recontrsion surgey(please forgive my spelling
hello my name is yvonne on jan 3 i had my first sugery to get my implant, he put the moleing in on feb 3 my right breast open so i had to have another surgery,on march the 4 my implant of infected so i had another surgery i cant for life of why i had the surgery in march, but this pass june 7 he remove the implant,i was so…
drug resistant tumor? take Graviola
it is a Peruvian rain forest herb. Selectively kills drug resistant tumors. All you Glioma people-use the temozolide or BCNU-or whatever. But use Graviola, too. God Bless
exherin looks very good!
destroys tumor blood vessels only. Act up so you can get it on compassionate use basis.
boron neutron capture is best RT
although difficult to get. It won't harm normal tissue like gamma rays. proton might be ok, too. fraknincense tea has boswellic acid, which may be good, especially in medulloblastoma. check out emergingmed.com, lef.org and ncrf.org. Also, C-statin from bindweed is 100x more antiangiogenic than shark cartilage. and…
Nicki's brain tumor
8 months into treatment with chemo. All is going well but it still is inoperable. mom needs any and all info ..... for 5 yr old daughter.
Opinions on Dr. Burzynski-Antineoplastons
A close relative is considering alternative cancer treatment in Houston with this Doctor. If anyone has anything to say, good or bad, I would love to have informed opinions to relate to my relative. I appreciate anything about this subject matter.Thank you!
my diary
My name is Catherine Clay and I had brain surgery to asperate a cyst the size of a plum in the middle of my brain when I was 18. My mother died from Ovarian Cancer 4 years ago and my sister is in Remission from AML since 1991. My grandfather also had Esophigal cancer. I have been keeping an on-line journal at…
Metastatic Brain Tumor Program
The Metastatic Brain Tumor Program at UCLA is studying the effects of eliminating whole brain radiation from the treatment of brain metastases. Two current studies include: Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy: For patients who have recently undergone surgical resection of brain metastases, we offer an experimental trial…
secondary brain cancer
I was diagnosed with lung cancer in September 2000, as of April 1, 2001 it has spread to the brain. Does anyone have a similar cancer? Maybe someone just wants to chat?
CNS lymphoma
My mother has CNS lymphoma and I really want to talk to someone who has this or even a family member. Please e-mail me at dnslmodro@stargate.net
Hi, My mother is 66 years old was just diagnosed with Glioblastoma. We have an appointment this coming Wednesday to set her up for Radiation therapy. We are afraid and tyring to make the best decisions concerning treatment. The Radiation Oncologist said that we should consider the quality of life right now, when deciding…
Im a 34 yr.old woman that was diagnosed with this skull base tumor in March of 200 and had a crainotmy in May of 2000 they were unable to get all of it because it was to near the brain stem so i then had Proton Radiation and finished that up in November of 2000. I was wondering if anyone out there had had anything similiar…
Glioblastoma multiforme
Thanks to NancyS I am able to leave a message here. My husband was diagnosed with GBM after surgery Jan.22. He is in wk.3 of 6 for radiation. Chemo has us very nervous and undecided but new info has been helping. Don is 63 with previous heart attacks,back and shoulder surgies --- we worry about his prognosis because of…
Brain Stem Glioma, caregiver
Last week my sister was told that she has a tumor on her brain stem. They have not performed a biopsy yet. The doctors have taken away all her hope (except in God). I am looking for information that could encourage my family. I would like to find someone with brain stem cancer who is a survivor who could share their story.…