Camp Kesem
Hi all, Camp Kesem is a summer camp for kids who have a parent dx'd with cancer, it's about a week long and it's free. My daughter has been back from camp for a while now, and she's still talking about it. It was a really good experience for her. So for those of you with kids, please check their website. There are camps…
Pain Meds
The aching from the chemo has been very hard to deal with. Do any of you use pain meds other than Tylenol or advil, etc. (these really do nothing for me). Everytime I mention this I feel like the P.A. and Dr. just blow me off. I take TCH and will have the 4th of 6 on July 16th. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
embarassed to say
Hi everyone, I have a question that I would like to ask anyone out there willing to respond. I am six months post chemo and have now found a new solid lump in of all places "sorry to say" my buttocks, now has anyone had this and is it something I should get checked out. just feeling kind of wierded out about talking to my…
Bras after reconstruction
Just wondering if anyone found a preference in bras after reconstruction or is this something my PS will tell me that I should have? Thanks! Sandy
Robert aka ManWithaMission - How Are You Doing?
Robert, I hope your recovery is going smoothly. Let us know how you are doing? Best to you, Doris
Phoenix people--let's set up a luncheon!
Okay, I've heard from the following regarding getting together for a Saturday luncheon: Trixytwo, debsweb18, Mary Ann and Edna (through emails--they don't get on this board very often). Anyone else wanting to join from Phoenix or traveling through--just let me know. Which Saturday is best for everyone--Aug. 4 or Aug. 11? I…
Family member having cancer
I have recently found out the devastating news that my Gran has cancer and was wondering if anyone has any good quotes about it. I really want to get a tattoo so that I will have something to remember her by in the future. I'm really stuck for ideas as I really do not know what to get and want to make it something worth…
Are sharp pains a symptom???
Hello All, So I am a fellow lymphoma survivor and I am freaking out a bit. I developed a lump in my right breast a few years ago but it never bothered me. I had an ultra sound done on it shortly after I discovered it but the doctor claimed nothing looked unusual and it was probably just breast tissue. A few months ago I…
Thickening of uterus
I had posted some time back I had total hysterctomy due to TAMOXIFEN....enlarging my uterus. I have seen others post they have had hysterectomy but for same reason. I never hear anyone mention thickening. MY oncologist insisted from the get to to have interanl ultra sound each 3-6 mths...my gyno stated he normally doesn't…
Some can donate blood/organs after BC
Roseann posted the great news that she has been approved to donate a kidney to her Son after BC. That is fantastic but quite complicated to be able to do BUT for many of us who have been blood donors and thought that we could not ever donate again - we can (as long as everything else makes us elligiable). We can also be…
O.T>fell at work yesterday
not sure what hurts more pride or knees...I went down with a BANG...knees swollen, scraped adn bruised!...about 3 co workers saw me go down..so there goes my pride...hehe... laughing today...but NOT yesterday.. Denise
Discomfort after nipple saving bilateral mastectomy
It is now 3 weeks after my bilateral mastectomy. The plastic surgeon put in expanders for reconstruction and my breasts feel so tender. I am not sure what hurts but I go off pain killers and get caught with nothing but lots of pain. What is all the sensitivity? inside? outside? the expanders? If I change bras that helps,…
Reconstruction/ Newbe here!
