Radiation Question
Hi- My friend is going through radiation now and her skin is turning really red. She would like to know if you had any suggestions for her on what to use. She is currently using a cream, but wants to know if any of you used any natural things to help it heal (and for the burn). Thanks for your help.
I would like to know how many ladies avoid body and face creams with Parabens in the ingredients?? So many moisturizers contain it. Everytime I appy it, I wonder if I shouldn't be using this everyday. Or are you all just not concerned about parabens and apply it anyway? Thanks for your input. Annette
Remember Our Organs
Hi -- I am one who loves my organs and wanted to share this with you. We get caught up in beating this beast up that we forget about our organs - sometimes. Well, I just want to say that remember to drink A LOT of water as these drugs are very hard on our organs and they too deserve caring. Our Oncologists forget about…
Hi sisters - Please check this out. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5059891/ns/health-cancer/t/aspirin-may-reduce-breast-cancer-risk/
Last year I laid out in the sun.Hadn't for years but a class reunion and had to have a tan and not pale.It did worry me. For those of you who lay out what sunscreen do you use??? Seems like I read at least a 50 for radiaion blockage from the sun rays. I totally forgot to ask my oncologist last month.URRRRRR. Won't see my…
Pathology report :(
While I was going through chemo the cancer spread. I developed another tumor 3.7 mm on my left breast, and 2 more tumors under my arm. They tested positive for cancer. The good news is that everything on the right side is clean. I just finished chemo 5 weeks ago and now I have to do it again. I will do radiation while…
New milestone - 5K
I can now check off another milestone on my list! Our local breast care alliance held the 14th annual 5k walk/run yesterday. I was determined to do this and was hoping that with all my body has been through in the last 10 months it was on the same page as my heart and mind. There were between 300 and 400 walkers. Each…
LONG TIME friend
A friend who has been like my dad since my dad died 32 yrs ago hasnt' been doing well! HIS wife of 60 yrs died in Aug from Cancer (had it on and off for about 20 yrs) HE has given up...no will... JUST keep him in your thoughts..he is very dear to me...! Thanks.. Denise W.
anyone esle her do GNO
GNO-girls night out.. after 30 yrs I hooked up with 3 friends I have had since kindergarten (we are all 51 now) & each month we go out for long night of dining, talking and much fun and many tears (crying on each others shoulders) we were all within 8-10 miles of each other and never knew it...it's like we never missed a…
Newbie-Please help!! Wait on Surgery??
I'm an RN but know nothing about BC. Please help. Found lump in February. Was DX on March 15th in L breast. Then DX cancer in R breast as well. Since I'm 45 they did genetic testing. Waited over 6 weeks for results (nobody told me they waited to get approval from ins. first. - was supposed to be only 3 weeks). Anyway, I…
Chemo- one down seven to go.
Made it through my first chemo. It was ok but I had three minor problems one of which is to be expected. I cannot drink much water at once (though I need to drink a lot). I am used to drinking a lot in one take. Bummer! I feel like wearing a camelback with water in it so that I don't have to hunt for my drink all the time.…
Sunburns after Rads?
I was wondering since my rads will be completed July 1st, will my radiation site be sensitive to sunlight well into summer? Do I need to stock up on sunscreen? Thanks, Lorrie
after hystrectomy still take some cancer meds?
I am sure I"LL still need some kind of meds after hysterctomy right? anyone know...having surgery due to side effects of tamox-so wondering what other meds and side effects if not female inside parts? Denise
From My Heart
When my husband and I got married (11 years ago on June 10th) we shared a portion of a beloved Robert Browning poem, "Rabbi Ben Ezra", that reads "GROW old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which the first was made: Our times are in his hand Who saith, ``A whole I planned, Youth shows but half;…
Radiation & Exhaustion
Ok, so today was day 2 of radiation...and I almost couldn't drive home I was so exhausted. I'm probably doing too much...but so what's new...:) I didn't sleep well on Sunday & Monday was my first appt. Afterward, I went to my sister's place and played with my great nephew and great neice (both babies) and had a wonderful…
SGK Race for the Cure
I am walking this Sunday for the first time as a survivor. Strangley this makes me super proud! Of course I would have prefered to not have cancer, but I am excited. Anyone agree or thinks I'm crazy? lol
Feeling fluish related to breast cancer?
