How long to heal
I know everyone is different - I've included that in several of my answers to questions too - but can anyone chime in on about how long it takes to heal burns from radiation? I've got a pretty nasty burn on my side under my arm - opened blisters, peeling skin etc, and really sore. I've been using the cream the docs gave me…
Today is Aztec45's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special and you deserve the best, wishing you a day/year filled with love & happiness!! ♥ Cat
Today is jessiesmom1's Birthday!
Sending you Happy Birthday wishes and a year filled with health and love! CELEBRATE! -Jenny
We have a very special guest coming to Southern California .. April 5th thru the 9th
Hold on ... it our own New Orleans 'Krewe' Queen .. ... .. Miss Cypress Cynthia! I am besides myself in anticipation of meeting this wonderful, exciting, astonishing and interesting = WARRIOR! Any other Southern Californian Sisters in Pink that would like to drive down to San Diego or Palm Springs for this get together,…
Breast cancer HER2+
I have infiltrating ductal carcinoma / er/pr negative her2+ positive had lumpectomy 3/15/2011 with clear margins & sentinel lymph node clear Have 1st apt with oncologist tomorrow but was told by my surgeon will I will need chemo/rad/herceptin. All I have read about herceptin scares me and everything I see on this site was…
Modesty and Gender
This was buried in another post. Thought somenone may want to respond. I'm wondering if some of you would address these questions: -- How much of your modesty or lack of modesty is connected to the gender of your caregiver or technician? -- For females: Do you have mostly female caregivers? Have you requested female…
Southern California Get-Together Thursday, April 7
Hoping to see everyone that I can when I visit San Diego in April. We are planning on an inexpensive lunch somewhere in Del Mar. Will talk with my sister and others about suggestions.
anyone taken OFF Tamoxifen?
I was taken off of it today..(tamox) after about 20mths. Curious if this has happened to anyone else>? I am going with NO meds for month..then blood work...then back to office to script for new med! Denise
Today is GreenEyedGirl's Birthday!
Melanie, Sending Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday wishes your way - do what you love most today! -Jenny
Helpppp so much going on with my port
I have been sleeping in my recliner for four days tonight I tried to lay down in bed oh my gosh big mistake the port was pulling in my chest to my neck and my neck isn't looking to good it isn't hurting it just seems to be irritated how long will it be so I can sleep on my side or in my bed i am so frustrated.. please help…
Anyone experience "jerking" of the body?
2 1/2 weeks out of my first treatment, I started having jerking of a leg, arm, finger when I went to bed. Did anyone else experience this sensation? Is it muscle spasms? I thought it was Paxil and quit taking it, but the jerking continues. Thanks for any advice.
How many bone mets ladies are on Xgeva (denosumab)?
I am on zometa, but have been reading a lot about denosumab. Has anyone switched from zometa to denosumab? I began a conversation about it with my onc at my last visit and he was amenable to switching, but then my PET scan was so improved that he decided to leave my therapy alone. I have had no side effects (fingers and…
packing up, doing the last of the laundry, heading for America!!!
Maybe I'll get questioned again in the Amsterdam airport! I would LOVE another round with those guys in immigration!!! *smile* Dutch hugs to you all, Kathi
Rev. post op update (dare I say this?)
One week post op from revision surgery no. 2. Ps used bioderm (?) and stated that he did everything completely different. I didn't get sick and it's been easy, so far. Thank God! The previous rev was very difficult. In hindsight, I'm thinking lymphedema was at play. It was the node loss side, elbow through hand. Sound…
Tomorrow is my LAST chemo treatment
I'm soooo excited. I can't wait to have this behind me. I am looking forward to feeling better and getting my blonde hair back. On the other hand, I'm kind of depressed because I know what the next step in this ugly journey is and I just don't want to have that surgery. I don't want to loose my breast. I know that everyone…
Please post on CSN luncheons today with pix
I am anxiously awaiting reports from the lunches that you California girls had today - weren't there two different ones going on? Who was the mystery guest? We want pictures - lots of pictures! Linda
Oncologist told me I'm dancing w/NED!