Hi Everyone, I am 55 years old and relate so much to many of you here. My mother was a primary breast cancer survivor X2. First at age 38 (1968) and then again at age 52 (1982). She passed away at age 72 but it had nothing to do with breast cancer. I knew after her second diagnosis (probably before) that if this day ever…
Exchange surgery
I had my exchange surgery today. Silicone implants for expanders. I am pleasantly surprised as to how much softer & natural the implants feel to the touch as compared to the uncomfortable expanders. I guess as soon as this heals I will have no more excuses & will have to fill the dreaded tamoxifen script that is on my…
breast removal last week
I have been bottling all my anger and frustrations up ever since I was diagnosed with BC. After several months of treatment and only being able to stop it from spreading I finally gave in and did about an 80% removal June 13th. I was a DDD and now I'm a small B. I'm lost and all the emotions I have been holding back from…
It's the Big Day
Today will be my 1st mamo since my breast dx. I know this day will be fine as I have you ladies and God on my side. I'll be on the bus to Kaiser Canoga Park CA at 1:30pm. Come and join me for some drinks, good food and most of all good laughs and stories to tell. Constance
We've had some folks here lately who are not getting the support that they should for various reasons. I just wanted to chime in and say that my husband is *very* supportive. He has made it quite clear that I am not my breasts and he loves me with or without them. Do we fight--oh yes! This has been a huge stressor and we…
I had a double mastectomy with nipple saving plastic surgery on Tuesday the 19th of June. I am home with the bags hanging and although fluids are running in, I am a little worried about breast firmness in left breast as I had to have a second surgery that day to have a large hematoma removed at 11;30 pm in that breast. The…
Lets cut out the argumentive jargon on here,
In the last week, the jabs, lack of respect for one another, and plain old arguing has gotten out of hand. It is causing riff's and almost forcing people to take sides. If you don't agree with someone, there are ways of expressing your opinion without the rude comments. It is not in anyone's place to force their views on…
JOKE of the Day -- Monday
.. for all you animal lovers out there (like me) Liver and cheese.... Three handsome male dogs are walking down the street when they see a beautiful, enticing, female poodle. The three male dogs fall all over themselves in an effort to be the one to reach her first, but end up arriving in front of her at the same time.…
reported as I put spam
says to contact admin...not sure how to do it..or what I posted that comes up as spam Denise aka disneyfan2008
Testosterone to counteract anti estrogen meds?
Hi, I have heard that taking testosterone can help with the side effects of anti estrogen meds? I took arimidex for four months and it was awful!! Now I am taking fareston because I didn't qualify for tamoxifen. It's been almost a month and I am already starting to feel extra bone and joint pain.... I am so discouraged. I…
Permanent Hair Loss from Radiation Treatment
I thought I would just start a new thread for you Pammy. That way your question will be seen and answered by more. My hair loss is permanent, from what I understand, under my arm from the radiation. The rad treatments were given to my underarm to kill any stray cancer cells that might still be there. My nodes were clean. I…
Recovery from anesthesia - worse after chemo, or am I just getting old(er)?
Wondering if anyone else has experience with this? For several years well before cancer, I had to have quite a few oral surgery procedures, all under IV sedation. I always bounced back easily from the anesthesia -- by late afternoon, I was always awake and feeling fine. The last time was 3 years ago, just before I started…
Mouth Sores
Hi... I'm new to the site and was wondering if anyone has suggestions for mouth sores?
July 21, 2012 (Sat.) - Get Together My House
It's one week away for a get together at my house in Park Ridge, IL (Chicago). I'm cooking. I am an expensive, high quality, from scratch cook who wants to host a luncheon for you at my house so we can leisurely visit with one another. I posted here and on FB but got more responses from the sisters on FB. Unfortunately, it…
My new "Babies"...
Some of you may remember last November I said goodbye to my smooth red dachshund "tootsie"~ and how hard that was for me. My heart has ached with a loneliness ever since. My kids pooled their $$ together for Mothers Day and surprised me, so I could go pick out a new companion! I was so surprised. I had selected a breeder…
Stage 4 breast cancer with bone mets
Is anyone out there going through stage 4 breast cancer? Really want to talk to someone who is dealing with the same thing that I am. I'm 35 and I have battled this before when I was 25.
My Sister and Me
Hello everyone!!! I have been reading from this board for a while now and have learned some very great and encouraging information!! We are from a small town in the center of Texas called Brady and I am the caretaker and medical and business POA for my 39 year old sister who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with…
BC-Lumpectomy-Breast Reduction-Radiation
Hi all, what a great place this is. I have not seen much talk on this. When I was diagnosed my surgeon was amazed at my breast size and suggested me talking to a plastic surgeon. She thought in the long run it would be better all around. I had the breast reduction about 10 days after lumpectomy and had to wait a good 5…