Hello new friends. I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma of the left breast on 4/25/11. I'm probably just being paranoid, but for the past two days, I have been feeling achy, slightly dizzy and extremely tired. I'm also experiencing weakness in my legs and arms. I have no other flu-like symptoms such as a stuffy…
For all of my pink sisters
Friends Your Heart is your Love, Your love is your Family, Your family is your Future, Your future is your Destiny, Your destiny is your Ambition, Your ambition is your Aspiration, Your aspiration is your Motivation, Your motivation is your Belief Your belief is your Peace, Your peace is your Target, Your target is your…
Relay for Life Tomorrow
I will be attending my second Relay for Life tomorrow. New pic of me with 14 months of hair and 20 lbs gone. I have made 40 hand crocheted caps to give to survivors at our relay. Wish me luck. Hugs to all Donna
update, still home
Hello everyone, I have missed you all so much. I have still been home from the hospital with my loving family, I had a wonderful birthday party here, with of course, lots of food. I have been losing so much weight. I am still getting rads for the brain, my last treatment will be on Monday. Then on Tuesday, if I am strong…
The Revlon/Entertainment Industry 5K for Women's Cancers was the day before Mother's Day~ You were a
Reggie, Siobhan and I did the Revlon/Entertainment Industry 5K for Women's cancer Saturday morning, May 7th. We had such a wonderful time! Over 45,000 participants~ so encouraging. Halle Berry was there; she has been participating 15 of the last 18 years. She was so beautiful and energetic. Alyson Hannigan ( Willow on…
small lump beneath skin on expander
Has anyone ever experienced this, my wife found a small pea shaped lump beneath her skin on her expander, we did an ultra sound, they detecteced blood, so they did a biopsy, waiting for results, as you all know we are worried sick about a reoccurrance. She completed chemo April 20th of this year, no rads, was/is triple…
Happy Dance
2 year MRI results clean! Yay! Don't have to go back for a mammogram for a year. Starting to feel normal again. Dee
And it just gets better.....
Here we go again...headline reads "Carroll Woman Missing" (along with many other headlines), The first time it was my sister/cuz Stacy, now its my friend Dawn Allen! Dawn came up missing from Carroll, Ia and the man she recently started dating was wanted in her disappearrance but while running from the police he shot…
Little Neulasta survey, how many hours or days.....
How many hours or days did it take for you to experience the bone and joint pain? I have heard everything from 8 hours to 3 days, so I am just wondering what the norm is. I am getting the shot on Sunday morning and plan to go to church with my family if I am up to it. Second, how severe was your pain? I realize everyone…
Just checking in
Hi everyone, I just wanted to check in and say thank you to all of you that wrote such beautiful words to me about my pathology report. I have had a few days to let it all sink in and now I'm in fighting mode again. My cousin told me when I was first diagnosed that I have cancer but it doesn't have me. She is so very…
OT (Tylenol)
I read today that long term use of tylenol can cause blood cancers.There is more research to be done etc but this is what they are saying.I read it on my Yahoo homepage(news). It does say chronic use of it. I never take it. Lynn Smith
Life is caotic!!!!
Hi peeps...finaly just checkin in to update everyone on my all my caos! Well after 2 months or better, ive been to a few different specailist and im still at square one...ive stumped them all...no one has a glue whats wrong with me. I keep telling them im an odd one...maybe now they believe me...hehe! Thankfully its all…
Help for a young girl's wig
Did you ever try to 'condition' your synthetic wig and it 'smell like bacon'? I'm askig incase someone has some ideas. A young woman (younger than 18) at the horse site I go to a lot is going hrough chemo. She said that her synthetic wig was 'dry' so she used some kind of spray on conditioner on it. It now smells like…
OT - hiku posts
Does anybody remember when we did that great hiku writing? I've tried to go backa nd find it but can't seem to get there. I know it wasn't that long ago. Searches haven't turned up anything either. I just wanted to share some with a friend.