
CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

Well, I have had a rough week. Monday, I was admitted to hospital again with another blood infection.  On Thursday, I was transferred via ambulance to Ochsner in New Orleans.  So far, the docs did a very specialized CT that shows very thin slices of the pancreas. The pancreatic mass is inoperable.  The doc wants to try yet another EUP (endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas)  biopsy because surgery won't be easy on me and the pancreatic problem is not fixable. My last hope is that this is somehow breast mets in which case certain meds might help. 

Today, I am having an upper gi. If the mass is obstructing my small intestine, they may be able to help that situation, which should make me more comfortable. 

Monday I will have repeat biopsy... Big sigh.  Send support, prayers, whatever you have that they will finally get a good sample. 

I love you all and will try and touch base when I am able. I am going to try and get Katherine or Danny to fill in for me when I can't. But know my heart is with each and everyone of you!!!!! 



  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203
    Thoughts and prayers

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.  You have been through so much.  We all care and think of you every day.  


    Hoping you get well soon and the next round of tests yield positive results.




  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    cati0314 said:

    Thoughts and prayers

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.  You have been through so much.  We all care and think of you every day.  


    Hoping you get well soon and the next round of tests yield positive results.




    Big hugs and a whole lot of $%*&#


    All I have for you is a big hug, all the positive thoughts I have that your doctors will finally be able to come up with a plan for you and that $%*&# pancreas of yours, and a whole lot more unprintable expletives for what you're having to go through (all of which would be unbecoming for a Southern lady, so I'll say them all for you). Surprised




  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    TraciInLA said:

    Big hugs and a whole lot of $%*&#


    All I have for you is a big hug, all the positive thoughts I have that your doctors will finally be able to come up with a plan for you and that $%*&# pancreas of yours, and a whole lot more unprintable expletives for what you're having to go through (all of which would be unbecoming for a Southern lady, so I'll say them all for you). Surprised




    Big hugs, lots of good thoughts

    Everything positive I've got I'm sending your way.



    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Hell, that is what you are going through

    Oh Eileen, my heart breaks for you, reading what you have gone through and what you are and still have to go through.  I will pray for you that somehow all will straighten out.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts and love, and lots of hugs,



  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Sending positive thoughts prayers
    and most importantly, love your way. Are they keeping you until the have some answers? Will continue prayong for the best possible outcome.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    camul said:

    Sending positive thoughts prayers
    and most importantly, love your way. Are they keeping you until the have some answers? Will continue prayong for the best possible outcome.

    gentle hugs and kindest

    gentle hugs and kindest thoughts are coming your way.


  • Pixie Dust
    Pixie Dust Member Posts: 424 Member

    CC, sorry to hear about all of your problems. But one thing I would like to say and that is you are a role model for all cancer victims for everything that you have had to fight for in your life. You have stood up and fought this hell of this beast for so many years and still fighting. This beast seems like it does not want to give up on you but I would show this beast you are not going to quit and he might as well give up on you because you are going to keep fighting like hell and win. You may not like being in the hospital but I think this is the best place for you to be at this time. Since you are in the hospital I think your doctors can all work together and find out what really is your problem and find out what is the right treatment for you. Keep that smile on your face and we all hope to hear from you soon.   You are in my prayers daily,    (((((HUGS)))))   Pixie Dust

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294


    CC, sorry to hear about all of your problems. But one thing I would like to say and that is you are a role model for all cancer victims for everything that you have had to fight for in your life. You have stood up and fought this hell of this beast for so many years and still fighting. This beast seems like it does not want to give up on you but I would show this beast you are not going to quit and he might as well give up on you because you are going to keep fighting like hell and win. You may not like being in the hospital but I think this is the best place for you to be at this time. Since you are in the hospital I think your doctors can all work together and find out what really is your problem and find out what is the right treatment for you. Keep that smile on your face and we all hope to hear from you soon.   You are in my prayers daily,    (((((HUGS)))))   Pixie Dust

    Sending prayers and positive thoughts

    Dear Eileen,

    My heart aches for you hoping that relief is coming soon.

    Sending prayers, positive thoughts and love.



  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    and more...

    I took over guardinship of Chen's hummingbirds and I am sending them to you babe!!!! You are sooo worthy of them!



  • mommaellen
    mommaellen Member Posts: 195
    Sending you good thoughts and

    Sending you good thoughts and prayers. 


    And Big Hugs Too.



  • 1surfermom
    1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member

    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers . Love surf

  • Josie21
    Josie21 Member Posts: 382 Member


    Sending you positive thoughts and prayers . Love surf

    Sending prayers

    My heart aches for you as well, CC.  You have been through so much.  It truly is not fair, but I know you will continue to fight.  You are in my prayers and I am sending you positive thoughts and hugs.



  • rutzetta
    rutzetta Member Posts: 174

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, and your entire family. 


  • mtmom
    mtmom Member Posts: 59

    Praying for you tonight. Since I've been on the board you have been a huge source of information and strength. Praying also that testing and results will move quickly so you can be comfortable, get well, and know what you are fighting.

    Many blessings,


  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member
    Sending strength your way!

    CC, it has really be rough for you lately. I hope that the doctors can get on top of everything this visit. We are all here for you. 


  • grannabeth
    grannabeth Member Posts: 95
    Sending prayers

    Sending prayers and hugs to you.  You are such an inspiration to me.  You have had to endure so much for so long--you are such a strong woman and I know you will keep fighting.  We are pulling for you and I pray that your doctors will determine the best possible treatment to get you back on your feet.  Stay strong!



  • mj_weis
    mj_weis Member Posts: 59

    Sending prayers

    Sending prayers and hugs to you.  You are such an inspiration to me.  You have had to endure so much for so long--you are such a strong woman and I know you will keep fighting.  We are pulling for you and I pray that your doctors will determine the best possible treatment to get you back on your feet.  Stay strong!



    Love and Prayers


    I am relatively new and have been so moved by you and how strong you are and how positive.  You have given me strength and I know you will continue to fight and be well to keep on doing the good things that you have been doing. I pray for you and and pray that you are once again well and back with us soon! 




  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    You are an amazing person

    I just want you to know that you have made a tremendous difference in so many women's lives. My whole outlook is positive thanks to you. Keep fighting - you are in our thoughts. Hugs and prayers 00XXX

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    button2 said:

    You are an amazing person

    I just want you to know that you have made a tremendous difference in so many women's lives. My whole outlook is positive thanks to you. Keep fighting - you are in our thoughts. Hugs and prayers 00XXX

    Eileen -

    My gentle Kindred Spirit - prayers, support, courage and strength is what I can offer to you.  I can not ever express my good fortune in having you in my life since 2009.  I am eternally grateful for you love, kindness and support.

    I am sending you my prayers, and lifting you up to our Lord above.

    Who Dat, love YOU

    Vicki Sam


  • GreeneyedGirl
    GreeneyedGirl Member Posts: 1,077
    VickiSam said:

    Eileen -

    My gentle Kindred Spirit - prayers, support, courage and strength is what I can offer to you.  I can not ever express my good fortune in having you in my life since 2009.  I am eternally grateful for you love, kindness and support.

    I am sending you my prayers, and lifting you up to our Lord above.

    Who Dat, love YOU

    Vicki Sam



    Praying for you, feel all the love from your "pinks" as you wait~rest~get poked~wonder~feel exhausted~feel emotional....rejoice in the small victories~

    strength be poured out to you in great measure dear CC
