Today is PattiAnne's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May all the candles on your cake become wishes that come true! ♥ Cat
laughs_a_lot HOW IS YOUR EDEMA? (I hope I'm not having a chemo brain moment)..
Hi sweet sister -- Wasn't it you who was having several episodes of edema in the radiated breast? How are you feeling? Have you been getting them again? Wearing bras? As for me, my breast has a mind of its own. I can't wear bras because right away I get a level of edema to act up so I am hanging with my boob out, feeling…
Has anyone heard from Chen?
Anyone have word on how Chen is doing? I worry about her...haven't seen a post from her in quite some time....if anyone has heard from her and can share, please do... Hugs, Nancy
today is halfway point of brain rads...
and so far so good. No skin/scalp issues yet. I do have problems with balance, but that was expected, and I still have some headaches. Not as many and not as severe though. The rads onc said we can start weaning off the decadron next week...yay! I'm kind of afraid to say it for fear I will jinx the trend...I've been on the…
Saw this article on tips to comfort someone with cancer
Just wanted to share: http://specialsections.suntimes.com/home/14176138-554/ten-tips-to-comfort-someone-with-cancer.html
Back in the hospital
Synopsis: DCIS Jan 2009, lumpectomy and rads. Reoccurance April 2012, bilateral mastectomy July 9th 2012. The surgery went fine, no reconstruction, no new cancer found after specimens (my boobs) removed. They could not find the sentinel node so no lump nodes removed. Drains removed at 7 days and the radiated side was…
Scheduled for Wed., 8/1
I am scheduled at 10 a.m. for a "second look ultrasound", with possible ultrasound-guided biopsy or MRI guided biopsy. I choose Door #1. I told my husband--plan on going back to work after you take me to lunch. They are going to do their "second look ultrasound" and see that nothing requires a biopsy. Then we will go to a…
DIY breast form
If you or someone in your family/friends knits, I have put a picture and links for knitted knockers on my expression page. My daughter-in-law found the pattern and made mine. I took camisoles from Walmart and sewed lycra pockets for the knockers. Seems to be working. Maureen
Can many X-rays to the chest cause breast cancer?
I recently had pneumonia so I got many x-ray scans done to my chest. Sometimes when I inhale, I feel horrible pain in my left breast. Im really scared I might have breast cancer, but maybe Im just thinking too much. Any suggestions? Thanks!
Today is Ms.Sunshine's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!! May your day be filled with happy memories and all your wishes come true! ♥ Cat
Oh Eileen (CypressCythina) thank you!
So as I sit here posting, my husband comes in and asks if I had ordered anything...while I was so focused I didn't even hear the doorbell ring with the delivery. To my surprise I received a wonderful care package from our dear sweet CC...a precious hand made fleece blanket to keep me warm. And because I know there was much…
Yellow spots on my nipples? Should I be worried?
I found yellow spots on my nipples, and I really don't know what they are or where they came from. There are more on my left, but there is also this really big spot almost in the middle of that nipple too. Any clue of what they are? Should I be worried? Thanks.
tightness under arm post mastectomy
Am two weeks post mastectomy for invasive lobular carcinoma. Have PT appointment in 4 days but am looking for suggestions in the meantime. Had sentinal node biopsy along with mastectomy. Despite trying to keep the arm moving and trying to stretch it out, it seems to be getting tighter and definitely hurts more. Feels like…
Anyone has experience with IPT (insulin potentiation therapy)?
Hello, My mom has starge IV breast cancer and is considering undergoing IPT treatment. I was wondering if anyone has done it and how was their experience. Is it easy to follow, did it help fighting the disease? Thanks a lot for your help.
OT Clementine_P and Rules of Civility
Just finished The Rules of Civility last night. Thank you so much for recommending it. I loved it! Kind of a cross between The Great Gatsby and an Edith Wharton novel to me. I loved the history, the atmoshphere and the tender story; I couldn't put it down. Danny is reading it now. I'll let you know if he likes it as much.…
Joke of the week ... Murphy's Law
MURPHY'S LAWS ON WORK A pat on the back is only a few centimeters from a kick in the pants. Don't be irreplaceable, if you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. The more crap you put up with, the more crap you are going to get. You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and carry a clipboard. Eat one live toad…
Rendez vous saturday evening at 6:30pm in LA - Hope some of you can make it.
