Hershey girls...Thank You!!
I am so touched...it is so heart warming...Thank you for the lovely card, and thank you for thinking of me. Hugs, Linda
Question re tamoxafen and endometrial thickness
I have been on tomaxafen for three months. I am 51and it has stopped my periods although my recent bloodwork showed I was not in menopause yet. I have been having severe pelvic cramping but no bleeding. Yesterdsy I had a transvaginal pelvic sonogram and the results stated .... Retroverted uterus, hetergeneous echogenicity…
local paper article
Express yourself!!!
Ladies, now coming to a mailbox near you!!! I have followed through with my threat and my 3 piece poster is out seeing the word and meeting some VERY special Ladies that have become very near and dear to my heart. I chose three ladies in 3 different states: Chenheart - CA MissRenee - AZ CypressCynthis - LA So if you are…
It's cold - how about some comfort food recipes?
I got the wonderful 'Stuffed Pepper Soup' recipe here last year and I'm looking for more. I made a 'diet' soup tonight that the girls at work are passing around. It doesn't taste like diet at all and I figure it's 8 points plus per 3 cup serving if you're doing Weight Watchers (I am) 2 tsp olive oil 1.25 lb ground turkey 1…
Would love support and words of encouragement.....
Heading in for the double M Wednesday! Would love to hear from a couple who have chosen not to do reconstruction again :) . Need to hear that some of you are glad you made that decision. I think I'm mentally prepared, but wonder if we really can be. Just hoping I don't wake up and then have it hit me!! Thanks everyone for…
Taxol...numb feet, overall exhausted?
I have been on Taxol since July, I have had lots of blood transfusions and haven't needed one for a couple weeks so that could be why I am so tired but this last week the bottoms of my feet have been falling asleep. Anyone else experience that? I just feel zapped today but who knows why it could be as simple as all the…
Hi All
I just want to let you all know that I am still here. I have be reading posts almost every day but not posting myself. My life has been so hectic - in a good way. We bought a "new" house. It needed a lot of work done so I was working at my regular job and then working at the house in the evenings. When we got it done then…
"Light your candle NOW!"
"Fire has always been regarded as something holy, magical and mysterious. In most societies, fire first belonged to the gods. the legend of Prometheus and the creation of humanity are but one example. Prometheus is credited with having stolen the fire from the gods and given it to mortal mankind. Fire originates in all…
Tents for the nipples
How long will I have to wear these tents from my nipple reconstruction? Forgot to ask my doctor, follow-up appt isn't until Wednesday! I look like Madonna! Thank you, Marianne
i need a straight answer!
i feel selfish asking for answers, but you are the most informative wonderful women i have ever known. here are my simple questions: does anyone know: 1. is a lumpectomy necessary if the needle core biopsy shows non=malignant? 2. do they always do a lumpectomy after a needle core, regardless of the diagnosis? 3. if they…
You kindreds are never far from my heart either......here's my update
I have been remiss in posting but I continue to check in on my sisters frequently. I am saddened with all the recurrence but inspired by the resolve in ALL of you! I am going through my 2nd recurrence in my breast with mets to my liver and have had my fourth infusion of Abraxane. I am one of the lucky ones and have…
They tell it like it is...
Started on another antibiotic this week Levaquin for Bronchitis. I was talking to my son and told him I was a little hesitant because of all the side effects. He looked at me and said... "are you kidding me?" I thought he was reacting to the side effects I had just read him. He started laughing and said, "Mom, you just…
i would love to her some thoughts about stopping bone strenthening shot.
