Hi.. new here and new with cancer ILC Stage 2? so far.. waiting for surgery date.... the waiting is unberable! I was told by oncologist is probably I will not need chemo, but I will be on Tamoxifen... someone has done that? something to learn... please everything is new and well.... kind of scary...
Pain from my port two weeks after surgery - did anyone experience this?
Hi everyone! I am having pain from my port - two weeks out. It is not a constant pain, but when I move my arm certain ways there is a feeling that scar tissue inside is being pulled. Did anyone experience this? Eva
FAT FEET!! and tamoxifen??
Hey angels my feet and ankles are SO FAT!! Anyone else get this from Tamoxifen and what at home remedies do you have?? I can't very well sit at home with my feet elevated all day. Started Tamox a month ago and this is the first SE that alarms me. Tales from the crypt please... you all are the experts since the docs rarely…
medical bills
Wow, this is really shocking to see all these bills come rolling in!! Can I ask what everyone did once yours started? How did you find the money to pay all of them? Did you get payment plans? What did you do? Is there any help out there? The woman from the ACS said something about financial help but I was still reeling…
Tip: ScarGuard MD for discolored and raised scars
Just wanted to share a tip for those who want to treat their scars with some extra TLC :-) I have been using ScarGuard MD (you can buy it at CVS) on my lumpectomy scar for the last 4 weeks, and my RO says that my scar looks really good (some good news that I liked hearing). ScarGuardMD is used by lots of cosmetic surgeons.…
Problem with work/job...put on probation and need advise
I have been posting here for awhile. I hope someone can offer advise. I have worked for a large insurance company for over 10 years (Blue Cross) and i have always been a good employee. I was diagnosed in July 2008 with stage 4 bc. I had chemo, masectomy and rads which i worked through, except the surgery. On Friday, they…
Advice Wigs or Hats/Scarves?
Hello, I am going in for my second treatment today. My hair is surprisingly almost gone as I was told it wouldn't be until after the second treatment. I know this is an individual choice/feeling but I'm still curious what most of you wear. Yesterday was my first full day with a wig and I couldn't stand the thing! Not only…
has anyone gotten necrotic tissue after undergoing radiation. is that bad?
Help! My husband's different!
Help Me please. Tell me I am not the only one who has a husband that is acting strangly. I was diagnosed in January, had chemo. 8 weeks which knocked me on my butt, had a double mastectomy in March and am currently doing rads. I know that is a lot to go through. Sometimes I want to talk about things with him. he used to be…
Anyone have ONE incision for lumpectomy & sentinel node biopsy?
I have a friend who's meeting with surgeons to schedule her lumpectomy, and one surgeon is telling her he can probably do the lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy through only one incision. I'm just wondering if any of you have had this? I'm thinking, even if the lump was way over on the side, that would have to be a very…
Higher pulse - a chemo side effect?
Hi everyone, I have experienced an increased heart rate since my first chemo a week ago. Did anyone else experience this? What did your doctors say about it? Does it go back down in between chemo cycles? Does it go back after chemo is all done? Eva
After all this dr called today, abnormal pap
She said it's probably due to the chemo, but I'm so scared. Yesterday was my one year anniversary of my diagnosis. I feel like "here we go again!" My last pap was two years ago, since last year I was busy with treatment. I go tomorrow to get checked out and possibly get a biopsy. Been crying all morning. Saturday is my…
bruise from surgery 6 months ago
I had expander exchanged for implant surgery back in November and I've have a large purple bruise ever since. I realize that some bruising is to be expected and can last for some time. But for 6 months? This does nothing to enhance the look of the reconstructed breast. Especially with that scar located right above it. The…
Hi sisters! I just want to say today I get my last AC treatment (then Taxol), and I am so happy about that. Thank God for carrying me while I go through this - couldn't have done it without your help. But wait...I am not done yet! Keep carrying me... :) Thank you all for listening to me, and for your support.
