Is Oncotype usually done on grade 3 tumors?
I have all the other characteristics of someone with IDC who gets an Oncotype done, hormone receptor+, HER2-, stage 1, no nodes (margins weren't clean the first time but were the second). I am 52 and pre-menopausal. I had a lumpectomy and re-excision and will have radiation after chemo, IF chemo is recommended. I also am…
"The craziest thing I forgot today was...."
I have been forgetting the craziest stuff lately, and as much as it frustrates me, it makes me laugh. I wanted to start this thread to see what you guys forget in a day (to make me feel better about my swiss-cheese for brains, of course..) Tuesday I forgot a line to the Lord's prayer. I said it over and over in my mind and…
I'm new, can we do a survey?
Of course if you want to skip any questions, that's fine! This is for fun, kind of a getting to know you thing. Hope no one is offended. State (and city if you want to share it) - Age or age range (if you want to share) and menopausal status - Type of BC, stage and grade - Type of surgery you had, or will have - Type of…
Ahhhh Sweet Sisters, Thank You for my gifts!!!! I adore you!
I too was delighted and surprised by loving gifts spearheaded by our Aysemari, and contributed to by the Kindred Spirits! I got a PINK Camelback for all of my hikes, half marathons, 5 and 10Ks, and OMG~ the most beautiful embroidered sweatshirt EVER! On the front, there is a big, red Heart and the name Chen~ and on the…
Thank you so much
Well I think God exists and blesses us in so many ways, and works through wonderful people like you . I have just been so sad about work and my body that will not do what I want it to. then I was able to talk to a few good friends a work who really helped, came home and had some beautiful roses from my pink sisters After…
failed sterotactic biopsy
March 19, 2011 - 6:25pm failed sterotactic biopsy Well, the images were taken and the freezing was put in and then the red light appeared on the firing gun for the sample to be taken. Was told needle was too big and spot too small, now looking at excisional biopsy by surgeon. I can do this or wait and go for mammograms…
radiation with an expander in
Wonderingi f anyone else is or had radiation with the explander in place. I am 17 treatments in I have to get 33 in total and then a 10 day "boost" immediately following. I had a left side mastectomy in November and as the tx is going on I am more and more uncomfortable. I feel like my explander keeps changing size and it…
Jennifer Aniston directs film
Jennifer Aniston is going behind the scenes and directing a short film about breast cancer.She said "our hope with "Project Five" is to entertain,inform, and inspire dialogue research and prevention". Of course by the time it will be on I am sure I will miss it. I do that all the time.Waiting for a show to come on then…
Worried - How long did you have to wait after lumpectomy before your doctor check you?
I had a lumpectomy on Wednesday and came home the same day. The doctor cannot check my incision until this Friday. That is 1-1/2 half weeks after the surgery. I am concerned that I should not have to wait that long to make sure everything is alringht. Ticky
First onco visit, what to expect?
My first visit with the medical oncologist is this coming Wednesday afternoon. I was wondering what I could expect to happen? We have seen the radiation oncologist for a consult, but all they did was take my vitals and talk to DH and me (for a long time I might add). I have already been told to expect lab work (not sure…
Was your Oncotype test covered by insurance?
Just wondering if your oncotype testing was covered by insurance? It is likely that my onco will suggest this (stage 1, grade 3, hormone receptor+, HER2-). So, if you don't mind sharing, please tell me the type of insurance you have (or had) and whether or not it was covered, also was it covered completely or partially?…
Am I ever going to feel like myself again?
I am 2 1/2 years post breast cancer, and I am wondering if anyone can tell me if it is normal to still feel bad. I feel like I will never be myself again in so many ways. Yes, it is both mental and physical, I am just so exhausted all the time. Certainly not as much as I was during double mastectomy and chemo, but I just…
This website
sucks. Not because of it's content nor the folks who need it and use it. I applaud those. I've used it myself and found great comfort in it, but from a technical standpoint, it's really in a bad way. NO it's not my computer and NO it's not my ISP--it's THIS site. I shouldn't have to wait 5(let me count them 5)for the…
vaginal discharge during chemo
Last week I was sure I had a yeast infection with irritation and white discharge. I started overthe counter cream on Friday night. I had the white dischrge all weekend and called the oncologisst Mon. She prescribed oral med--Fluconazole which I took yesterday. About that time I noticed the discharge was yellowish/greenish…
question of weight
Before BC I was 147lbs. Now 130lbs. Lost all that weight during BC journey especially before dx. I saw the weight drop and thought hmm why am I losing so much weight! Little did I know but I suspected and froze with fear. Anyway, I don't bake banana and other breads as I did prior to bc, if I did the weight probably would…
Pain in Hands
Hello. I am new to this board. I read the posts about a potentially false poster and hope that is not true since this board offers support, advice, experience etc. for BC patients. Anyway, here's my question... I have been on Arimidex for a litte over a week and notice that both of my hands are particularly…
Junk Swap Thanks Teena!
