Pain in Hands

csr771 Member Posts: 117
edited March 2011 in Breast Cancer #1
Hello. I am new to this board. I read the posts about a potentially false poster and hope that is not true since this board offers support, advice, experience etc. for BC patients. Anyway, here's my question...

I have been on Arimidex for a litte over a week and notice that both of my hands are particularly sensitive--thumbs and joints in my fingers. I know that one of the side effects of Arimidex is joint pain, but I am not sure if I am having side effects from the Arimidex or if it is my arthtritis which also affects my hands. It is possible that the hand pain may be eaxacerbated because of the Arimidex. It seems like the sensitivity/stiffness is greater now. Any opinions? I am going to call my Onc early next week and try something else. I support myself with my hands (use a computer all day) and will be going back to work in a week or so. I am a little concerned. I do not need problems with my hands.


  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    I have to tell that that fore me,
    I could NOT tolerate Arimidex. I had horrible joint pain. My Onc had to take me off. Not only was I having severe joint pain, but feeling depressed as well. And I also had difficulty swallowing. It just didn't work for me at all.

    Talk to your doctor. I hope you feel better soon!


  • gagee
    gagee Member Posts: 332
    joint pain...
    I also had to go off Arimidex because of joint pain and 8-10 other side effects. Don't wait to long to speak with your doctor. I did and now the arthritis will never go away. Some of the other side effects have gotten better but still have some. The worst is the joint pain in my hands and feet. Sorry for the bad news but have heard others with same problems and others who had no effects. We are all so different. Good luck to you and May God be with You through this whole situation. Diana
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    gagee said:

    joint pain...
    I also had to go off Arimidex because of joint pain and 8-10 other side effects. Don't wait to long to speak with your doctor. I did and now the arthritis will never go away. Some of the other side effects have gotten better but still have some. The worst is the joint pain in my hands and feet. Sorry for the bad news but have heard others with same problems and others who had no effects. We are all so different. Good luck to you and May God be with You through this whole situation. Diana

    My hands were the worst part
    My hands were the worst part of my joint pain while on Arimidex. Sometimes I couldn't even hold utensils.
    Like other ladies have said, we are all different, but I couldn't take it either.
    Good luck and I would ask my doctor as well.
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    I started on Arimidex in
    I started on Arimidex in January of this year. I have joint pains in my right leg. I recently saw my oncologist (March 16th) and she gave me a prescription for Hydrocodone-Ibuprofen. This has helped alot. I haven't had any other side effects from the arimidex.
    I also take a Vitamin D (1200 units) and Calicum (1000mg)daily.
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Tips-hope some of these help
    Before you give up on the drug, try a few things first.
    1) Try taking your pill in the afternoon. That helped for me.
    2) Have your doctor check your vitamin D level as soon as possible. This is important for many reasons. There are some studies that actually indicate a low D level being associated with cancer. But there are also studies out there that indicate a low vitamin D level is associated with more joint pain when taking arimidex, aromasin or femara (aromatase inhibitors). Please don't just take more vitamin d like I did-knucklehead that I am, because, when I finally had my level checked (simple blood test), my level was still way too low. It took a very high dose to get me to normal. And when I got there, my pain improved.
    Vitamin D Reduces Aromatase Inhibitor Pain
    3) I am a big believer in Thermacare (Disclaimer: I have no financial ties to them either ;-). When you are watching TV, wrap one of the smaller sizes around your hands (neck size would probably do it). See if that helps--it does wonders for all of my aches and pains--I have arthritis also.
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    Terrible joint pain for me
    I was not on Arimidez but right after my last chemo treatment (carboplatin, taxatore) Oct 1st - my fingers and joints hurt so bad. I would wake up in the middle of the night crying it hurt so bad. My fingers were also very swollen and my arms hurt all the way to my shoulders. One side worse than the other. I had classic symstoms of arthritis and carpool tunnel. I also had neuropathy in my fingers and the tips were extremely sensative. Needless to say, this was worse than the chemo experience itself.
    I would take antiflamitory pain pills - it helped some but not completely. It started very gradual. finger tips were numb then it would slowly move upwards.The worse was when I would wake up crying it hurt so bad. this would last about 2-3 weeks then slowly and gradually get better. I am not 6 months out and my finger tips are slightly numb and less sensative then it was. I was told it was all side effects. To this day I still have some swelling in fingers in the morning with pain in my left wrist to my thumb.
    I'll tell ya - I wish I was warned about this ahead of time - it would have saved me alot of worry and money on things that didn't help.
    My prayers are with you.
    If yours is like what I had - rest asure, it WILL go away. :)

  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I've been
    on Arimidex since the first week of January. I have had osteoarthritis since 2000. I've had lumbar stenosis for the past 3 years. I've been on arthritis meds all these years but this is new pain. My rheumatologist sent me for extensive blood work to see if I had Rheumatoid or Lymes again. Everything was ok. My bone density had not changed either. Almost a daily occurance is painful spasm cramping in my fingers and feet. Horrible when you're trying to sleep. I saw onc last week and told him my hot flashes are horrible too. He said I may not be tolerating the Arimidex but didn't suggest we stop it yet. I see him again in June but if the pain continues too long I will call him.