Genetically predisposed to cancer
I saw my oncologist recently and she told me she thinks I'm genetically predisposed to cancer as I've just recently been diagnosed with my third different cancer. The silver lining is that they've all been caught early enough. Wondering if any one else has heard this from their onco or any other Dr's? I have consult for…
sorry--I wasn't thinking
If you want to give me your e-mail address, just click on the CSN Email to the left of the screen. I can also mail you a copy if you'd me to do that. I put my e-mail in with my first post and someone thought that going through this CSN Email was better. Hugs \Judy
NEW what not to say ....
I have a well meaning friend who said in an email "How devastating it would be to lose you" and then sent a new email asking if I "have a bucket list". Doesn't send a message of hope at all. But I just giggled because I believe he is not educated enough on the subject. I thanked him for his concerns and said I will kick…
Bone pain and neulasta
Sorry if I already posted this - not sure where it went - I'm new to this forum stuff - Anyway - Just trying to be helpful to those who have significant bone pain from neulasta - my chemo nurses told me to take claritin once a day, and naproxen twice a day, for several days before and after the injection. I just kept…
BAD news
My very close LIKE sister to me...has been sick for quite some years with breathing and lung issues...HER MOM died 14 months ago..(I considered her mom my 2nd mom) to breast cancer! Today I FOUND OUT her daughter (MY like sis friend) found out she had breast cancer on FRIDAY................and with all this her dad has…
Sharing something I hope will help
HI everyone. I go into the hospital November 22 to have my other breast removed. I'm glad about it totally. But one thing I've wrestled with is what difference do I make that warrants my living through all of this. I'm totally focused on my family and I do things for them, but it doesn't seem enough. So, after being in…
Did you all get a second opinion?
I am hoping for a second opinion just to make sure I am on the right path to recovery. I just feel so robotic in this war. I mean, someone TELLS me to see so and so, and to go this facility for diagnostic test or this hospital for surgery. That makes me feel like I am not part of the team. Does that make sense? I have…
Sharing something I hope will help
HI everyone. I go into the hospital November 22 to have my other breast removed. I'm glad about it totally. But one thing I've wrestled with is what difference do I make that warrants my living through all of this. I'm totally focused on my family and I do things for them, but it doesn't seem enough. So, after being in…
Taxotere & Cytoxan side efffects
Did anyone have bad trouble sleeping with taxoter & cytoxan? I'm on round 3 and cannot sleep. Also have terrible anxiety & depressoin - will i ever be normal again?
do not want to take anastrozole?
Saw oncoligiist today. IDC stage1clear nodes, Oncotype results was 6 if i take estrogen progestrone drugs. Soon will be doing radiation. Has anyone had similiar diagnosis and not do the drugs. They want me to start taking Arimidex
Dense Breast Bill Veto in Calif - Lets get on Jerry Brown's case!
Hey ladies! I'm so upset about this veto. OUr legislature passed the bill which would require that women be informed of dense breast and that mammogram may not show malignant growths. I never thought this would happen or I would have put pressure on Jerry Brown. From what I understand he bowed to the Calif. Medical Assoc.…
CT scan, no changes, but 10th infection since April and this time in the kidneys
I feel like it is time for another doctor to try and figure this all out. So, even though I really like my oncologist, I do have a Cancer Center near enough and think I will start to go there. I started there 3 years ago, but it was so big, etc. But now I seem to be more complicated than when I had my DX and surgery. This…
Daughter's mammo...thank you!
Thank you every one for the prayers offered up when my daughter had her first mammo the other day....they only did the routine mammo....told her she could get dressed and leave...so we are assuming until she sees her ob/gyn that everything was normal...WHEW! But I won't rest easy until she's told everything is…
clear mammo, easy airline experience
On Wednesday I did 2 firsts since treatment...mammo of my right breast, and airline flight. The mammo was clear, yahoo!, and the security screening at the airport was no different than it ever has been. I did wonder if I had forgotten to remove the little metal nipple marker if it would have set off any alarms, lol. They…
Very sharp stabing pains after Rad's..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished my rad's on the 17. But I am very sore and major sharp pain s they only last a few seconds but it makes me see star's is that normal for the first week or so after Rads...
change of DRs
My oncologist is out on maternity leave..NOT SURE FOR HOW long...as well as my long time gastro Dr is no longer practicing... I HOPE I LIKE the news ones like I DID mine.. Denise
New tata's moved
I have a question... my exchange surgery was Sept.2010 and now my my new tata's have moved east and west... has anyone had this happen and what can they do?
rash under breast that keeps coming back?