I picked up a box at the po today, totally clueless as to what it could be....I opened it and there are all these cute little wrapped presents in it...and then it dawns on me...JUNK SWAP STUFF! YAY! Thanks for all the cute items Teena, I'm not regifting anything.lol! I hope I do as well when I send my box out tomorrow to…
living with "positive margins"
How many survivors were told they had "positive margins?" I had a positive margin and the anxiety of the cancer being in my lymph nodes in my breast bone is dominating me. Breast bone lymph nodes are not sampled so there is no way to know for sure if the cancer is there. I would like to know some stories of women who had…
Port put in yesterday (is it supose to be so sore in my neck?)
wow my neck is sore but where they put the pot isn't.Kinda weird to me sorta a little red this morning is that normal???? They have such trouble with my veins they had to use the ultrasound that the used for the port to insert it . They had to use it for my IV to get medication to me. I think I will love this port thing.…
Hello - How do I go back to work after taking off 3 years to recover from stage 3 breast cancer?
I had to take off just about three years due to cancer and aggressive treatment for it. Due to complications from radiation, my reconstruction surgery has been very drawn out. I just had my seventh surgery (and last) at the end of February 2011, and am now preparing to search for a new job. I know that discrimination is…
BC Awareness Semi
So neat.I pick up my paper today and a article about a semi that is going to be at the Mid America Truck Show in Louisville KY for a week. Then the owners(Bowling Transportation Trucking) is going to put the semi on the road.They started working on the truck the fall of 2010 with the help of suppliers,customers,trade…
How was your exp. with Chemo treatments?
Hi - I hope YOU ARE ALL doing WELL. I am glad I found this forum. I am new to this forum. I Need all the help and support I can get. Tomorrow I meet my Onco so I am not sure what treatments I am getting. I always pictured chemo to be like the end of the world. So I thought I may ask some of you how your exp. was. Are you…
Cording/Underarm Webbing
Anyone have any stories about dealign with "cording" or what is sometimes called "webbing" under the arm where lymph nodes were removed? I just had bi-lateral mastectomy with axilary lymph node dissection 12 days ago. The cording is really bugging me and I'm so scarred it won't go away or will take a long time. I will…
Bone pain 3 months after chemo
Hello, all. I was wondering if it is normal/possible to have femur pain 3 months after last chemo and neulasta shots? My sister is complaining of achey-type pain and onc. has ordered a bone scan. Thanks.
Weird, does this happen here often?
Tonight when I tried to sign in it wouldn't allow me in. It said my user name was blocked or not recognized. I have no idea why, but I had to re-register under a slightly different username. It wouldn't even allow me to use my email address, said it was already taken. Is that something that happens here from time to time?…
My sisters: new photo
Wanted everyone to meet my sisters--whether I see you in San Diego or not. From left to right: Jeannie (New Orleans resident, the oldest and a BC survivor); me (yes, stuck with the curly hair...sigh); Patsy (Seattle resident and the only one who has not had BC); and Wendy (San Diego resident and BC survivor). Jeannie is…
Is it normal to feel this way, or is it me?
And, please be honest. I am wondering if it is normal to feel angry when you are facing moments of uncertainty? I had all kinds of anger issues (not hurting anyone or anything, but verbally taking things out on my family, walking out of church one Sunday and sitting in fellowship hall till service was over, etc.) between…
Wearing a bra while getting radiation
I'm gonna be starting radiation soon and have read so many posts about not being able to wear a bra. I haven't started reconstruction and won't until after rads, but I'm worried about not being able to wear a bra. I haven't gotten a prosthesis and at this point, I probably won't. I wear a form in my bra, but am worried…
Prevention article
Hi all, I just read an interview with Robin Roberts from Good Morning America, In Prevention magazine. It was really good. She addressed "post chemo" depression and the fact that no one really tells you about this. Just reading these boards can testify to that! She also mentioned that tamoxifen doesn't work for her, but…
Sex and the City fans?
I discovered that there were about 10 episodes of Sex and the City on this afternoon (and still on as I am typing this). They were from the time period when Samantha was diagnosed with BC and was undergoing chemo and hair loss and everything else associated with this beast. It was very emotional for me to watch this, as I…