Tamoxifen or Arimidex???

rene9 Member Posts: 214
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi I have been taking tamoxifen for about 2 1/2 weeks. At first I was having headaches when I took it so I switched the times I take it. But, I'm back to taking it in the morning and I don't feel the headaches. But, yesterday my dr called me and said she was looking over my bloodwork and said I am post-menapausal. She wants me to take Arimidex, but she said I can stay on tamoxifen because it works for pre and post menapausal. I have chosen to stick with taking the tamoxifen since I'm not feeling any side effects at least not as of yet. I'm also trying to weigh the side effects...so sisters what are your thoughts?



  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    I am post-menopausal and
    I am post-menopausal and started on Arimidex last month.

    I did have one dr (my rad onc) mention tamoxifen when we were discussing the cost of the Arimidex. He said that some women do start on the tamoxifen and switch to Arimidex. I actually had to switch insurance companies in the middle of my treatments, and I just wanted to make sure that I had things set with the new company before I started purchasing the EXPENSIVE Arimidex - and that went ok, so I did just stay with the original plan for the Arimidex.

    Have you looked into what the different side effects are from the two different medicines? And, like you said, if you're not experiencing bad side effects from the tamoxifen, that's a good sign, I would think. From what I have been told, I think the tamoxifen has a higher risk of blood clots, but don't take my word on that - check with your onc. That's one reason I didn't want to go with the tamoxifen - but I already have high cholesterol, so I've always been worried about that kind of stuff - even before bc!

    Wishing you all the best - hope it goes well for you on the meds.

    ♥ Lynn ♥
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    MNLynn said:

    I am post-menopausal and
    I am post-menopausal and started on Arimidex last month.

    I did have one dr (my rad onc) mention tamoxifen when we were discussing the cost of the Arimidex. He said that some women do start on the tamoxifen and switch to Arimidex. I actually had to switch insurance companies in the middle of my treatments, and I just wanted to make sure that I had things set with the new company before I started purchasing the EXPENSIVE Arimidex - and that went ok, so I did just stay with the original plan for the Arimidex.

    Have you looked into what the different side effects are from the two different medicines? And, like you said, if you're not experiencing bad side effects from the tamoxifen, that's a good sign, I would think. From what I have been told, I think the tamoxifen has a higher risk of blood clots, but don't take my word on that - check with your onc. That's one reason I didn't want to go with the tamoxifen - but I already have high cholesterol, so I've always been worried about that kind of stuff - even before bc!

    Wishing you all the best - hope it goes well for you on the meds.

    ♥ Lynn ♥

    There is a generic for Arimidex now
    I just started on the Arimidex last week (I am also post-menopausal). There is a generic for it called Anastrozole (which is what I am taking). If you don't have a script for the generic form, perhaps you can call your dr. to switch it over. I know generics are cheaper.

    Hope this helps.

    Hugs, Renee
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Hi Rene
    I personally have been on both at different times. The Arimidex didn't agree with me. Too many side effects that were worse than the Tamoxifen so I'm back on Tamoxifen...By the way, I'm post.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sea60 said:

    Hi Rene
    I personally have been on both at different times. The Arimidex didn't agree with me. Too many side effects that were worse than the Tamoxifen so I'm back on Tamoxifen...By the way, I'm post.



    I think tamoxifen works
    I think tamoxifen works estrogen like on certain areas. bones, down there, and cholesterol. helps to keep it low. on the improtant parts its un estrogen like. I am considered pre although I think I am post. I worry if I dont have alot of side effects its not working. I didnt have the metabolizer test.
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    sea60 said:

    Hi Rene
    I personally have been on both at different times. The Arimidex didn't agree with me. Too many side effects that were worse than the Tamoxifen so I'm back on Tamoxifen...By the way, I'm post.



    I think tamoxifen works
    I think tamoxifen works estrogen like on certain areas. bones, down there, and cholesterol. helps to keep it low. on the improtant parts its un estrogen like. I am considered pre although I think I am post. I worry if I dont have alot of side effects its not working. I didnt have the metabolizer test.
  • MNLynn
    MNLynn Member Posts: 224
    missrenee said:

    There is a generic for Arimidex now
    I just started on the Arimidex last week (I am also post-menopausal). There is a generic for it called Anastrozole (which is what I am taking). If you don't have a script for the generic form, perhaps you can call your dr. to switch it over. I know generics are cheaper.

    Hope this helps.

    Hugs, Renee

    I actually did get the
    I actually did get the generic Arimidex (the Anastrozole) this past month - I was hoping it would be even cheaper being generic - was about $320 for me compared to about $390 for the Arimidex brand - will make a a little bit of a difference once I meet my deductible and have the meds covered at 80%.
  • sal314
    sal314 Member Posts: 599 Member
    Tamoxifen Reply
    Hi Rene9,

    Being that I'm still pre-menapausal, I don't have a choice of what to take. I'm almost done with my 5 years on Tamoxifen. (Whoo-hoo) I didn't have any side effects until several months into it. I stopped it for several months, went back on it, then stopped it and didn't try it again for 3 years! Tried it again and just "put up" with it! LOL. Can't believe I'm almost done!! Boy, I'm gonna celebrate in a BIG way!:)

    From what I understand about the newer drugs, like Arimidex, the side effects aren't as severe. Yet, everyone is different and response differently to medicines. I think I would have probably tried the Arimidex if I was able. I wonder if you can keep taking the Tamoxifen, then if it gets to be too miserable, switch to Arimidex? You may want to ask your doctor if that's an option.

