OT-My brother is doing better
Hi, I figured I would give a quick update on my brother. On another post Angie asked and I answered but the site went down and it didn't go through. He's finally passed his barium swallow test and is very excited to start to eat real food even though it has to be thickened for easier swallow. It's still food because he has…
Weaning off of Drugs
Have any of you weaned off of Paxil, Ativan or Ambein. I need any advice on weaning from these drugs. There have been times in a 24 hour period that I’ve only spelt 2 hours, due to insomnia. I want off this rollercoaster, but it’s easier said than done. I was on 20mg of Paxil since 8/11 and did get down to 10mg starting…
Thursday .. Joke for Today!
... Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, 'How old was your husband?' '98,' she replied, 'Two years older than me' 'So you're 96,' the undertaker commented. She responded , 'Hardly worth going home, is it?
Arimidex and Depression
Is anyone on Arimidex having serious issues with depression and/or fatigue? I am. The info that comes with the prescription, and stuff I've read on the web, lists depression as one of the most common side effects. I had early stage BC, and I've been on Arimidex for 3 years+. I have osteoporosis, blood clots in my leg,…
Texasgirl10 update
Hello all, I got on this morning for the first time in about a month and saw where Ms Gebby had ask about Dawne. I checked with Dawne first and she told me to update all. Dawne is still suffering a lot with the lymphedema she is going to PT 5 days a week. She got her sleeve but it was to big so they had to send for another…
Joke for 'Today', Wednesday
.. hopes this does not offend anyone, or their culture. The very first ever Blonde GUY joke..... And well worth the wait!! An Irishman, a Mexican and a Blonde Guy were doing construction work on scaffolding on the 20th floor of a building. They were eating lunch and the Irishman said, "Corned beef and cabbage. If I get…
Need some prayers
Hi! As you may know I'm undergoing treatment for breast cancer for the second time. My sister who is 25 almost 26 had a mammogram on Monday and was told that they saw a spot and she needs to have another. She is going back July 5th. Please keep her in your prayers because I do not want her top have to go through what I…
Let's board the Pink Bus for MsGebby & Padee 6339 please
Mary and Pat have mammo's this Wednesday. I am sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers for you two! Hugs, Angie
☼ What Kind Of Weather Are You Having? ☼
It seems the weather is kind of crazy everywhere now, so, I wondered what the weather was like where you live. So, what is it like there? HOT HOT HOT
Also found Thyroid cancer
HER2 positive, and the breast cancer moved to my sternum. After Herceptin treatments, the spot on the sternum turned into a scar. The breast cancer and 4 lymph nodes were removed. Exactly 1 year to the date of the breast cancer diagnosis --Papillary Carcinoma was found in my thyroid. My thyroid was removed. Exactly 1 year…
~~ Do You Have A Favorite Movie Or Seen A New ReleaseThat Is Good? ~~
We watched A Few Good Men again the other night and just love that show. I think my hubby and I have the lines even memorized. LOL Just curious if you have a favorite one or if you've seen any of the new ones lately and what you thought of them. Popcorn anyone? Leeza
Xeloda girls and boys please give your input
Hello my dear friends, I hope everyone is enjoying holidays. I took my first dose today, very anxious about side effects and efficacy of this chemo drug for me. I having several questions: What was your initial dose for first week? How far in dose did you go? Do you have any advice or tips for minimizing side effects Thank…
NancyJac Thank You!
I hope that you will remain on this board and share your opinions, knowledge and humor with us. I've read your posts and appreciate your information. We are all sisters here and I do apologize if you felt that you were not a part of us, as you most certainly are! Keep posting! ♥ Kristin ♥
? mark in box over some names
There is box with a ? mark in it over some names in posts. Anybody else seeing it, Winyan - The Power Within Susan
First Post OP Mammo
on Wednesday ... I am scared because I can feel 2 kinda sorta lumps above my right breast. Not sure if a mammo will get a look at them. This is nerve racking! The lumps don't feel like the one I had when I was diagnosed. They feel hard and lumpy and not quite as big as the original one. Please pray I have nothing to worry…
Chat Rooms?
