Newbie to the Forum
Just joined today. I had a lumpectomy with removal of 2 sentinel lymph nodes, left breast, 8 days ago, which was 6 weeks after having rotator cuff repair surgery on the shoulder on the same side. My lymph nodes came back negative and pathology report showed margins were clear. However, because it was invasive ductal…
Mom just diagnosed with BC - HER2 Positive
Hello all, I am from the uterine board (Stage 3a, Grade 2 endometrial adenocarcinoma), but my mom was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She is 80 years old and I just took her for her first mammogram because of a lump she told me about which she had but was that she was now visibly able to see. At the diagnostic…
Post meopausal bleeding
I have a question. I was diagnosed with IDC hormon + Her2+ in November 2009. I had 6 rounds of Chemo and 32 radiation treatments. My periods stopped after my 2nd chemo treatment and never came back until last month. I was on Tomaxafin until about a year ago with no side effects. They put my on the post menopausal drug and…
Sirod - Doris ... Please check in when possible ..
Hello, my dear Friend .. How are you doing? You've been on my mind, are you coping any better with med's ? Any changes, or updates? Sorry if I missed an update from you, but we have been entertaining my nephew from Australia for the past 8 weeks. I have been on the go for weeks - Good times! xoxoxo Vicki Sam
Cant sleep!
Saw pain dr. Am on 100mcg Fentanyl patch now. Helps the pain, but waiting for head to get use to it. Hands are numb most of the time and pain in neck and shoulders increased. I thought hands were from neuropathy, after phys exam, she says most likely tumor activity in c-spine and clavical. Ref me to rad onco. Both pain and…
doctors fighting Lump. vs. Masc.
I went to a second opinion surgeon who specializes in breast surgery, and she said that providing tests (MRI and diag mammogram) show no signs, I may be able to have a lumpectemy. I was very surprised to hear this, having heard I need mascetemy from my original oncologist, second opinion oncologist, and original surgeon,…
Pink Bus Ride Anyone?
Tomorrow, I am supposed to get my second dose of the chemo Ixabepilone. I was supposed to get it last Friday but my poor liver still hadn't recovered enough from the first dose. The first dose was VERY rough and I ended up in the hospital for 5 days with virtually no white blood cells and a sprained liver! I just felt…
The Affordable Care Act (Related to Health Insurance)
Today a friend sent me an e-mail regarding the The Affordable Care Act. I cut and pasted what I thought you would find informative and beneficial. The Affordable Care Act, signed into law earlier this year, makes breast cancer screening and coverage for treatment available and accessible by requiring health plans to cover…
Tumour Markers - CA15-3
From what I can tell, tumour markers can be a useful guide for disease reduction and progression but not always and not for everyone. A friend with recent dx bc mets had CA15-3 reduce from over 185 to under normal (lab states <30 normal) on Xeloda. What has been experience of others with CA15-3 while in partial or complete…
Help!!!! I'm so confused.....Not handling to well anymore
I don't know if this is right place for me to post. I have had my mastectomy, lymph nodes removed. Been through 4 chemo's and 33 radiations. Have lymphedema in my left arm. Labor Day this year will be a year since it all started. Right now I just feel broken. Like, I have nothing left to give. I've always been the care…
No insurance and trying to get answer
Hello, I am new here. I have read through some of the posts in this section. I haven't found the answer I was hoping to find. I live in Missouri, which has no recognized Native tribes, so there is no Indian Health Service here in the state. For about a year now I have lost so much momentum and just gotten to where I feel…
"Why in this world"
Why in this world does our government send money to other countries just to keep peace with them and not keep the money here in the U.S. to help its own people. It upsets me so much when people cannot get treatment here if they do not have insurance for sickness. People do not have places to live. People do not have food…
Can someone help me with neuropathy
Anyone on here that has neuropathy I would really appreciate your help. I have it really bad, My last chemo treatment was in May and it had to be reduced because of this. It has been getting worse day by day. I cannot even go shopping for 30 minutes then I have to leave because I cannot hardly walk and also left hand and…
double mastecomy and recovery
Diagnosed with Stage 1. Positive results on BRAC tests. Double mastecomy recommended. I thought I would be okay with it, but frankly, now, I am getting a little scared. Is the recovery process at the hospital very hard? Recovery at home? I have 2 young children.
