Xelodoa did not work

missgogo Member Posts: 58
Just wanted to let everyone know that the xeloda did not work. The tumor did not shrink it has grown but very little. So my Dr has change my chemo medicine to Halvoln IV Chemo has anyone been on this. I am just looking for any suggestion or is it time to move on. I feel good, appetite is pretty good not great, no shortness in the lungs. I guess I am just venting.



  • aysemari
    aysemari Member Posts: 1,596 Member
    Vent away missgogo
    I am so sorry to hear that the chemo did not shrink your tumor. It's times like this
    when even a big mouth like myself finds herself at a loss for words. All I can do is
    tell you that you will be in my thoughts and I will hope that your oncologist will find
    something that will work. I can only imagine the devastating feeling after being through
    with a round of chemo and finding out it didn't work.

    But there's always hope, don't give up and keep your spirits high, we are all pulling
    for you.

  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    A crushing disappointment...
    For sure. Can't help with any info regarding your next chemo protocol. Will HOPE it is successful. Please, don't give up!

    As our Chenheart has so often quoted here on the board, and as I'm sure she'll continue to do in the future:

    We do what we have to do, so that we can do what we want to do.

    Sending my very best wishes...

    Kind regards, Susan
  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so sorry the xeloda
    I am so sorry the xeloda didn't work. :-( My positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way.