season...what's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mine is the good old fashion BANANA SPLIT! I think I'm going to go to the Dairy Queen with my daughter and enjoy one tonight :P In moderation of course ;)…
What chemo cocktails are the strongest?
I know there are so many different combinations. I have heard CMF is the lightest on the body but how does AC compare to TC? So much to learn - just wondering
OncotypeDX results
No--I don't have mine yet, but I have a question for those who have had this test and your subsequent numbers. If I recall correctly the company geonome or whatever they are--their bogey I thought was 18 or 20,under that and you were good to go with NO CHEMO.When I was given an oncologist to go to by my original surgeon he…
Non-Paraben Lotions and Creams
I've recently discovered that lotions containing parabens can become estrogen like when we put them on our skin. Big no-no if your cancer was was E and P +. I've been looking for creams and lotions to put on my scars that do not contain compounds like this and was just wondering, what do you all use that is good for the…
Arimidex or Femara and Zoloft?
Based on former comments I'm wondering if these meds are compatible. My onc told me that arimidex could cause some depression, and zoloft is used for depression. Appreciate any comments or websites. I'll be starting arimidex or femara in the near future.
Pathology Report
Newbie here.....and hearing the words: Breast Cancer has left my mind in a state of confusion. Can anyone help me understand the path reports I just rec'd which in part reads: Two focal of intraductal carcinoma associated with intraluminal microcalcificaton - moderate chronic inflammatory response to both foci of…
Big Day.....
I have my last round of chemo this afternoon! After 6 months of treatments I will be done and moving on to radiation. Today I will also find out the results of a full body scan that I had done last week. I have been having pain in my right shoulder so the onc decided to send me in for a scan. Even though I kept busy over…
A question about rad boosts please
I am making great progress with my rads. I have 11 more to go. I know the last 8 are the boosts. I was wondering if they cause more skin burning in the spot that is getting the boost. I am quite burnt now and just want to know what to be prepared for. Thanks to all for all of the advise you give on this site. It has been a…
Got My Nipples Yesterday!
Oh boy! Oh boy you guys! This was incredible! So easy and I feel like I can start to visualize myself again. Of course for the next few weeks I'll have these styrofoam "monopoly hotels" protecting the little guys so my shirts look extremely strange but WHOOOOO CAAAAAARES!!!!!!!!! Did the whole thing outpatient in my…
Has anyone with Grade 1 Stage 1 had Chemo?
I am wanting to know if anyone has had Grade 1 stage 1 breast cancer that has been prescribed Chemo? (ER+ PR+ Her2-)
The Emotional Roller Coaster
Some days I feel as tho I really have a handle on this with a semblance of energy, and then there are those other days. When first diagnosed I took things so matter of fact, collected my info, said my prayers, and took the action I felt was best suited for me. This is the way I've mostly handled my life, and I've had a lot…
I strolled in to buy a few things for our upcoming camping trip, well in the check out line I notice they had bouncy balls for sale for 99 cents, well I just had to buy two for my grandson's which I did. As I began to walk out I realized that one year old Ava would like one as well so back I went to get another ball. I got…
A few quotes to ponder...
I came across these quotes today, thought they were clever and insightful. "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, it empties today of its strength" "You can complain that rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice that thorn bushes have roses" "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments…
Had a breakdown in the doc's office... rads & recon questions
Hi, This seems silly to post because I know some of you are dealing with so much worse... but I had a doctor visit on Friday and just couldn't stop crying. She said I had post traumatic stress disorder and recommended that I see a physiologist! Aaack. I usually keep it together, but since my husband wasn't in the room with…
itchy scalp
My hair has started growing back but I've noticed that my scalp is very itchy, especially on top and in front. I've had my hubby check for dry scalp or dandriff but he says I have neither. Anyone else experience this or have any suggestions to stop the itch??
Itching Problem
I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem. For the past couple of months, the breast where I had the lumpectomy has been itching in and around the nipple area. My oncologist says its all the nerves reattaching and healing from the surgery, but my surgery was over a year and a half ago. Does anyone else have this…
I work in a very small vet hospital. I know that it will be a couple of months at least before I am able to do my job at 100 percent. I plan on going back asap to answer phones and do paperwork. Here is my delima, My husband has a 1 week seminar at a beach resort in September and I want to go with him. After the year I…
Medical tape
I am very allergic to medical tape, it takes my skin off. I plan on telling my surgeon at pre-op visit. What are the other options and how big of a complication does this create?
My New Super Power & Other Stuff
I have developed the power to suck the energy out of any room or conversation at any time. Now I need to find a way to use this power for good. It took a while for the word cancer to roll off my tongue; I have the additional baggage of my mother having died from lung cancer (and I always feel compelled to point out that…
Feeling Really Lucky and a Little Amazed!!!!!
Today I go for my 24th rad treatment and so far I have only one spot that is tender, above my breast on my chest wall. My underarm is a little browner than my breast but neither is red. Right now I am feeling kinda blessed cause I had such a really rough time with chemo and I seem to be doing okay with rads. I have been…
Ladies, This weekend I've experienced swelling of my feet, legs, and hands. I was on my feet more than usual and it was extremely hot. I'm debating going to the dr. tomorrow. I usually have to see a PA which doesn't thrill me. I'm drinking more water, and keeping my feet elevated as much as possible. Had bilateral…
after tamoxifen
I've been on tamoxifen for five years now and am interested to hear from those who've taken tam. and what their experience was when they stopped taking it. Did you quit 'cold turkey' or did you quit gradually(by taking one dose per day for a while?) My experience is, this is a very powerful drug and while I didn't really…