Today is Rague's birthday!
Dear Susan, Hope you have a wonderful day filled with everyone and everything you love most! Best wishes for your best year yet! -Jenny
"other" hair loss
I was totally prepared to lose my hair. Shaved it off 15 days after start of treatment without a second thought. Got an awesome wig. Pretty comfortable and I'm ready for work in 20 minutes. Thing is, with the wig I still feel normal. Nobody knows. Next round of Chemo starts the taxol. Am I going to lose my eyebrows and…
Vitamin E for hot flashes
I also meant to tell Kay...I have been taking vitamin E the past few days and it has helped with the hot flashes tremendously...they are shorter and further apart. I don't get near as many now so maybe that really does work. Try it out. Maybe it does not work for everyone. I don't know. But please ladies be careful about…
You know how you hold your breath and hope?
I had a lumpectomy 12/7/09, every now and again it hurts. Not real pain, not a dull ache. In between. Anyone else? I know that it does take a while to heal and rads (33 ended 3/8) expands while scarring tightens, but how long do you feel that intermittent pain? I'm trying to find bras w/o underwire and actually do bra-free…
Vitamin D and D3
What is the differance? I never heard of D3. I need to start taking calcium and D during my Zometa treatment for bones. Doctor didn't mention D3.
7 DAYS OF INSPIRATION Take one a day...and feel great all week!!!
DAY 1 you make good things happen: Day 2 Let go of just one worry & you'll have more room for joy: Day 3 You can do more than you think with what you've got! Day 4 Things can turn out better even better than you hoped! Day 5 You are strong in so many ways! Day 6 You're worth it!!! Day 7 Life is Great and So are you!!!!
I am so excited!
Today for the first time I was able to run and do pilates, in other words - my first strenuous work out after 6 months of chemo. I see light... I am so excited. Hopefully the chunkiness will come off soon. I have 2 weeks till my mastectomy on July 12th. Will the make the most of it = ) Ayse
Word for Today
Psalm 36:5-12...Your mercy O Lord is in the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds. Your righteousness is like the great mountains; Your judgments are a great deep; O Lord You preserve man and beast. How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your…
Where do you draw your strength from?
For me it would be my family. I haven't seen them in over 15 years. After getting my green card I had finally booked my flight - when BC stopped me in my tracks. So, as soon as this is over there's a ticket to germany with my name on it! Ayse
What side effects with Taxol and Herceptin?
I am just finishing my AC treatments and then will start 12 weekly infusions of Taxol and Herceptin. I really want to be able to improve my diet and exercise during those 12 weeks before I go back to work. I'd like to lose 10-20 lbs if possible during that time. What are the side effects when you are taking Taxol and…
Summer recipes
How about sharing some fun summer recipes? Here is a cobbler that I made for the first time last night. The guys really loved it. I used about 1 cup fresh fat Mississippi blueberries and 1 cup fresh Georgia peaches. It was so easy too! Also, I added a pinch of cinammon to the sugar topping mixture and a dash of vanilla and…
Arimidex - Any suggestions when I start
Getting ready to start Arimidex and wondering if anyone has suggestions as to best time of day to take or any other helpful hints. I'm pretty nervous about taking it; unfortunately, I don't always do well with meds. aside from allergic reactions to many I also get upset stomach, etc. Oncologist has said be sure I have…
Very Dry Skin on Face with Tamoxifen
Hi Everyone, I have been on Tamoxifen for about two months. The only side effect I have so far is very dry skin on my face only. Any sugguestions for creams, oils, etc. It seems like such a little thing but it's making me very uncomforable. My dermotologist suggested some things but none have worked. I see her again next…
I met a young man today
I went to the store to pick up some 'stuff' for the horses. As I was walking out one of the employees said he was going to help me out (I hadn't asked, only had 1 50lb bag and some light stuff). (My hair still is so short it screams "CHEMO") As he loaded my feed, we started talking and I found out that not only did/does…
Comedo Type Breast Cancer
Just dx'd w/comedo type w/central calcification less than 5% volume of tumor. I've not met or chosen a surgeon/onconologist yet. Tomorrow I am taking biopsy slides & all reports, including mammo films to University of Chgo for treatment scheduling. Anyone dx'd with Comedo Type Breast Cancer?
Support groups - any experience or opinions?