Ok....this is like the third time I've had an itching, red rash under my breast. The first time was right after rads and they gave me cipro for it. The last time was about a month or so ago and it was bad. I was given a bacterial antibiotic that cleared it up but gave me an allergic reaction. Well, last night I found…
Please read my friend's story on Everyday Health
Hi sisters -- I'm not sure if you remember me posting about my friend months ago. How she was dx with bc right after pregnancy and had the gene. Then she got an ovarian scare months later. Here's her story: http://www.everydayhealth.com/breast-cancer/meet-cathy-sabbio-mom-wife-and-breast-cancer-survivor-at-33.aspx
latissimus dorsi flap procedure
im going to have this done in november on both sides i had a double masectomy. i would like to hear from others that have had this done. any information would be appreciated. thank you! teresa
Thank You all....
Thank You All so very much. I feel better just knowing you are all there. It will be a sad trip but like some of you said remember the good times. Glad the Pink Bus is coming. I will be ready to have a little fun also. Again thank You. My hugs and Prayers to All, Diana
Curve Ball
Hi ladies. I just need to vent. Several weeks back I posted about back pain and had a question on mets to the spine. I had to beg for an updated MRI and as good luck had it, it was only a ruptured disk. I had surgery two weeks ago (diskectomy)and the pain is gone. No cancer and I thought life was good. I returned to work…
O.T. so how's been pumpkin picking
we did last week (grandsons and their mom) Wed college is havingn trick or treating (mom works evenings so I'll take them) sat Halloween party (she works all day sat you got it..I"ll take them) MONDAY real trick or treat..he day off...but boys wants me *us hubby too* to come along... Denise
Ulcerative colitis
Hi everyone, it's been a while since I've been on. I hope you are doing well. I was recently diagnosed with ulcerative colitis on friday. The doc was due in the OR after my colonoscopy so was just able to tell me to avoid raw fruits and veggies and milk and avoid stress. I am on 2 anti-inflammatory meds. I was hoping there…
One more Mammo..tomorrow..
This is almost 4 yrs post the start of BC... Funny thing is since all this started..my oldest daughter got a job in the Imagining Center I go to..she even set up my appt... Denise
Just finished radiation hooray!
Just got back from my last treatment, woohoo! It will be nice to have that 2 hours a day M- F back, I probably won't be able to get through a whole day of work! It probably won't sink in until tomorrow, when I don't have to get in my car at 9:45! I've been really lucky, I have a little fatigue, but it usually doesn't show…
saying hello
Hi all, I haven't written in a while, but want to say a big thank you for always being here. When I needed you most, you eased my fears and shared my worries. I am well on the mend and am grateful for it, back to work 20 hours a week and loving the after school program, even graduated to my own room of 2nd and 3rd graders…
big toenails
A TEN YEAR SURVIVOR! Alas, in all these ten years I have had trouble with getting my big toenails to "take". The first time I lost one was during a dancing accident, while on Taxol. Someone pointed out to me that I was bleeding all over the dance floor! Ha! I didn't even feel it! I still don't have much feeling in my big…
Anyone got sick after chemo...like getting a cold or flu? What to do?!
Hi sisters -- I feel like I'm coming down with a cold and I was wondering if any of you took medication for it while on tamoxifen. My white blood count is low and I'm just worried about not treating my cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. :)
Rest In Peace
I just read on Libby's facebook page that she passed this morning. I am so sad and it is hard to write this now. I have all of Libby's family's contact information and will give them sometime before I try to contact them to get the arrangements. I am heartbroken, especially for her 10 year old daughter, Carlie. xoxo, Jean