Approaching cancerversary

cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
May 12th was one year ago my gyn found my lump at my yearly. I had mammo next day and on May 21st had biopsy done in breast surgeon's office. On Monday, May 24th I was told I had cancer. I had bilateral mastectomy June 22. I started chemo Aug 9th and finished Dec. 7th. I finished rads Feb 15, 2011. This past year has been a blur. My mastectomy scars, port scar, neck scar and shoulder scars show the roadmap of my life these past 5 years. A total of 12 surgeries. My body will never be the same. I see my gyn tomorrow for my annual exam. I see my surgeon and med onc mid June. Instead of mammo I will have an xray. Hoping there are no surprises. I will be having outpatient surgery to remove excess skin on the sides of my body because I did not have reconstruction. It will make a difference in how my clothes fit. I'm pensive but hopeful that all drs will tell me there is no sign of cancer. My med onc said I will have a CT scan in September. He's keeping an eye on nodes in lungs found when I had PET scan. Neurosurgeon said I may need back surgery in the future (I have degenerative disc disease). I'm impatiently waiting for my hair to grow and trying to decide whether to keep it gray or color it like I had been doing for the past 20+ years.

I thank all of you for your support and cyber friendship. No one should go this journey alone.
{{hugs}} Char


  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    You've been through a lot, dearheart
    I'm so glad that is behind you and hope the CT scan in September shows a very good result. I hope you do not need the back surgery--For a time I worked for neurosurgeons and I know that's a tough surgery. But, guess what, Char--you're one tough cookie and if it does come to that, you're going to weather that storm as well.

    I thought I was going to just let my hair be salt and pepper, I was so excited to have hair back. But, I have to say, once I got used to having hair again, I decided I liked my look better with no gray.

    Sorry CT is so far away from upstate NY--you'd definitely be a welcome addition to the get together.

    Hope you have a great summer and enjoy your great life!

    Hugs, Renee
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    missrenee said:

    You've been through a lot, dearheart
    I'm so glad that is behind you and hope the CT scan in September shows a very good result. I hope you do not need the back surgery--For a time I worked for neurosurgeons and I know that's a tough surgery. But, guess what, Char--you're one tough cookie and if it does come to that, you're going to weather that storm as well.

    I thought I was going to just let my hair be salt and pepper, I was so excited to have hair back. But, I have to say, once I got used to having hair again, I decided I liked my look better with no gray.

    Sorry CT is so far away from upstate NY--you'd definitely be a welcome addition to the get together.

    Hope you have a great summer and enjoy your great life!

    Hugs, Renee

    Char .. You are such a strong and caring
    WARRIOR! Many of days, you keep me laughing and smiling thru this incredible journey of Breast Cancer. I have found your zest and love of life - contiguous!

    Hold your head up high, and stand proud dear WARRIOR on a job well done.

    Lots of hugs for you .. ... ..

    Vicki Sam
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Char .. You are such a strong and caring
    WARRIOR! Many of days, you keep me laughing and smiling thru this incredible journey of Breast Cancer. I have found your zest and love of life - contiguous!

    Hold your head up high, and stand proud dear WARRIOR on a job well done.

    Lots of hugs for you .. ... ..

    Vicki Sam

    Are so courageous. !!!! I wanted to tell you that.....and to wish you the very best on your upcoming surgery....

    God Bless and wishing you sunshine very day...
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    MAJW said:

    Are so courageous. !!!! I wanted to tell you that.....and to wish you the very best on your upcoming surgery....

    God Bless and wishing you sunshine very day...
    Hugs, Nancy

    A year! Hard to believe
    A year! Hard to believe sometimes, isn't it? I know when I hit my cancerversary I looked back and just saw a blur, too.

    Isn't it wonderful how the brain fuzzes out the times of our lives that are so awful? I'm grateful for it anyway. I ran across a picture of myself in the middle of last summer and chemo, etc. I couldn't believe how sick I looked. I don't remember looking or feeling that BAD! I started to delete it from my camera, but realized this is one of the few photos I have of that time and I really need to hold on to it to remember just how far I have come.

    Congratulations to you!!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    Char Congratulations!!
    Congratulations on 1 year survivorship. Good luck with your upcoming tests and appointments.You and I almost two years a part. My breast surgeon consultation was on May 12, 2008, surgical biopsy (lumpectomy) on May 16, 2008; official cancer diagnosis on May 24 and unilateral mastectomy on June 24, 2008. I had four more surgeries after that and doing ok.
    Wishing you to continue dating NED.
    New Flower
  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Char, I have a good feeling
    Char, I have a good feeling about your 1 year checkup. Isn't it a good feeling to be one year out? As you can see, I tried the no dye for 2 years or so... looking at pictures now, I think I looked older but never worried about that, kind of nice not having roots (I was pretty white by my early 30's, so I was a redhead, brunette, blonde etc. fun changes).

    Good luck on the surgery, and I am so glad that we can all be here for each other. When I read your posts and see your picture, I see such a kind smiley face!

  • Heatherbelle
    Heatherbelle Member Posts: 1,226 Member
    Aww Char and I thank YOU for
    Aww Char and I thank YOU for your support, kind words, and YOUR wonderful cyber friendship through my cancer journey. We have been through alot in this past year, haven't we? You were diagnosed about 3 weeks before I did. You are brave and strong and wonderful my friend!
  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    camul said:

    Char, I have a good feeling
    Char, I have a good feeling about your 1 year checkup. Isn't it a good feeling to be one year out? As you can see, I tried the no dye for 2 years or so... looking at pictures now, I think I looked older but never worried about that, kind of nice not having roots (I was pretty white by my early 30's, so I was a redhead, brunette, blonde etc. fun changes).

    Good luck on the surgery, and I am so glad that we can all be here for each other. When I read your posts and see your picture, I see such a kind smiley face!


    Char I wasn't around for the
    Char I wasn't around for the beginning of your journey but you can be rest assured I am here for the celebration. You are one amazing woman and I have learned so much from you. Good luck with your upcoming surgeries and tests. As for the hair, mine is starting to come back nicely and I think that blonde color bottle is calling me home. LOL

  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Agree, thank you for all the support
    you give others in the midst of what you are going through. You're a fighter and I pray the hardest times are behind you. Congrats on your fast approaching "cancerversary". It's truly a blessing to have each other for support, care and kindredship!


  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I had
    my annual gyn appt on Monday. Hopefully Pap smear will come back ok. He didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. I keep forgetting to tell him thanks for saving my life. He's been my gyn for more than 33 years and delivered my son who will be 33 next month. He's helping me lose weight and really cares. Hopefully my breast surgeon and onc appts will go well in June. I planned a cruise for February to celebrate mine and hubby's birthdays. That's being optomistic! Thanks to all of you for your support.