Any help for heartburn?
I completed my second round of chemo (TAC), and I'm having a really hard time with hearburn. Any suggestions? Thanks for the support. Linda
A Gorilla Walks Into A Bar...
A Gorilla Walks Into A Bar... A gorilla walks into a bar and orders a martini to the amazement of the bartender. When the bartender gives the gorilla the martini, hes further surprised to see that the ape is holding a $20 bill. The bartender takes the $20, then he decides to see just how smart the gorilla is, so he hands…
Got my first haircut
Although my hair fell out after my first chemo in 3 weeks I had little white hairs all over my head.I finished chemo the end of April and had my mastecomy May 26th. Now I am on Avastin which doesn't effect hair. Lots of black hair has grown in so I am going to be salt and pepper and I really like it. Went to my stylist…
Neulasta or Chemo?
I was diagnosed with TNBC on July 5th after having a lumpectomy on 6/30 that the surgeon thought would be benign. Partial mastectomy was 7/14. I am Stage IIB with no lymph node involvement. I began TC chemo on 9/2 with a Neulasta injection on 9/3. Within 2 1/2 days the bone pain was so severe I could barely move (pain in…
Visit with the Ortho Surgeon
Much like one of the post getting tired of trying to make them see what shape I am in and after not getting the MRI of the lumps in my arm along with the shoulder that were to be done really takes its toll on the ability to try and stay oh so positive. I more concerned about the lumps but because of the pain level and the…
I am gonna be on the radio
My local radio station is celebrating October as Breast Cancer Awareness month and asked if some people from my Cancer Center would like to speak on the radio and they will play it all during the month of October. How cool is that.. I was asked to speak about yoga and breast cancer since I am in the yoga group at my cancer…
more pictures of hair regrowth/feedback wanted
(right) (front) (top) ohilly
surgery tomorrow and Today I promise to..
Surgery tomorrow has me more agitated than normal, but reading your posts on: today I promise to...helped me feel better. Thanks for all the info, support and inspiration:)
Just diagnosed with triple negative
I'm not quite sure what to expect. I already had the lump removed and now I will be starting chemo and radiation. I have been so numb from all of this and really could use some support from other wonderful women with the same. Really scared right now!!
Celebration Time!
Had my Lumpectomy yesterday...NO NODES!!! Was home by dinner time. Blue today all over from the blue dye. Just a little uncomfortable in the area; using ice packs. Drinking lots of liquids and resting. Follow-up appointment next Tuesday. My experience was positive...Thanking everyone for their prayers...it was a great…
Am i being sensitive?
I have to admit it was a weird day for me. Although I am happy to be getting back to my life, I am also frightened. What is my new normal going to be.? I have a physically and mentally demanding job and wonder how that will be. So I finished PT today been doing PT for at least 9 months. I felt sad to leave a place that was…
Less invasive surgery OK for breast cancer
Removing selected lymph nodes can be as effective as removing them all, study says LONDON — Some breast cancer patients may do just as well with a less invasive surgery to remove selected lymph nodes rather than the aggressive operation normally used to remove them all, a new study says. In the biggest trial yet to compare…
sorry traciinla, but i just have to share this!
i did get a blow-up gown when they were preparing me for surgery, it was really warm in the room what with five of us in there (not to mention all of you). the nurse told me they could cool me off with my gown. i couldn't help but mention to my friends that traciinla didn't get a blow-up gown or a pesto recipe. one of the…
Vacation Cut Short
I'm back home. My husband and I left early Saturday morning. We drove 9 hours to Myrtle Beach. Had a wonderful dinner & a relaxing evening. Yesterday we got up and went to breakfast. When we returned, my son called & he was at the hospital with my daughter-in-law. We packed up and drove 9 hours back home yesterday. Please…
Wednesday 9/8 is the big day
On Wednesday I start chemo. I will be a part of a trail study for us triple negative folks, PARP Inhibator. I will be given cistplatin and PARP. My onc told me that the side effects are not as bad as the carboplatin I was on before my surgery. My hair is just starting to grow back, I hope I don't loose it again. I started…
Prayer request
Asking for prayers for an acquaintance that will be going in for a double mastectomy in Texas. MaryAnne is the soul bread winner in her home and surgery is scheduled for the 21st.
Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin
Just curious how many woman have had the combo of Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin? How is your hair coming in? Would love to find someone out there who had a similar experience to mine, (sparce, thin, hair regrowth one year out with visible scalp) is further out from their treatment, and has a full head of hair now!!!!…
I don't want to sound stupid but I am new to this and I have question..... who or what is NED?
from fry pan to fire........
2 weeks ago had my last (#8 TAC) chemo infusion....today was first day I could actually stand up sraight and walk without extreme pain! Today I also went for CT Simulation for rads........tomorrow I go for x-ray alignment, and the Rads start on Wednesday this week....just 2 1/2 weeks since finishing chemo......but I feel…
what to eat during chemo
just wondering what food won't taste like metal to my grandmother. Any ideas would be wonderful and any other tips to handle chemo would be appreciated. thank you!!!
Pink glove dance
If you haven't seen this, you need to. It brought tears to my eyes, we are not alone!! http://pinkglovedance.com Maureen
This week is my 2 Year Cancerversary!!!! Celebrate with me! Love to all of you who have been my strength and my guidance these past 2 years! Cyber Hugs!!! Pat
Teacher says, "Every time a bell rings...
...a crazy bald lady has completed her radiation." ....and they gave me the bell.
Update on being DEVASTATED!!
I am still devastated over loosing my cousin/sister! Most of you probably recall the post i put up about it. Well i had to cut my vacation short to get home after i was informed of them finding her body in a cornfield about 3 miles from my house. The first thing i did was go to my aunts house which she is the one who…
ptsd post treatment?
I'm 51 and was dxed in June of 09, I had bilat mast, did 4 rounds of AC and 4 of taxol, and tram flap recon last Dec. I had a bad scare last July when my onc thought she saw more caner in my neck following an MRI. After a pet and a second opinion my onc requested it was determined to be arthritis in my upper neck. Since…
prayers please
I go in for my first CT scan since diagnosed in July 2009. With the numbness issue I'm scared... I've been praying so much lately! We lost 2 youngsters (22 yrs old) in our area in the past week. NOT to cancer, but it's WAY too young to die. Seems like a lot of bad news lately, I'm just hoping I won't have some tomorrow.…
Nipple Reconstruction Question
Hello Ladies, I have done the expander reconstruction quite some time ago, its been over a year. I was supposed to have the nipple recon but kept getting sick and could not have it done. Well I have decided to go ahead and get it done since I am doing okay right now. I am hoping those of you that have had this done can…
Triple negative breast cancer lumpectomy or masectomy?
I was diagnosed as triple negative early in August. I'm a 58 yr old Caucasian. Originally the plan was chemo, lumpectomy then radiation. Now my oncologist says the surgeon says a double masectomy would be a better choice. The stage is 2B with lymph node involvement. I don't know how many lymp nodes are involved for sure…
Thanks for being here...
I've been reading the boards for a couple of weeks now, and you warriors have answered every question I've had. Thank you for that and the un-intended support, ya'll are amazing! I know you'll ask...I was diagnosed Aug 5th with triple negative IBC. I'm currently doing the chemo thing (TAC), then mastectomy and radiation.…
i'm home from my surgery!
Thank you thank you thank you!!! i felt all your love and support as i went into surgery on wednesday. just got honme this evening and am going to sleep, but wanted to check in quickly. it sure was crowded in the OR with all of you pink warriors in there with me. thank you for being there tfor me - will post more tomorrow…