Eye toruble; falling trouble
Hi all. Just found you today, and boy, can I ask questions! About a thousand, but I'll leave it at two. Into my third chemo session of four, and having serious eye problems. I am an avid reader so it is problematic, but even in general I experience tearing, burning, blurry vision. Anyone else? Any panaceas(beside the…
Our dear MEENA, shout out .. How are you doing, dear, sweet Sister ?
We are continuing to pray for you, your health and recovery. Strength, Courage and Hope. Vicki Sam
Onco appointment following the bone scan
Today I saw the MO. Was hoping that there would be some other options, but it was the same 2 as the RO had. I am going with the chemo Eribulin. It was approved for BC the end of 2010. I don't know of anyone here that is on it, but if anyone is I would love to hear how it is working. I had never heard of it myself, but it…
nipple sharing reconstruction
Has anyone had a nipple sharing reconstruction? Or what do you think about taking half the nipple from the unaffected breast to fashion a nipple for the reconstructed one? It seems to me that nipple reconstruction is kinda' iffy anyway. Do I really want to take away half of a perfect nipple to make one that may or may not…
Anyone experience bleeding from the nipple-post surgery
Hi all. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced leaking from the nipple area after surgery. I've been noticing stains on my tshirts in the morning when I wake up. I have a large 'hemotoma' <- my rad oncs words, in the breast where I had the lumpectomy and he believes this is leaking fluid through the nipple. My rad…
i have been putting it off but i think its time.
i have been very depressed i see my primary dr tuesday so i have decided i am going to ask to be put on something for depression i cant get through this on my own. its been 2 years since i was diagnosed the first time and one year since i was diagnosed the second time. my fiance died in feb 2 weeks later i lost our home…
Young women and breast cancer
Another gem from Hester's blog If you are a regular reader, you know that I am a big fan of Living Beyond Breast Cancer (www.lbbc.org). For a number of years, they have partnered in a variety of ways with the Young Survivors Coalition (www.youngsurvival.org), the most significant perhaps being the annual winter conference.…
Good day....my daughter's mammo, my onc visit....
So, finally, my daughter got the official results of her mammo....everything is fine! Because of both her grandmother and mother having breast cancer, her gyn suggested having a mammo yearly for awhile, until a baseline can be established. She has lumpy breasts, so that can be a bit of a trouble. I, too, got good news from…
Bad News - Pathology Post Chemo
I just came back from a follow up appointment with my surgeon regarding the second surgery I had on April 27th to clear the margins from where the original tumor was removed back in October. Despite 8 rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, residual invasive cancer cells were found, cells that survived the chemo. I'm devastated…
Today is Dot53's Birthday!
Today is RE's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR RENA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you health, happiness & love on your special day & always! ♥ Cat
Anyone with experience of "emergency" Neulasta boosters? What to expect? + How to deal with emotion
Hi everyone, Today I was hit with some bad news. After getting my first chemo of TC 6 days ago, my white blood count was very low. My MO had hoped that I would not need any Neulasta shots. Unfortunately, I do. As I was not given one "just in case", I now must get one every day for at least three days. I must also take…
Any BC patients <30 out there?
Hi there, I trying to figure out the cause of BC at such a young age. Im 28 and in perfect health. Apart from having BC that is. Are there other young women out there asking the same questions as I am? Eva
Approaching cancerversary
May 12th was one year ago my gyn found my lump at my yearly. I had mammo next day and on May 21st had biopsy done in breast surgeon's office. On Monday, May 24th I was told I had cancer. I had bilateral mastectomy June 22. I started chemo Aug 9th and finished Dec. 7th. I finished rads Feb 15, 2011. This past year has been…
Arimedex tolerance
Will be starting Arimedix as I am in full memopause, after my radiation. Just checking with those of you that have or are on this medication. Have most of you tolerated this medication well, and if not, what kinds of side effects have you had? Are they tolerable, say with Ibuprofen? Let me know. Thanks in advance!