catching up -I was camping in NYS Adk Mountains (over a week)
NO cell service to speak of-nor text or ONLINE....we did break down when we were almost to the campground-luckily enough service to text family (waiting for us at same campground to come rescue us) All and all ...trip was great once we arrived...i had my three grandskids (7, 10 and 11 mths) and their aunt (our youngest)…
Recently diagnosed and feeling horrible already
New to the forum. Recently diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Breast Cancer. Not sure if I should seek a second opinion. Waiting for MRI results and genetic testing results. Horrible to choose between a lumpectomy, followed by radiation, forced menopause and tamoxifen or mastecomy or double mastecomies, followed by testing of…
Will-Cope-Later, How Are You Doing?
Will- Cope-Later, just concerned about how you are doing. I know you ask about CSN giving your phone number out but you did not mention anything about your DX. If you need help other that checking to see if CSN gives your phone number out we are here for you for support, encouragement and laughter. You can also get help on…
Hello everyone
I think of all of you often and pray for you. I just don't get on here as often as I should. It has been nearly 7 mos since our dear sweet Dawne passed and I still miss her so very much. I stay in touch with her Mom and she is doing better, has been traveling some and loves doing that. I am doing well, had my routine 6 mos…
Today is MsGebby's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with love all around! Jenny
Arimidex Side Affects
It's been awhile since I have been on here but need people's input please. I went to radiologist today and I have gained 10 lbs since January. My eating habits haven't really changed. I almost cried. I went to oncologist in April - I have a call in to them because I want to konw what I weighed at that appointment. In April…
Does ACS share our phone numbers?
I signed up today because I was feeling desperate. Not at the end of the rope, but close enough to scare me. Didn't feel up to posting but read a few different threads and found some relief. Thank you all for that. Many of you are in far worse situations--and coping with far more dignity and grace. A few minutes ago,…
Selfishness / Irritation / Impatient??
Hi All; Recently my wife was diagnosed with S1 breast cancer (In May 2014). In lieu of a lumpectomy, the Dr suggested a double masectomy. Surgery went well, recovery period was a little edgy but got through it relatively well. Right now she is on ACT chemo. The AC portion went as what you would expect, and her last…
Today is Sunrae's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Sending BIG wishes your way - hope you have a delightful day! Jenny
Today is joann's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope all your birthday wishes come true - have a great day! Jenny
Today is Pink Rose's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is filled with love all around! Jenny
Babe Bussie Where are you? And, how are you?
I haven't seen you posting in a long time Babe and hope that everything is going well for you. Post when you can and let us know! HUGS
I want to hear positive stories of tram and diep flap reconstruction
I am seeing a plastic surgeon this week to discuss reconstruction after having a mastectomy, chemo and radiation a year ago. I would prefer to use my own tissue rather than an implant because I feel that the implant side will feel different than my remaining breast, and I have come to understand that using an implant under…
Sometimes you just get a little Tired
The thing is....after dealing with this monster for twelve years......and then reading about lots of people who had it return this far out.....it gets depressing. Just reading the posts about the Bone Mets today....knowing how serious ANY Mets are....am so tired. And knowing that my aches and pains may NOT be just old…
Organ transplant when one has a history of cancer
Hello Friends . I was being evaluated for a Double lung transplant in 2011 . During a screening Mamogram I was lucky enough to find a stage 1 malignancy However it has KNocked me out of the Lung Transplant at UT in houston . I have Scleroderma with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis . Any body out there have a Familiar story..…
Got my port implanted today
Got my port this morning. Nurse had to stick me twice to get my IV in, reinforced my decision to get a port. Did it without sedation or IV pain med, just local numbing medicine. He touched a nerve once that gave me a jolt but he quickly added deeper numbing medicine and the rest of the time I just felt the tugging and…