Hello, all - 6 months after finishing treatment, I'm finally starting to have a little more energy, and am feeling like I soon might be able to (slowly) start doing something besides work, eat, exercise, and sleep. I was wondering about support groups, and thinking that we don't talk about them much here on this board. But…
Prayers needed!
I had my 4 year 4 month check-up with the Oncologist. I haven't had a scan in about 2 years but will have that wonderful PET scan tomorrow, Monday. I'm staying focused on my God. I am so overwhelmed at all of you just being so supportive. You're prayers, your words of encouragement. I have never "physically" met any of you…
Aside From THAT, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play????
Many of you know that I am putting on my battle attire to once again wage war against the Beast. I thought he had surrendered but it turns out, though very wounded, he is standing up wanting to harm me. GRRRRRRRRR! Not so fast, Buster! On the heels of that Bad News, there is also Good News! I have not just one, but three…
Just wanted to say to everyone
Been reading everyones posts. Chen, Meena, Starseed and the few others, who at this time "slip" the brain cell I have left. Sounds like even though there were a few set backs, everybody is on the uprise. Very happy to hear the sisters chemos, rads and tests are working and coming back clear. I have 3 drs visits, possible…
Wine (Whine)
OK, ladies. I've read on this board absolutely no wine during chemo but I've also been told that an occasional 4oz glass of red wine (which I consider a health drink) is OK. Hell, I don't even own a 4 oz glass. So, what's the real deal? I start 6/1 and certainly won't do anything that's potentially harmful. Just checking.…
****** Your HA HA For The Day! ****** You have to laugh!
The World’s Funniest Real Ads Believe it or not, these ads actually found their way into newspapers all over the world: Braille dictionary for sale. Must see to appreciate. FOR SALE BY OWNER: Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica. 45 volumes. Excellent condition. $1,000.00 or best offer. No longer needed. Got married…
Tomorrow is Barcelona...
7-day Med cruise (Spain/Italy), then 2 days staying in Barcelona...I am getting soooo excited!!! I am taking you all with me...so, if you feel you bottoms being pinched, rest assured that there was a slap that followed...ROFLMAO!!! Hugs, Kathi
Got my Score
My onco appointment isn't till Tuesday, But My doctor faxed my a copy of my OncoType Dx results. My score was a 12, I am really curious to see what the Ocnologist reccomends. I had said if my score was lowere than 10 I would feel comfortable in not having Chemo. So much to think about!
God's Post-Its
I got this in an email today and liked it so much I am passing it on to everyone. "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, Its about learning to dance in the rain" It just made great sense to me! Pat
new member having drains removed
I am having my drains removed tomorrow and am very nervous. My docter stated it may hurt does anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on this. I am new to all of this just had a double mastectomy on 6/9 and am not sure about anything right now. I am going to the oncologist on 7/2 and I guess he will set up chemo treatments…
Abdominal Pedicle Tram question
Is there anyone out there who has had an abdominal pedicle tram or who knows of someone who can tell me about their recovery (length, difficulty, etc)? I have this scheduled a week from today and while I thought I was dealing with it well, I had a little freak out session last night. I'd appreciate any thoughts that people…
Now what-Life after cancer
I have been consumed with breast cancer for a year. Now that I am cancer free, I don't know how to live without it! Is that weird? I sound crazy! I need a hobby or something. I was so used to every other Thursday having treatment, feeling bad for days after treatments, going to boob doctor, having doctor appointments all…
Word for the Day
From 'Our Daily Bread' what shall I say? ’Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. ’Father, glorify Your name’ —John 12:27-28 As a saint of God, my attitude toward sorrow and difficulty should not be to ask that they be prevented, but to ask that God protect me so that I may remain what He…
I am a Chihuaha
I thought this was so much fun, hope you like it. Chihuahua The Socialalite Your single most amazing trait, dah-ling, is that you are charming and gregarious and gorgeous and lively. Oops! That was more than one. No worries, dear, it wouldn't be the first time the rules have been bent for you! Your charisma, combined with…
Genetic testing for BRCA
I've been cancer free for 14 years. Apparently my surgeon must be bored, because he's been harping on having me tested for the BRCA gene. Never mind there's no history whatsoever of anyone in my family having breat cancer. Not once have any of my blood test shown evidence of the gene. My surgeon is so certain I have the…