ok I tend to over think things, I have stage 4 with bone mets and have been told I will be taking the shot every month for the rest of my life. to help protect my bones from the cancer. Heres were the over thinking comes in ... I want to keep the beast at bay and will keep fighting, however i cant help but think why keep…
Let's Board The Pink Bus For Texasgirl10 ( Dawne's ) Mom
Dawne's Mom is having a MRI this Monday and I know could use our support and prayers. Thanks, Angie
Good news! A clear mammo
2 years and counting! After the mammo,I saw my surgeon so I'm 'good to go' for another 6 months. A little irksome though, I have a calcification they're watching on the right, no biggie - it's been there awile. The cancer was on the left. The Doc that read the mammo only wants to recheck the right in 6 months, however my…
Thyroid update
Just wanted to update everyone. I was supposed to have a biopsy of my thyroid as they found a nodule that glowed during a PET scan. After having to put off the biopsy for almost 3 weeks because of low white blood counts I was finally able to have it. I got the best news I have received thus far-it was not cancer! I was…
Radiated skin/ reconstruction
Hello beautiful sisters, A friend of mine is going through tissue expander reconstruction and is having trouble with her radiated side not stretching. I was curious to hear your stories, does the elasticity in the skin eventually stretch through a gradual process, or will there come a point when it will only go so far and…
Please pray for my Mom
My mom had a chest X-ray last week that shows a lung nodule. Her Dr has ordered an MRI for next week. I know she's worried & I am too. I'm praying with everything I have that this MRI comes back clean. I will keep y'all updated. Hugs & God Bless, Dawne
~A note of THANKS the the Hershey Pinks~
I have not posted all my recent challenges on the board but some of the Pinks were aware of them. In the past few months I have had my gall bladder removed and it was feared there was cancer (there was none) I have had a mass in my eye removed they feared was cancer (wrong again) and most recently I had to have a bone scan…
Last taxol was today
Finished # 12 taxol today - last one! I'm so glad to be done with that part of this journey. Can't say it was enjoyable but I made it through it. Had lots of tips from you wonderful ladies here for dealing with the side effects. A big THANK YOU to all of you. My mom went with me for the treatments so it was nice to spend…
Update News
I Thought I would let everyone know that my News from my CT Scan on Mon of this week the report was not good. The Tumors have grown I was so upset my Dr has switch my chemo med and started a new one as of Tues the new medicine is Navlbine. But I am being to think that it is time to look for outside help any suggestion…
Just opened my acct
I am 61 going on eternity. My diagnosis was in 2010 and have been doing 98% of this on my own with only a little help from friends. Would sure love added support/friendships etc. As my computer has just gone back on line, this is one of the 1st things I have done to stay in contact. Would love to hear from those that are…
Mom always said if you can't say something nice....
So I guess all I can say is that 1 year ago today at approximately this time I got THE call. I am thankful to be done with surgery, chemo and rads. Happy that the bc seems to be in remission. Glad I found all of you, Jennifer
just alittle worried
Im new to the discussion but just from looking around I can see the help and support you all give each other. Tomorrow I start my first chemo. Does everyone worry about the first one or is it all of them?
Implant has herniated - Needs to be replaced
Hello to the Pink Ladies & Gentlemen, I had my tissue expander replaced with a saline implant on 6/13/11. I had the normal follow-up appointments and told the reconstructive surgeon that I was not happy with the shape of the new foob several times. He basically said that is the way it is going to be and there is nothing I…
New Here....
I am 38 years old and was dx with breast cancer on 10/14. My lymph node biopsy came back CLEAR!!! (praise GOD!) BUT...I am HER2 positive. I am scheduled for a double mastectomy on 11/10. This is what I know so far....most of it is still in the duct, but 2 small places it went outside of the duct. The total measures 10cm. I…
A Jo Jo update :)
Hi all Well i just passed my 2 year mark (diagnosed in October 09) and im still alive...WOOO HOOO! Im recouping from my last surgery. Im anxious to start working out and toning up this flab of skin i have become acustome to...its going to take alot of work and at a slow pace. Doc said i cant start for a few weeks yet...so…
Starting chemo
I will be starting chemo on the 13th and was wondering if anyone could let me know how it went for them? I am gonna have 8 treatments, one every two weeks and was just wondering how hard a time people had with it. Thanks for any imput. Debbie
Thank you pink sisters
Just a few weeks ago, I posted a question regarding depression after treatments and surgeries ended. I mentioned the doctor put me on zoloft. Well a few days after I posted, I went to the doctor and she switched me to lexpro. I feel the difference already. I've only cried once. Sometimes, I feel overly chippery. One of the…