It's that time
I'm at the office for mammogram and ultrasound. Wish me luck. Thanks
Pain in my heels--especially when I put weight on them--anyone?
I have an appointment with my med. onc. for another treatment of Faslodex/Zometa, and I'll ask her, but I was wondering if anyone else had this problem. It started rather gradually a couple of months ago, and at first I thought-okay arthritis pain. But now I'm wondering if this could be the start of neuropathy from the…
4 word story
The object of this game is to add 4 words to what has been written to create a story. Hot - fires raging what
19 months
I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the day before Thanksgiving in 2010. On Jan 3, 2011 I had a bilateral mastectomy followed by chemo and radiation. In June of 2011 I had a double tram flap reconstruction. I can barely look at myself in the shower. My husband of 28 years hasn't seen them. They aren't even, and the…
Early stage DICS, Grade II
I am 59, and underwent Lumpectomy on May 30 2012. The lump size 2.5 X 2 X 1.8 cm. (1" X 0.8" X 0.7"). Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma Grade II Frozen Section Remains: All Margins Clear Necrosis - not Identified Axillary Lymph nodes isolated: Level I & II - 15, Level III - 5 - all Free pSTAGE: pT2N0 Estrogen Receptor: ER +ve…
In LA 7/28 - would love to meet the LA gals
Hi, I will be in LA 7/28 - 8/1 and if anyone is interested in getting together 7/28 at sometime early evening onwards I would love to meet as many of you LA gals as possible. I am driving down for northern Cal. Sat 7/28 and should be there mid to late afternoon ( 2 -4pm) spending the night in Long Beach. Saturday would be…
How long does fatigue last
I had my last Chemo in April. I had my bi lateral in May. I have no cancer at this time. How long does fatigue last? I know this is one of those, it varies from person to person question, but I am curious how long some of you felt fatigued ? Thanks! Sandy
Tissue expanders
I had my first expander fill on Tuesday. This morning I noticed the right breast had a lot of bruising color, a yellowish-green,and it is a little tender around the area where the injection was done. When I had my fill, she put 4 ounces in the left breast and 2 ounces in the right. No redness or fever. I'll have a fill…
Friday .. JOKE of the Day
.. give them an inch concept Changed HR policies Casual Fridays: Week 1 - Memo No. 1 Effective this week, the company is adopting Fridays as Casual Day. Employees are free to dress in the casual attire of their choice. Week 3 - Memo No. 2 Spandex and leather micro-miniskirts are not appropriate attire for Casual Day.…
Reconstruction after radiation
Hi all. I had a bilateral mastectomy with chemo and rads on one side following. Sometimes I think I would like reconstruction, but I wonder how successful people have been with both sides looking the same. Were there problems reconstructing the radiated side? Thanks, Lynn xoxoxox
Hey, Phoenix area girls--let's get the party started!
I know there are several of us on this board. Let's all plan to try to meet for lunch/dinner/happy hour one of these days at a place as centrally located as possible. Please pm me and give me your email addresses and I will contact everyone and try to set up a date soon. I have met several on the board already and it…
Update - Colonoscopy, Pulmonary Dr., Etc.. AND HELLO PINKS!
Hi sweet ladies! I wanted to give you an update about how I'm doing. I saw my Onco a few weeks ago, and everything went well (AMEN to that). I've been having a dry cough for a while, which has now gotten better, but my Onco still wants me to see a pulmonary specialist at sloan. I will see this Dr. this coming Friday. My…
Megace instead of Tamoxafin?