OT Please say a prayer for all those suffering from the swollen Mississippi River
Danny and I went to the French Quarter to see the river. It is so huge and angry looking--and much lower in New Orleans because of the flood spillways than further north. It breaks my heart to think of all of those who have flooded homes or will suffer flooded homes. I am praying that the drought we are having will slow…
I promise
if I should ever become too ill to communicate with you for whatever reason that I will assign a family member or friend to provide an occasional update. This thought is obviously prompted by not hearing from Meena for a long time. I check the thread often, now with much trepidation. I sincerely respect her privacy at this…
Here's a question. A friend of mine has a breast tumor attached to her chest wall. She is getting two different opinions on what to do. One doctor has had her on chemo trying to shrink the tumor so they can operate and get behind it to get it all out. Now another doctor is saying he wants her to try Avastin. Have any of…
Medical Biomagnetism
Anyone heard of Medical Biomagnetism as a means to possibly cure cancer and other diseases? I have a friend who was just diagnosed with bc, and she is thinking of delaying surgery and chemo, etc. in favor of pursuing alternative treatments in biomagetism. I've been trying to discover what the ACS, Mayo Clinic, and other…
Why do people assume.
When they hear that you were dx with cancer that you haven't taken care of yourself? The 1st thing they mention are the healthy foods you should have eaten, vitamins, exercise. GGGrrrr excuse me. This has happened to me more than one time. Last week a very overweight diabetic man starts telling me what foods I need to eat.…
Reconstruction Surgery - Needs to Talk
Sisters: Roseann's posting was buried in a 2007 thread. She is looking for some discussion about reconstruction. I don't know if she will be having TRAM, DIEP or LAT. I moved her posting up. Here it is -- ------------------ I really want to talk to you I'm going to have this same surgery in a couple of weeks and i would…
Femara genaric?
I was on femara for almost a yr. I had noncancer issue, so went to cancer center to see the NP foe advice. We discussed my exceptly painful joints in my hands. She put me on Aromasin. Said its the same, but dose'nt hurt the joints like femara. Made me nervous switching, cause I have a clear pet scan. I had stage 3c er+…
How has work treated you at time of need?
I am getting ready to make final appt date for hysterectomy! I am more worried about work and how they react or comment to me then surgery(at this point) I want the surgery asap yet busy time for my job (NOT me but for those who cover me while I am out) I have been dealing with this issue since Jan 2011 Denise
Full body bone scan in am.
Tomorrow morning I go for a full body bone scan and this is the most nervous I have been about getting any results back. The results of this determine my choices for treatment options and so far I don't like either of the options that have been run past me... hoping that the bone scan shows less involvement than they are…
Starting rads next week
Watch out Bonnie I am right behind you. Today's doctors visit, I got a CT scan and I am now sporting 4 more tattoos (besides the butterfly on my right shoulder...lol). Next Monday will be my dry run and Tuesday my first treatment. Funny thing is my nurse told me I could wear deodorant (any kind) because recent studies…
ACS Chief Medical Officer Dr. Otis Brawley discusses oncolytic viruses and other news in cancer trea
I heard this on NPR recently, and thought I would share... Talk of the Nation Can Viruses Be Used To Fight Cancer? May 13, 2011 ... The American Cancer Society's Chief Medical Officer Dr. Otis Brawley discusses oncolytic viruses and other news in cancer treatments. ...…
Gassing up the Magic Mammogram Bus for JuJuBeez on Tuesday!
Okay, ladies -- the Magic Mammogram Bus will be by to pick you up this Tuesday, for JuJuBeez' mammogram! JuJuBeez, remember that everyone who rides the Magic Mammogram Bus comes out with a clean mammogram, so this is one time you're not allowed to be a non-conformist! You are, however, encouraged to bring the kazoos you…
Reconstruction Surger
I was diagnosed with breast cancerin April 2005. Finished with mastectomy, chemo, and radiation January 2006. Decided to wait to do reconstruction until I was stronger. Now it is time to start on this process. I've spoken to my doctor and have the info regarding types of reconstruction but I am sort of confused at this…
abdominal pain
I finished chemo January 28,and rad's April 8,2011 now I'm having abdominal pain I had a pap smear last month and it was negative but I've had that before and still had a cyst on my ovaries year's ago,my question is should i wait until i have a pet/scan which isn't scheduled yet i see my oncologist May 24 and he'll…
Is there a way I can lessen this chemo side effect?
I have my second chemo this coming Friday (T/C). For the first one three weeks ago one of my side effects was extreme fatigue for about 36 hours. The treatment was on Friday and on Sunday morning, on our way home from my neulasta appointment, it hit. All I could do was crawl into bed and I pretty much slept off and on…