Prayers will help.
My dad has been diagnosed recently with brain cancer. It all began with a pretty large bump in his head that started showing on Oct. 2006. We all thought that it wasn't at all serious since my dad was ok at that time and wasn't complaining. It all got serious when blood started to flow from my dad's head. We had it…
Glucocorticoid receptors in glioma
Might be of interest to glioma patients. This suggest the drug mifepristone (also called RU486) is transcriptionally active so could be used in combination with chemo/radiation to improve efficacy of those treatments: Implication of glucocorticoid receptors in the stimulation of human glioma cell proliferation by…
Meningioma treatment options
For those who may have difficult to treat meningioma where surgery or radiotherapy may carry a high risk of adverse outcome (due to the location of the tumour) here is some information that may be of use regarding an alternative treatment option. The fight for a life-saving drug: a personal perspective…
Treatment for Low-Grade Level II Astrocytoma
I had 4 brain surgeries to remove my tumor in 2005. My doctor is wanting me to begin Temodar at this time. What treatment have many of you undergone who have had the same grade of brain tumor?
I've been going to Yale New-Haven Hospital for the past 3 years for severe, debilitating headaches that have lasted for 6 years. After many series of tests and surgeries they still can't tell me anything. I now have a copy of my medical records to keep on my person now that I'm 18 and something compelled me to open it and…
Metastastic Cancer
A relative was recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer to the brain. Tumors are not very large, but memory loss is appearing. How common is this?
Looking for 1-year survivors
My husband is a 16-mo survivor. GBM IV in hippocampus. Rad w/Temodar, then CPT-11 for 12 months. He's doing well but I'm worried he should still be on Temodar or something. Is anyone else off meds at this point?
My 29 year old stepson is in the middle of tretment and wwewe are looking for information
My father was dignosed with brain cancer about two months ago. He is very crazy and unable to sleep. Please advise on any solutions.
I have recently been re-diagnosed with a high-grade glioblastoma again. I have also just undergone my 3rd neuro-surgery...but there are other tumors in vital areas of my brain that still need to be treated and or removed. I am seeking various opinions and I have had heard good things about this cyberknife technology. Have…
Have any of you begun Temodar recently?
Brain Cancer - Friend's Mother
I am from the Colon Cancer discussion board, but need help from you guys. I have a very good friend that was told her mother has a "primary" brain tumor that has filtered through the brain. Years ago she was Dx with Stage 1 colon cancer and their Onc Doc stated that the brain tumor was NOT associated with the colon cancer.…
Where to buy Temodar?
Hello. My friend in Asia is taking Temodar (aka Temozolomide, Temadol) and Tarcevaa Erotinib. Price of these medicines are very expensive over there. I'm wondering where I can buy it cheaper here in USA and mail it to him. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Pumin at hotmail dot com
My 57 year old husband was diagnosed with GBM IV in May 2007. He is undergoing radiation and chemo, and had surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. He is a changed person. His energy level appears to be declining, he rarely sleeps and exhibits poor insight and judgement. His moods swing between normal and near…
My husband was recently diagnosed with a high grade mixed glioma with astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. He is recovering amazingly well from brain surgurey and will be starting radiation soon. Please share similar experiences. We had our first child 7 months ago and have no idea what to expect.If you have any information…
Treatment for low-grade brain tumors?
I had 4 brain surgeries to remove my tumor in 2005. My doctor is now wanting me to begin Temodar at this time. What type of treatment have many of you undergone for low-grade level II astrocytomas?
She's giving up!
My mother-in-law has been going through chemo for 2.5 months now and is ready to give up. I don't know the specifics of her brain cancer but after her first dose of chemo the Dr. said she was doing well and would only have to have 4 instead of 6 treatments. Still, she is suffering from it and cannot handle it mentally.…
If you have a heart, Please Help.
My mom,(who is ONLY 44 years old) was diagnosed with GBM grade IV, last year on July 30. She underwent a craniatomy, followed by a rigorous course of radiation, and Chemotherapy(Temazolomide). Her MRI's were clear for about 5 months, and then in February, she fell, and an MRI showed edema surrounding the tumor bed. They…
Mom recently diagnosed - looking for support
Hello. My mom was diagnosed with glioblastoma malforme 11 days ago. My entire family is distraught and lost. The initial pathology report said it is in Stage IV, and we're still waiting on the final pathology report, due back today. My mom had surgery last Thursday (a week ago) and the neurosurgeon removed all of the tumor…
chondrosarcoma of the brain in reply to previous message
My symptoms are:- Tiredness, extreme loss of memory, unable to formulate sentences properly, poor balance, and lack of concentration, plus other minor ones which does not let one forget the problem and get on with life.
Hello there. I`m from Bulgaria. My father is 44 and his diagnose is also Glioblastoma IV. The operation was on 26 of March 2007. Now we are doing the radiotherapy. We are not taking any pills with that therapy. There is some cells left after the operation. In Internet i saw medicines called AZD2171 and Iressa that could…
She's giving up!
My mother-in-law has been going through chemo for 2.5 months now and is ready to give up. I don't know the specifics of her brain cancer but after her first dose of chemo the Dr. said she was doing well and would only have to have 4 instead of 6 treatments. Still, she is suffering from it and cannot handle it mentally.…
gbm4, quality of life?
My sister in law was diagnosed with a glioblastoma grade 4(brain tumor) just a couple of days after Christmas 2006. She has since had 2 craniotomies, each followed by gamma knife surgery. After which she was on temador and 33 radiation treatments. She has gone from a vibrant woman who was a personal trainer, to a…
GBM regrowth/Avastin/CPT-11
Hello Everyone! My dad (Charlie) was diagnosed with GBM last Feb. 11. He was 67 at the time. Perfect health otherwise. It was his first trip to the ER and his first trip to the hosptial. He hadn't even had an IV before!! He went to his family doctor on a Monday because my mom noticed that the left side of his mouth was…
Does anyone have problems with twitchin while on dilantin?
The Cure
Now that I have your attention: In this year of electing a president, all cancer survivors need to find the candidate who supports Cancer research-a-ie; stem cells, which could very well bring the cure to all cancer. The politics of cancer can kill you..of over 10,000 grants from the National Cancer Institute, only 500…
GBM Caregiver Discussion
I would like to talk with caregivers of newly diagnosed GBM patients. I had a recent BT scare with a friend and have been working in the GBM area for a year. I would like to better understand caregiver issues, needs and perspective to see if there are programs / ways to help.
cancer in the fluid and lining of the brain
my mom had four brain tumors in 2004 and due to drs not doing mri's and only doing brain scans they are saying now she has cancer in the fluid and lining of the brain her drs have given up and said she needs radiation but she had whole brain radiation in 2004 i would like to try internal radiation but drs are saying it…
Brain met
Hello everyone Just writing to ask if anyone here has had an experience with a brain mestatis? After some info for my Dad. He's had the tumour removed (some of it was dead tissue as a result of radio)and is just tired at the moment. Any help would be appreciated. Thank-you, Holly
Exciting Stuff