    Just my two cents worth:) You're lucky that you have a choice:)

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    hope some of this helps...
    There are many studies now that suggest arimidex (aromatase inhibitor) is somewhat more effective than tamoxifen in treating breast cancer in post menopausal women.
    See: http://www.breastcancer.org/treatment/hormonal/aromatase_inhibitors/

    Tamoxifen and arimidex work very differently and have very different side effects. Arimidex lowers your overall estrogen level (fat cells produce estrogen after menopause). Tamoxifen binds with the receptor sites of your estrogen so that the tumor can not use your estrogen to grow. Both starve an estrogen dependent tumor--a very good thing!

    Some of Tamoxifen's adverse effects are fatigue, hot flashes, decreased libido, possible blood clots, possible stroke, increased risk of uterine cancer (worst after more than 5 yrs of treatment). On the positive side, tamoxifen can increase bone density. If you smoke or have clotting issues, I would avoid tamoxifen.

    Arimidex can cause fatigue (I take it late afternoon and that helps), aches and pains, hot flashes, and decreased bone density. You need to check vit d levels while on this one and have yearly bone density scans (different from a bone scan). My vit d level was low and the endocrinologist really upped my intake of vit d level--which then made the aches much better.

    I can't tell you what to do and no one can tell you what, if any, side effects you will have. But I can tell you that I did 7 yrs tamoxifen when I was premenopausal (they weren't sure how long to leave you on it back then) and I have been on arimidex post menopausal 1 yr and 3 months. I did fine with the tamoxifen and I seem to be doing fine with arimidex.

    I guess, if I could pick, I'd pick arimidex as I remember being more tired with the tamoxifen? But really both beat the alternative to me!
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    My oncologist said I
    My oncologist said I couldn't take Tamoxifin because it wouldn't be effective enough for me. I think he meant my kind of cancer, inv ductal.
    Anyway, started on Femara, very bad side effects so now on Arimidex and so far just aches and pains. Only on it a little over a month so too early to tell.
    I can take aches but couldn't take the massive mood swings, depression and constant crying on Femara.
    Good luck,
  • Miss Murphy
    Miss Murphy Member Posts: 302
    I'm Post
    I'm post menopausal. I started off on Femara and then tried Arimidex - both caused me severe muscle and joint pain so my ocno switched me to Tamoxifen last October. I can't say that it the perfect drug either but it's somewhat less bothersome than the AI drugs. I don't like the side effects of any of these drugs but the alternatives are worse. It's sort of like a Catch 22. If you try the Arimidex and it causes you problems, you can always go back to the Tamixifen. Hugs, Sally
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    My oncologist
    told me I'd probably be taking Tamoxifen when I'm done with chemo. I have osteoarthritis with lumbar stenosis, a bone on bone knee and osteopenia in my left hip. I already have a lot of bone pain and I get toe, foot and leg muscle cramps almost every day. I'm post menopausal. I got a phone call from rheumatologist this morning saying my Vit D had dropped from 60 to 40!

    I have one sister who took Tamoxifen for 5 years pre menopausal and she's doing great except she now has osteoporosis. Another sister was post menopausal and took Arimidex for 5 years. She's doing fine now. Both sisters do smoke though.
  • starseed
    starseed Member Posts: 62
    Taking generic Arimidex
    I'm post menopausal and Tamoxifen wasn't even mentioned.Just right into the generic for arimidex which is not cheap.10bucks PER pill for the next 5 years. At least they could do is put it in BEER form...sheese.
    At any rate---it gave me hot flashes---which I didn't volunteer for the first time I went through menopause--but they seem to be disappearing. I started on the meds on July 4th.
    Started going to the E Z bake oven on the 21st and will end just around or just after Labor Day.Then we go in to "dig in our heels and take no prisoners" mode to stay healthy..
    or healthier..
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    starseed said:

    Taking generic Arimidex
    I'm post menopausal and Tamoxifen wasn't even mentioned.Just right into the generic for arimidex which is not cheap.10bucks PER pill for the next 5 years. At least they could do is put it in BEER form...sheese.
    At any rate---it gave me hot flashes---which I didn't volunteer for the first time I went through menopause--but they seem to be disappearing. I started on the meds on July 4th.
    Started going to the E Z bake oven on the 21st and will end just around or just after Labor Day.Then we go in to "dig in our heels and take no prisoners" mode to stay healthy..
    or healthier..

    Thanks so much for all of the replies. It is weird because when I don't think about it I'm good. But, when I do I get a headache. I'm still taking tamoxifen in the morning. I have been taking it for about 3 weeks. I guess it would also help if I took it with a meal. Then, she did say something about taking Femara for 5 years after I finish tamoxifen for 5 years. I guess since I'm doing ok on this I'll stick with it. The dr said both drugs do the same thing. Thanks everyone!