My oncologist said the CT scan showed that the nodule in my lung had not changed since having the PET scan so he believes my cancer is gone. I see him again in 3 months at which time he will do a chest exam. I will have another CT scan done in 6 months. I should feel happy and elated but instead I'm just feeling a bit out…
Geraldine Ferraro has passed
I just heard it on TV - Geraldine Ferraro passed this morning to Multiple Myeloma which she had been fighting 12 years. For those too young to remember her - she was the first woman to be included on a major party Presidential ticket when Walter Mondale chose her as his running against Reagan/Bush.
Lumpectomy results are in.
No cancer. I feel guilty posting this. I know that so many people are going through this. Cancer is horrific. I will continue to FIGHT this awful disease, and help find a cure! I am chair person for my town's Relay For Life event, and we have raised over 1/2 million dollars in 7 years. My purpose on life is to help find a…
Modesty is no more!
My PS finally ok'd me going back to Physical therapy since i have been having alot of pain in my arm since surgery. So today was my first day back and im in the room with my PT and shes revaluating me so im half naked with my girls just hanging out. Then her PA comes in, then the student PA...pretty soon i had pretty much…
Gentle Yoga thru the Cancer Wellness House
Yesterday I went to a Self-Help Jin Shin Jyutsu class followed by 'gentle yoga'. Both classes were really good. I left feeling so much more positive. The yoga is Monday and Thursday, the Jyutso on Thursday. They also set me up for a Theraputic Massage on Tuesday. I am so thankful that these instructors volunteer their time…
going to the airport soon...
to pick up our Surprise for Saturday's NorCal lunch. And I'm looking out the window at blue sky with some white fluffy clouds!! We've been having rain, wind gusts up to 60mph, hail, etc for daaayyys and weeeekkssss! So blue skies and surprises make me very happy! Hugs for everyone! Linda
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don't know where I got the idea that in order to send a private message you had to first be a friend. I joined this board on January 14, 2010. Today is March 25, 2011 and today I learned that you do not have to have a friend in order to send a private message. You have no idea how many…
Anyone Ever Have to Have Blood Transfusions?
I am her2 and just completed my 5th round of chemo (taxotere, carboplatin, herceptin). After my 3rd chemo, my platelet and hemoglobin counts were so low that I needed a blood transfusion. I am currently having my third platelet/blood transfusion. This is not a big deal, especially since I have a port...just time consuming.…
Today is DC Timmons Birthday!
Best Wishes for a GREAT Birthday and many, many more to come! CELEBRATE! -Jenny
Finished Rads Today!!
Chemo: Done Surgery: Done Rads: Done!! I am happy report that I finished radiation today and will be meeting with my oncologist next week to begin taking tamoxofen...It was a great feeling to have those 6 weeks behind me and know that life is moving forward in the right direction... For those of you in the SoCal area, the…
Waste Services of Florida Inc for the cause!
just posted a pix of the beautiful PINK waste pick up truck that I saw today in the Chasco Fiesta Street Parade in New Port Richey, FL. Makes me want to switch waste pick up companies :-) What a great effort they are making for all of us!
Just had to share - my puppy
brought me her ball, but here I sit at the computer. So, I hear this noise.... She drops the ball down the stairs, fetches it and then, does it again. Made me chuckle! Aren't pets great? I got this little sweetie last year in the middle of rads, she has been a great source of comfort and joy ever since. Sue
Tomorrow I start chemo, scarred to death
Tomorrow will be my first treatment of chemo. Don't know what to expect very nervous. I was wondering how long to expect to be sick? My first 4 treatments will be AC chemo.
question about xeloda chemo pill
Is there anybody currently on Xeloda this is what my Dr is wanting to put me on cause the IV Chemo has not shrunk the tumor that is my lung. I was just looking for any suggestion how the reaction are and what to expect.