This might be a little late notice for some of you however if you do have some free time, Traci(TraciInLA) and her dear partner, New Flower (Olga) and I are going to at 6:30pm rendez vous at Misto Caffe & Bakery 24558 Hawthorne Boulevard, Torrance, CA Hillside Village Shopping Center (310) 375-3608 . cafemisto.com and we…
Stage 1 Breast Cancer with tumor grade of 3.8
Hello there I am new here just joined. I have stage 1 breast cancer with a grade of 3.8 I go into the cancer doctor on the 17th to talk about my treatment plan. I do understand that I will have at least of 6 wks of radaition therepy but I have tried search other people with the same but have been unable to find anything. I…
Thank you for the pink bus!!!
So brain rads are under way...they're much like chest rads, except I don't even have to change into the gown. I go in, lay down, they clamp my face mask on, zap me right and then left, stop to apply cream, then I'm on my way... The techs remember me from chest rads, sorry about the extra lap around the parking lot while we…
Today is Lighthouse_7's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR WANDA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special and you deserve the best-wishing you a day filled with love and happiness! Love, Cat
Today is DisneyFan2008's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DF HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! Love, Cat
Recap - Luncheon - Park Ridge, IL (Chicago)
I did have the luncheon at my house on Saturday, July 21 but the girls who came were from my breast support group from Northwest Community Hospital. Also had one neighbor who is a survivor of breast cancer. All I can say is that a bond forms when you get together socially. We laughed, ate, drank, and talked. Hopefully, in…
Please Light A Candle For Our Pink Sister, Jennifer ( grams2jc )
We have another pink angel in Heaven. Rest in peace Jennifer. This is the site where you can light a candle for Jennifer, our grams2jc. You can just click on the name in blue below & it will take you to the site. Thank you! Grams2jc
tightness under arm post mastectomy
Am two weeks post mastectomy for invasive lobular carcinoma. Have PT appointment in 4 days but am looking for suggestions in the meantime. Had sentinal node biopsy along with mastectomy. Despite trying to keep the arm moving and trying to stretch it out, it seems to be getting tighter and definitely hurts more. Feels like…
♣ A New Question - What Is Your Favorite Color And Why Is it? ♣
I know I have asked this before and I always enjoyed reading everyone's responses. So, what is your favorite color and why is it? Favorite color and why?
Rendez vous saturday evening at 6:30pm in LA - Hope some of you can make it.
This might be a little late notice for some of you however if you do have some free time, Traci(TraciInLA) and her dear partner, New Flower (Olga) and I are going to at 6:30pm rendez vous at Misto Caffe & Bakery 24558 Hawthorne Boulevard, Torrance, CA Hillside Village Shopping Center (310) 375-3608 . cafemisto.com and we…
Doctor's appt.
I have been having some pain in my right breast in the side (almost in armpit.) I went to the doctor today and she thinks it is just a cyst; however, she is sending me for a mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow. She said it didn't feel like cancer....it's not hard, it's movable and she said it didn't feel suspicious; but, she…
Save the Date - Florida Get Together
Just a reminder....We have planned a get together for the Florida girls (and any others who can join us) in Orlando the weekend of October 27th. Looking forward to meeting my pink sisters! If you can make it - send me a PM for details. Hugs, Debi
Far away friend just diagnosed.
Hi everyone, I got a call from my best friend in L.A. (I'm from Portland, OR) telling me she has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is the first person close to me who has been diagnosed. I want so much to support her, but I'm not sure how since I live so far away. I'm kind of an organizational control freak and it's…
Breast expanders feel like bricks
I had double mastectomy and reconstruction expanders two weeks ago. I hate the tightness and it feels like they are sticking into my ribs. Can't breath deep when my muscles tighten. They feel like bricks inside my chest. I just want them ripped out. Off the pain meds from surgery. Why are they so uncomfortable and how do I…