Hi everyone! After my last treatment in Oct. 2011, my previous onco wrote me an rx for Tamoxafin. I didn't fill the rx because I started seeing a different oncologist. I'm ER+ at 99%, PR+ at 70%, and HER2 negative. My new onco put me on Megace (Megestrol Acetate) stating "this will get rid of your hot flashes". I'm in…
OT - anyone coming to The Rally? (Sturgis, SD)
The Rally (Sturgis Motorcycle Rally) starts Aug 3. Anyone coming? It's quite an 'adventure' and there are other areas that are more 'open' than Sturgis is today. I live about 30 miles from Sturgis. So anybody coming or have been to the Rally? Winyan - The Power Within Susan
Breast Cancer’s Hormone Receptor and HER2 Status Can Change After Diagnosis
I just read this today: http://www.breastcancer.org/symptoms/new_research/20120620.jsp Has anyone had this happen? Angie
Ginseng? for fatigue
There was an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer 6/26/12: "Ginseng boosts energy in cancer patients" that said the extracts seem to help combat cancer-related fatigue, one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy, and other treatments. The Mayo Clinic did a blind study in 2010 with 290 cancer patients and more…
Avon 2-day Breast Cancer Walk San Francisco
Hip Hip Hooray!!! This past weekend I walked with 8 other friends (Team Friends) for 2-days, 39.3 miles during the SF Avon Breast Cancer Walk. It's was a GREAT experience. The Avon SF walkers collected 4.8 Million for breast cancer research and to assist with treatments and various medical assistance. If you're willing and…
Other Newbies Besides Myself?
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and ask if there's anyone else who started on this wonderful site recently too? Wish I would have found you all a year and a half ago when I was first diagnosed! Everyone has so much knowledge and support of one another, I was hoping I could ask a question about Megace? I'm…
Large Hard Lump after Mastectomy
Hello. I had a bilateral mastectomy on April 3rd. Stage 0 DCIS, no chemo, rads or hormones so I am very lucky! For several weeks after my drains were removed I had to have my right side aspirated because of fluid build-up. However, no fluid buildup the past month so on Tuesday of last week my doctor "released" me. I woke…
I saw the rads onc today to discuss my big fat head.
He showed us the pictures of my brain, and where the spots are. He answered all our questions, and then said that he could me in this afternoon for the simulation. So I went back for that. I think I waited longer than the actual simulation, the tech was very quick. (It made me feel better that she was late because she was…
i am a freaking fried mess! Now I'm done! Yay.
Thank you all for the encouraging words and prayers. You are all the best!
Ladies I am getting a strange word the top of the page
What is the word Drupal showing for has this page been hacked
Inspirational Story
http://www.marksdailyapple.com/from-cancer-back-to-health/#axzz20WEQb9Ef good for her.
One year ago today...
I had to tell my family I have breast cancer. My birthday is tomorrow. On the 21st of last July I had a complete mastectomy of my left breast. I am not going to celebrate an anniversary that was so hard on my family....but I AM going to celebrate that I am still alive!!! I hope all of you are doing well, and thank you for…
OT summer reads
OK, I need some new book suggestions (not Forty Shades...lol). I am currently reading Ann Patchett's "State of Wonder" (love the medical/pharmacology connection) and just finished "The Weird Sisters" (the quirky Shakespeare spouting dad was hysterical) by Brown. Both books are great! I am a fictionaholic. Would love to…
Reminder! Get a baseline ultrasound of uterus if you are taking Tamoxifen, Armidex, Anastrozole, or
REMINDER! If you are or have been on Tamoxifen, Armidex, Anastrozole, or Femara, it is important that you get a baseline ultrasound of your uterus and then follow up with a second ultrasound two years later. Before I started these drugs, my first ultrasound (2 years ago) showed my uterus to be in perfect condition.…
having both breast removed
i was diagnosed with breast cancer in feb. 2012. i had a cycle of chemo to try and shrink the cancer in my right breast (there was no cancer anywhere else). it didn't shrink it, so i made the choice of having both breast removed in june 2012 with 2 lymphnodes removed on the same side. the recovery has been hell and now i…
A meds change helped with stomach pain
Just wanted to post about the last chemo. I told the Oncologist about the severe, doubled-over stomach pain I had the last time for about a week. She cut back one of the Decadron pills that I take for 3 days after the chemo and prescribed Prilosec. It really made a difference. No stomach pain at all! No, I don't feel great…
Symptom question
I am having some pain on right side of right breast (not quiet in armpit, but on edge toward it.) I don't feel a lump, but I had a breast reduction 6 years ago so it's hard to tell what's scar tissue and etc. I guess my question is, did anyone have pain when they were diagnosed? Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm a mess-surgery on the 9th
I think my husband is more anxious to get this over with because I'm a mess. Bilateral mastectomy on Monday and I know there are people on this board that have gone through much, much worse. I still don't want to do it and I'm a mess. Maureen