Revisions Surgery
I had my revision surgery on Monday.I first had my exchange surgery on Aug.17. From the time my bandages came off, I noticed that my left side( the cancer side) was smaller. I tried to ignore it but it really bothered me.I felt it was really noticeable when i wore a sweater top. It was really hard for me to tell my ps I…
does ovarian cancer only follow breast cancer after taking tamoxifen?
Have survivers had ovarian problems if they take aromatase inhibitors or just tamoxifen or is it just previlent no matter how they treat your breast cancer. I was told by my oncoligist that my ovaries do not need to be checked unless i go on tamoxifen?
Anyone ever tried Celexa?
I qualified for the clinical trial and started chemo on Friday morning!
For some odd reason, I keep having a hard time logging into CSN and I miss all of you Kindreds! My wonderful, caring, great oncologist and I decided that the Faslodex was not doing as much as we wanted, and as he is ivolved with a clinical trial he is very excited about, he wanted me to be tested to see if I fit the…
Has anyone had their oncologist offer fewer chemo treatments?
Has anyone had their doc offer fewer chemo treatments? I am scheduled for 4 and finished 3 (yay) but with bad side effects. Doctor said that I could only do 3 if I want - is this normal? I was borderline for chemo anyway - lump was only slightly invasive and no node infiltration, so the doc said there was a chance I didn't…
Curve Ball
Hi ladies. I just need to vent. Several weeks back I posted about back pain and had a question on mets to the spine. I had to beg for an updated MRI and as good luck had it, it was only a ruptured disk. I had surgery two weeks ago (diskectomy)and the pain is gone. No cancer and I thought life was good. I returned to work…
Has anyone heard anything from PinkKari09? I know she was having a hard time on chemo.
I didn't know if anyone has heard anything new on how Kari is doing. I know her chemo treatment was really hard on her. Lex
HIT by big storm in NY
We've been out of electric etc since Sat am and got it back last night. I have lots of reading to catch up on! Anyone else hit by snow storm-which closed most everything? Denise
The Pink Bus Is Rolling For Sue Relays - Let's Show Our Support
Sue is having a double mastectomy on Wednesday and needs our support and encouragement. Thanks, Angie
joint pains after chemo
does anyone know if joint pain is a long-term side effect of the chemo drugs adriamycin and endoxin? My chemo finished in May followed by 33 sessions of radiation. I have stiffness in my joints which was never there before, and swelling and pain in my ankles, knees and thumbs?! I am 54 so I wonder if it's just old age…
It's my turn, it's my turn...
As of today's oncology appointment I am officially dancing with NED and he's pretty light on his feet. I darn near spun him out of the room... Other news tidbits ~ Wednesday I had an appointment with my plastic surgeon to order my implants. I went with saline, at my stage in life I went with peace of mind over natural…
I'm a daughter.
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. She is 61. She has not talked to me about it yet (my dad told me). I know that it has spread to her lymph nodes but I do not know what type she has or what stage she is in. She will begin radiation and chemotherapy, and she has an appointment with a surgeon on Thursday. I…
New to the world of cancer :(
Hi to my newest group of friends. Even though we don't know each other, I feel the bond already. :) I just saw my oncologist for the first time today. I had a lumpectomy one month ago and was told that I was Stage 2A, clear margins and clear nodes. BUT, the pathology report showed that there were "cancer crumbs" sitting…
Need a few extra prayers.....
My Dad passed away on Monday morning the 17th. He was 85 but suffered from COPD. Way to many years of smoking. I thought after the first cry I would be fine. Well tomorrow I have to fly to Michigan from Calif. and tend to the funeral. It is a long and sad story and don't need to go into it all. But it would help to know…
Has Anyone Suffered Depression after treatments ended.
I feel a little embarrased about this subject. I've always considered myself a strong person. For two years, during my treatment and surgeries, I was determined to fight cancer and I wanted it out of my body. I felt slightly scarred but I had surge of energy to fight to go on with my life. After my last surgery and…
+++ Laurissa, Kari, Marsha, how are you three pink sisters doing now on chemo? Please post an upda
I haven't seen a recent post from any of you and am hoping you will post soon to let us all know how you are. Hugs, Angie
Pink Bus for Chen
I know Chen is having a rough time right now after first chemo hit hard. All aboard to bring her prayers, well wishes and hugs! Chen, I am praying for you. Please pm me if there is anything that I can do.
Reflecting back one year later
It was one year ago today I heard those words "You got cancer." I remember sitting at home getting that call from my breast surgeon confirming what I already knew deep in my heart. A year ago today my life changed and not always for the worst. I want to put my story out there for all you new people just starting your…
Today is Lillith's Birthday!
Best wishes for a great day - and a year filled with health, happiness and love! -Jenny
Update: Can I have the Bus on Thursday, Oct. 27th please?
Hi sisters – Hope everyone is doing well. I have a GYN appt. this Thursday and I’m a bit nervous about it so I need you all to come with me, please? I harvested my eggs back in March and have not gotten my period since April – also took chemo, AC/T. I am on tamoxifen. I pray all turns out OK. I may get a sono the same day,…
Our dear Chenheart, today...
... is undergoing her first chemo treatment. Am sending my most heartfelt HOPES, dear Claudia, for success - most importantly! While also making magical wishes for minimal SEs & discomfort. (((HUGS))) Love, 12/25 XO
triple negative & BRCA gene more common ??
Yesterday at my 3rd 3-mth checkup post chemo (after 2 lumpectomies & 33 rads), my onc said that he wanted me tested for the BRCA gene...that medicare is now paying for testing on triple negatives and that my insurance probably will to. When I said that I don't have any children, he said -- "what about nieces & nephews".…
Be it right or be it wrong I am not doing it
My primary care physician listened to all of the suggestions I had been given by 3 gyns and my MO and told me he thought this was a bad time for a hyst. Maybe in 6 months, maybe never. My rheumatoid arthritis is in remission right now, seems my bc is also, and he would like me to recover more from surgery, chemo and rads…
Today is Bakerette's Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary today - and wishing you many more! -Jenny
CONGRATS to the St.Louis Cardinals For A Great World Series!
Awesome games! Hubby and I really enjoyed all of them! We were rooting for the Cards, so, we were thrilled when they won tonight! I hope everyone who likes baseball got a chance to watch the series! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
One year old!
Hey girls! I don't get here that much anymore, although, I am in touch with many of you every day on Facebook. Just wanted to let you know that my precious granddaughter, Isabella Grace, was one year old yesterday! I can't believe how fast the year has gone. If you remember, she was conceived about the same time that I was…
Inner Focus...taking time for me
I haven't posted anything for a while. I've had a lot on my mind. Through the chaos that is our life right now, I continue to try and take some time each day for inner focus, relaxation and stress reduction. I realize that the only change that I can control in my life is how I change myself, my thought patterns, actions,…
O.T. 5 yrs Tuesday
Nov 1 will be 5 yrs since my mom died of cirrhosis! They think she had hyp B at some point and never knew it...you dont' read or hear much on this disease but it is ALSO a terrible disease as well. Thanks for listening..or reading..lol Denise
Scar tissue
I'm not a frequent 'poster' but keep tabs on what is going on the discussion board and have never seen any discussion on this. Has anyone had scar tissue develop following exchange surgery? I had bilateral masectomy 12/10 with temporary implants p\inserted at that time, radiation and 6 months after radiation the exchange…
Hysterectomy--seems very common post BC
from reading, talking to misc people since my Hysterectomy or is it just by chance in common with who I have had contact with ...many here had everything removed (due to side effects) Denise Just curious..