Aromasin...question for my mother-in-law
As many of you know my mother-in-law is also a survivor, she went through treatment about the same time I was. Her doc has recently started her on aromasin, and she is having a very hard time with the side effects. Joint pain in her hips is the most bothersome. She asked me to talk with all of you wonderful ladies on her…
No antioxidants during radiation treatment ?
My RO told me to not eat any antioxidants starting 2 weeks prior to radiation treatment, during rads, and up to 1 month after rads is finished. Is there anyone else who has been told that by their RO, or Nutritionist? And how do I avoid antioxidants? --they seem to be in nearly every fruit, vegetable, rye, etc. I start…
Preakness Horse Race
Black Eyed Susan Day at Pimlico was yesterday. They partnered with Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. They honored 87 breast cancer survivors with a nice lunch and gifts. It was a fun time and great day!
great day for race/walk for the cure
God blessed us with a glorious day to participate in the Detroit Komen race/walk for the cure today. 3 of us survivors, my 2 daughters, family, friends, and supporters did the walk. What a beautiful feeling to cross under the pink balloon arches. I pray for a cure so no one we love has to go through this. Bless all of the…
Tram Flap Breast Reconstruction
Has anyone had Tram Flap reconstruction? I would like to know if you recommend it and how long is the recovery.
Relay for Life
Our Relay for Life is June 3 and 4th. Last year I met someone who was a 18 bc survivor.She got me into Relay for Life(I had been interested).She just got things rolling for me. Then last year I also talked to another lady who was on her 3rd bout with breast cancer since 2003. She was taking chemo(3rd time) and has a long…
Xelodoa did not work
Just wanted to let everyone know that the xeloda did not work. The tumor did not shrink it has grown but very little. So my Dr has change my chemo medicine to Halvoln IV Chemo has anyone been on this. I am just looking for any suggestion or is it time to move on. I feel good, appetite is pretty good not great, no shortness…
My daughter alerted me to the Pink Fire Truck tour that was in a nearby town so I decided to check it out. I have posted several photo's in the expressions gallery if you are interested in seeing them. It was a very powerful site to see, each fire truck is covered with hand written messages.
making my kids scrap books
So I have decided to make each of my 3 kids a scrap book of things I like that & are important to me... I'm putting quotes, lyrics, poems funny stories about them, I'll write each of them a letter when I can, need some more good things to add, any suggestions??? Of course photographs with a story behind the picture. Just…
June 11th Niagara Falls lunch
A group of us is getting together on Saturday, June 11th at 1-ish for lunch, probably in a town a few miles outside Niagara Falls, NY. I had posted before, but I'd like some idea of who hopes to join us. And, I'd really like your email address, to communicate details, if you don't mind sending me a pm with it. Hope you can…
Shout out to 'BJMom' .. Please check in with us .. We are worried about you!
Strength, Courage and Hope - I am praying for you. Vicki Sam
I'm Not Coping Well & In Tears
I'm scheduled for mastectomy surgery on June 1st. Last week when, together with my surgeon and my husband, I made the decision to have the mastectomy I felt like I was handling the news well. However, since last weekend I've been falling apart more and more each day. I'm not sleeping well (even with sleep meds), I'm having…
It will be awhile until I can check CSN
Surgery tomorrow am...I ONLY have my blackberry to online access-so May be some time before I can check back in... 51 yr old eyes and small screen on blackberry not good mix... hopefully by tomorrow at this time I"LL be in recovery.. Denise
Will We ever truly be told were "Cancer free?"
I had a mastectomy to remove a pea size tumor with borders. 3 lymph nodes were removed with 2 being positive. 7 of 8 rounds of chemo completed. I meet with a rads Dr later this week. I was excited to only have 1 treatment left. The Dr looked over my chart and the fact that i'd only had 3 lymph nodes removed and said they…
Once you are "over the hill", does it only get better? Question about chemo side effects
Hi everyone, Today I feel like I "am back", on day 6 of my first chemo cycle. I even worked out for 20 minutes. The weekend felt like a flu, with skin breakout and itchy tingling scalp. My question is, once you start feeling better does it just keep getting better until the next round of chemo? I understand that the hair…
Ayse - how did you do in NY?
Inquiring minds want to know!!! Sue