Brooklyn Parents Diagnosed with Cancer in Same Week
I was so heartbroken by this story. With in 9 days of each other the father was diagnosed with advanced colorectal cancer and the mother with advanced breast cancer. They are both under the age of 40. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/25/brooklyn-parents-cancer_n_840643.html
mastectomy in 4 days
I am having a mastectomy in 4 days and have no idea what to expect after the procedure. It is an out patient surgery which in it self is scarey. How will I feel? I am healthy and in my 50's. I have invasive ductal cancer. I will not have reconstruction until later because they don't know if there are nodes involved and if…
a belated balloon release
Sometimes if I just don't deal with it, I think it doesn't exist. But today, I had the strength to buy a pink balloon. For Moopy and my other pink sisters.
Planning Session for Rads Friday
Hey You Guys, You know I made it through Chemo with your help. Now I'm on to the next phase of my journey: rads! This Friday I have my planning session. Thanks to all you wonderful folks, I know exactly what to expect and what to do! I thought I would be scared out of my mind, but guess what? I am not. I feel that has to…
Facial Hair
Lost all my hair on the head, legs, "down there", lashes and brows. Now the hair on the legs is back, did my first shave; my brows are returning and the hair on the head is very slowly growing. Have "facial hair" along the sides of face by the end of ear lobes to chin growing. Anyone have a problem with "facial hair" and…
Talking about taking me off Tamoxifen soon, I don't get it.
I have 2 onc. I saw one of them last week and I will see the other one who is at the cancer center in June. So, she told me they will test me in June to see if I have come through Menopause ( very late bloomer here )and if I have they are taking me off Tamoxifen and putting me on another drug, which I forgot the name,but…
Hints for first prosthesis and bra fitting after bilateral mastectomy
I am going to be getting prosthetic breasts and mastectomy bras at some point. I am not sure when because I still have lots of pain and syptoms from the nerve damage from the bilateral mastectomy w/snb on 1/11/11 (surgeon is treating me for this).I have been reading on different types of prosthesis (which I rarely plan on…
Hormone therapy
I have read misc times her about it...who and when or why would you need to take hormone replacement? Denise
Radiation and cancer(rant/concerns)
I read alot on this and the tests we get with radiation are high.ESP CT Scans. I had one last year and refused one this year but had to get new doctor to do something else.Kinda upsetting when doctors don't listen to us cancer patients.It is there way. The thing the doctor wanted to test me for was "If I had more kidney…
I was diagnosed with stage I bc (BRCA positive - had preventive mastectomy on the other breast) in January of 2008. In July of 2008, after chemo, I started taking Femara. I became severely depressed as a side effect of Femara (my doctors told me it was like a post-partum depression: I went very suddenly from having a lot…
Doc's are still stumped....
My doc called today to give me my results on all my tests. From the whole skin cancer scare... they still dont know whats wrong with me...thats a funny statements...cuz i can give them a list if they want a starting point...lol! She said most of my tests came back normal except my WBC is way below normal and im about 11…
Thank you for Prayers from Ticky
Thank you for all your prayers, they meant more than you know.The doctor said I went through the Lumpectomy operation with flying colors. I am home now but feeling a little light headed and strange because the anesthesia is still not worn off. I understand it takes a couple of days for the anesthesia to wear off…
Today is Fauxma's Birthday!
Wishing you a special day - filled with gentle peace and love all around. -Jenny
Need Help - Want to Send PM to Friend
I am going crazy. I don't understand why only 5 names appear when I have more than 5 names as friends. Consequently, I can't select the name I want. I need to send a private message to a FRIEND and FRIEND OF. Why won't the list scroll to the name? HELP HELP HELP Lots of Hugs, Janelle
Not peeing it out?
I just returned from my second Tax/Cytox treatment. I have drunk 3 large bottles of water and I have not gone to the toilet. Anyone else ever had this problem? What did you do?
