Just Dx'd w/DCIS
Rec'd dx today - very early stage DCIS. Anyone treated w/lumpectomy only? Thx, ladies!
Nipple Reconstruction Poll
My plastic surgeon is performing a procedure on me next Saturday where he basically purse strings the skin up to form the nipple and then tattos in the color once it's healed. Anyone else out there do nipple reconstruction without the skin graft? Skin graft folks are you happy with them? Thanks for your help! SamuraiMom
How are you shortscake?
havent heard from you lately and wondering how you are. girl power! (maybe I just missed you????)
~~~~~~ What is everyone doing this SUMMER for VACATION? ~~~~~~
With summer being here, I know lots take vacations. So, what are you doing and where are you going this summer for vacation? ♠♣ ♥ Susie ♠♣
Oh My Gosh is this true.......
Once I start the chemo I never have any periods ever again? Oh my word, this is pure joy to hear this? Finally an end to that crap as well......................YAY!!!!!!! My olders sisters, age 54 and 56 still get there's , I can't wait to tell them.......... Love Ronda,
Was there a history of breast cancer in your family?
I was the first in my family to be dx with bc. I was actually quite shocked when dx'd because my mom had no less than 5-6 biopsies for fibro cystic (sp?) breasts. Like my onc told my sister, you didn't have to worry about bc yesterday but you do today. I am curious as to how many other pink sisters are the first in their…
Word for the day for all you warriors out there....God is our refuge and arms us for battle
Psalm 18....In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him, even to His ears.....He sent from above, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy, from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me. They…
it's the little things ; )
so this morning after church, the last of the steri-tape on my port peeled off! hooray! it's been annoying and itchy and now it's gone!
Consdering Mastectomy
Hi All, Thank you for all of your encouragement and advice earlier regarding getting an appointment with my surgeon and whether or not to see an oncologist as well. I have since seen my surgeon and I have an appointment to see an oncologist this week (only because of my persistance and insistance which is so very…
What are your favorite comfort foods?
Hi Invisi-Sistas! In a vane attempt to justify my primary coping mechanism of eating-especilly while I set and drink Diet Cokes and snack on whatever while I write to you all. I'd love to know what foods make YOU happy? Me? Definitely, whipped cream with chocolate chips between 7p-10p. After 10p, FiberOne Caramel cereal…
Curly or Straight
Hi, I was just wondering if any of you who have hair growing back after being bald would mind sharing the curly or straight question? Just curious because mine is very curly and was straight before b/c. Also anyone know of someone who's hair came curly but then changed back to their regular hair? Thanks, Wanda
Well ladies, I am having a bi lateral mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction on Monday , June 14th. I am really scared and SO TIRED of waiting and thinking about it. I would so appreciate your good thoughts. You all have inspired me so much with your brave stories, so I know I can do this. I have been through a…
Great Books to Read
I just finished reading "The Paperbag Christmas" by Kevin Alan Milne. It was his first novel, I suppose it would fall under "inspirational literature." It's about several young children and their Christmas experiences and a valuable lesson that they learned. I don't want to say much more, in case you want to read it. It…
Herceptin and Heart Failure
Has anyone else had the side effect of heart failure from the herceptin? Then restarted herceptin once EFI was back up? If so was it easier the second time around? My EFI went down to 37! Have not had any more sense Feb. They saw something in the CT scan and now that with meds my EFI is up they are going to re-start the…
Clariden (the allergy med) taken to help with Neulasta shot side effects?
I was told by a friend that she took a Clariden the day of chemo, one the day of Neulasta shot and the day after, and she said it was like a 180 with her side effects she had last time she had the Neulasta shot. Just like I feel, I am in bed Saturday and Sunday in sleepy & achy, I take my vicodine for pain and my…
Welcome Back Vicki Sam
I'm so happy to see you posting again. I've wondered many times how you are doing. Have you completed your treatment? Vicki you were of amazing help to me when I was going thru chemo. I know you had a heck of time with it, but you had wonderful suggestions and I followed most of them. welcome back.
Nipple Guards
Having nipple reconstruction tomorrow with minor scar revision. I am having MAJOR apprehension about the nipple guards. I don't know at all what to expect. I have heard "very uncomfortable" and "minor inconvenience." Will I look like Madonna until Monday? How in the world will I attend the Little League Machine Pitch…
Just diagnosed and waiting to see my surgeon - question
I am 32 years old and was just diagnosed with breast cancer today. I am still in total shock. I was referred to a surgeon but the very earliest they can get me in for a consultation is 10 days from now. That seems like an eternity from now! Is it normal to have to wait this long just to get a consultation with a surgeon???…
Tomoxifin and sex drive
I have been on Tomoxifin for 6 months now due to high risk and precancer breast tumor being removed. I have experienced daily hot flashes which I have been able to control moslty with Flaxseed oil. My husband and I had a wonderful sex life pre tomoxifin but I now have absolutely no drive (I never thought this would…
I finally met with oncologist
Diagnosed on 5/17/10 with IDC and DCIS.I traveled to MD Anderson(MDA) in Texas from Louisiana. It was not bad the drive was 2 hours. My first visit with the oncologist was on Monday. As I mentioned many times before I feel MDA is where I will be best served.I do not have confidence in the doctors in my hometown because I…
Congratulations Chen
Today was your big day. Hugs to you and Reggie Donna
Hi Everyone!!!!Today is a Better Day!!!
Would you beleive I saw and met with the plastic surgeon today at 1:30, and first thing in the morning I am meeting my new surgeon!!! I am going through with the reconstuction, I listened to the plastic surgeon and he made it all sound like it's something I can handle and in the long run I will like what I see. Oh thank…
Word for the day
Psalm 145:14-19...the Lord upholds all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season. You open Your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all His ways, gracious in all His works. The Lord is near to…
meeting plastic surgeon tomorrow
Meeting plastic surgeon tomorrow to discuss reconstruction at a later date. I'm having bilateral mastectomies Tuesday. Yesterday I looked online at a lot of pics and read about reconstruction. It's a lot to think about. I called the store at my hospital and will be fitted for camisoles that zip up the front that I can wear…
my candle is glowing in wisconsin
i am surprised how emotional this candle lighting was for me. . . the thought that all of us across the country in our own homes or back yards, letting the flicker of a candle connect us in this way is truly amazing! thank you traci for thinking of this
Does anyone have problems with their arm still hurting after sentinal node biopsy?
I had a lumpectomy with Sentinal Node Biopsy in Feb. My arm still aches! does it ever quit? Also, I had radiation that ended in May, when does swelling of the breast go away, and the aches? The Surgeon didn't tell me what he would be cutting to find sentinal node, so I am just a wonderiing!
Hi Everyone, I have Great News, do you want to hear it?
I met with my brand new surgeon this morning, and bewteen him and my outstanding oncologist I am getting a port put in my chest this coming Wednesday and that same day I will be receiving my first chemo treatment. These 2 doctors feel it is in my best interest to shrink this thing down as much as they can. I will be…
am I destined to be fat while on tamoxifen?
do you ladies have any tips while on tamoxifen to hold off the weight gain - I already weight too much since going through the chemo and can't seem to get rid of it. thanks.
"Dance Lessons"
I have 5 more rads! After a year with chemo, surgeries, and radiation, I have been practicing my dance steps with "NED" ...I have gained so many of you as friends forever, and will continue to be ever grateful for all of your help... Anyone for a dance? (: <3 <3 <3 Sandy
Surgery date
Could everyone please post their surgery date. I would like to say prayers for everyone and do not want to leave anyone out. Mine is scheduled for July 8th.