Did a little more exploring on this site today. The couple of times I have been to the chat rooms there was no one there. Finally ran into one other person today. Have you ever used them? Anybody interested in setting up a BC chat, either as just a one time thing or maybe a regular weekly thing?
prior to signing on lot of odd things on page
Doesn't look like regular page prior to signing on... odd things appearing or happening..
I have not seen any games lately on here. ANYONE have ideas for one? I LOVED THE ONE when we wrote story line by line...reminded me of Mad Libs books when I was a kid.. Denise
email or screen names
Just curious how everyone came up with their screen name or emails? Mine is disneyfan2008@yahoo.com I LOVE DISNEY (needless to say) and while going through BC in 2008 I decided to go on my first adult only trip to Disney will long time friend who had moved many states away. We met at Disney and had a wonderful time. So…
Right Hip Surgery Tomorrow - 7/3/12
Surprise!!!! Sorry that it has taken me sooooo long to tell y'all what's been going on with me lately. It all started back on June 13th...... June 18,2012 I went to see my oncologist this past Wendesday,June 13th, for my monthly Zometa infusion and check-up. The infusion went well,but the rest not so good. I told the…
Mary: MsGebby?
I have been waiting at this cyber coffee shop for days looking for you! My coffee is getting cold! It is July now and I know you have several appointments to fill with your change in diagnosis and new facility and doctor. It will be daunting, but we are hoping that you will keep posting about the news. Your nerves must be…
Today is Jean0609"s Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Sending BIG wishes your way for a day filled with love all around! CELEBRATE and have tons of fun! much love, Jenny
Cancer Nutrition
Has anyone done any reading on cancer nutrition? Seem keeping blood sugar down would help a lot. http://escapetheherdblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/cancer-minus-glucose-equals-dead-cancer.html http://escapetheherdblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/cancer-post.html
good happenings
Any good, happy or exciting news to share? Denise
Happy, happy news
My first grandchild, Lincoln Max, was born today at 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 19" long. Both mom and baby are doing very well. We spent the morning at the hospital taking movies, photos, oowing, awwing and cuddling. One of the coolest sights is seeing my son--being a dad. I'm totally in love all over again. Hugs, Renee
I couldn't decide how to start this thread...
So I'm just gonna be blunt. Brain MRI at 8 this morning. Call from my onc this afternoon. There are 4 areas that are brain mets. They are all small, 5mm or less. I'll be starting whole brain rads ASAP. The appointment with the Rads Onc is Wed am. Onc wants me to start decadron today, he thinks it will reduce any swelling…
Miagraines with Arimdex
Is there anyone on the network, that is taking Arimdex, I have been taking it for 3 months, and in May I had a miagraine and a few headache, I was a person who never had headache, and yesterday I had two miagraines one at work, and later one at home, the one at home was terrible,I phone both my primary doctor, and my…
Really just so disappointed
My implant became contaminated some weeks ago. What happened is that there was a rough patch of skin that began to leak clear fluid, effectively it was called a seroma. My PS insisted it was contaminated although the culture came back that it wasn't infected. So, it was exchanged for a new implant. All was well and the…
My Sister's Results/Update
I was called a couple houra ago. She has Breast Cancer in both breasts.Upsetting but she's acting strong.The breakdown will be when she's alone.I know I had sometime to be upset and think about this. I thought the results would be before the week end but she was told probably she would'nt hear till Monday.Her breast…
Hershey Meeting
Hi girls, Hershey is getting close. Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30. Join us for all or part of the weekend. Friday dinner, Saturday chocolate spa, or Saturday dinner. Let me know if you need more information and I will send it to you. Hugs & Hershey kisses, Jean