Hi all, I posted a while back about my anemia issues and bone and joint pain. MAfter treatment for anemia, my levels are back up, but I am still suffering from chronic fatigue and pain. I was on femara for 6 months which started the whole pain issue. I was then switched to tamoxifen. I feel slightly better, but am…
Does tumor grade have a big effect on your treatment plan?
I have IDC, stage 1, grade 3, no node involvement, hormone +, HER2- and am wondering how heavily the grade 3 tumor will weigh in my treatment plan. I know it is the most aggressive type. I have had a lumpectomy and a re-excision and will see the medical oncologist next week. Please be honest with me. I would rather be…
today is 2 years!!!
Two years ago today is when I was SLAPPED in the face with the dx of the BIG C! They did a liver biop and the nurse put a shamrock sticker on the bandage covering the biop spot, I will never forget peeing that night and seeing that sparkling green shamrock in the potty LOL...... heres to many many more cancerversarys for…
Mouthwashes that helps sore mouth>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What kind of mouth washes and how often to help with sore and burning metal tasting mouth and any special kind of tooth paste???????
I am a rad grad! Yipee!!
Did the last rad treatment this afternoon. To celebrate with the techs I turned their markings into a big Yipee!! on my chest. I am now officially done with active treatment!!! Yipee! Yipee!! Yipee!! And it just so happens that today was the ACS Daffodil Days, so I got bouquet of pretty yellow daffodils. It also just so…
Just found out I have to have chemo and am scared to death!!!
I am a 45 year old mother of 9 year old twins and will be starting chemo next week. 4 rounds of c/t. I'm expecting the worst. Thought the worst was over by having the lumpectomy and partial radiation... Then the dreaded chemo news. Any suggestions for a newcomer? Don't know how much more I can take, my mom died a month ago…
Chemo first
I have triple negative breast cancer. My oncologist suggested chemo first then surgery. They did not do any tests to see if the cancer got smaller or is gone. Is this normal to do surgery without any tests to see how the cancer is? I finished my last chemo on March 3 and my surgery is scheduled for March 31.
Reconstruction or no
I would love to hear some opinions! Several women have urged me to go for reconstruction after my mastectomy. They say it's for comfort and cooler than dealing with prosthetics. A couple others say don't do it because it can mask a recurrance. I'm scheduled to meet with my plastic surgeon next week and would love to hear…
I am having surgery on my left breast today. Please pray that all goes well. Thanks, Ticky
Moopy's pheasant released
Moopy's pheasant was released this morning about dawn (it's cloudy so not sure if was exactly as the sun broke the horizon but it was close and a light soft snow was falling). Perhaps I should explain why I chose to release a phesant hen instead of doing balloons as others are. It has been many years since I've released a…
I'm not going to be able to go to LA for the Revlon Walk 05/07 because our anniversary is 05/08 and I probably should be here and my husband doesn't walk across the street, let alone 5K. I really wanted to do the Revlon since it's for all women's cancers, not just breast cancer and I have this bias since I had both breast…
Today is my Cancerversary
One year ago today I got the diagnosis. I can't even remember most of the year; its been such a whirlwind of fears, surgeries, emotions, tears, gratitude, more surgeries, endless doctor's visits, introduction to the wonderful world of pharmacology. I'm glad to be alive and as far along in the journey as I am. New normal…
need website and correct info
I just received a long email from a friend which was forwarded to her by someone else ... Anyway it goes into detail about how lemon/lemon juice and cancer ... and part of it is: "It destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas ... The compounds of this tree showed 10,000…
I am scared
Hi, I was first diagnosed at 27 I had a bilateral mastectomy and was told by then Dr that all was clear and not to worry.(stupid me) Now here I am at 35 and my cancer is back my current Dr. wasen't thinking cancer so he wouldn't check for it. after much pushing by me me he finally checked. My breast cancer is back and has…
Got rid of the curls!
It's been 10 months now since my last chemo and I finally decided the curls just weren't me so I got them cut off today. My hair is really short now but I like it much better than the ugly frizzy curls I had. I feel like I finally took a step towards taking my life back and it feels wonderful!!! Now I'm going to enjoy…