"Sugar-Coating" of the Brain???
My father was diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago after he broke his arm while moving into his new home. The accident was actually a blessing, as this caused the doctors to find the cancer. Without going into the whole story, I just found out today that my father has what he explained as a "sugar-coating" of the…
: Science Friday will be discussing the Drug Companies and whether they are interested in Cures or Profits tomorrow. The program usually airs at 10 AM in my area;check your local PBS station. bud
Radiation question
I just completed chemotherapy for breast cancer and my best friend just completed brain surgery and is almost half finished with radiation for gliblastoma. Right now she's sleeping all the time and her family doesn't want visitors. I'd like to hear from others who went through this during radiation but got better. I'm…
GBM- what to expect?
My 82 year old Grandmother was diagnosed with GBM, on the left side and back of the brain, in December 2003. Both of the tumors were inoperable, so she decided to take two weeks of chemo and radiation. Now she has made it to the 6 month mark, with an approximate survival rate from 6 months to 1 year. Can anyone who has…
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at krp@hiwaay.net My name is Kevin.
Has any one had problems with taking tamoxifon? I have been on it for two months.They tell me it blocks all hormones. But with unfortunate side effect. Has anyone been on it and what were the results
I went in for my report yerterday and found that I my brain cancer is steming from lung? cancer. It may involve bone and spinal. I will get those tests done next week....Any one using alternative therapies when cancer is so involved. I found out about the cancer 6 days ago, but I do put my trust in God, the Father. I know…
ex abusing 3 yr old who has brain cancer
I need your help. I have a three year old son with brain cancer (clear cell sarcoma) and a family law judge that has given his abusive father unsupervised visitation with him in the hospital which resulted in the father emotionally the child during visits. The judge has confirmed that the father has engaged in domestic…
I was diagnosed with an Anaplastic Astrocytoma last June. I had surgery, radiation, and just completed a year of chemo (Temodar). I have even recently been able to completely decrease the level of Dilantin from a high of 7 to 0 pills a day. I do still take Topomax and Tegrotal(?) to control seizures. So far all my MRI's…
Hi, I'm new to all this. My Mom recently died from glioblastoma multiforme. I am feeling many things, one of which is guilt. Maybe I didn't do enough research into alternative treatments. Maybe I missed something important in all the stuff the doctors threw at us. Maybe I didn't offer her enough comfort at the end. My Mom…
Alabama Cancer Survivers
I have started a Yahoo group for cancer survivers in Alabama and surrounding areas. I will put the link below. All survivers, all ages are welcome to join. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/Alabamacancersurvivers
Chemosensitivity Testing for Brain Cancer
Future Possibilities of Chemosensitivity Testing for Brain Tumors Computer-assisted techniques, endoscopic methods and microsurgical robots will allow surgical removal of tumors to be even less invasive than it is at present. Radiation sensitizers- drugs which are incorporated into tumor cells may increase the efficacy of…
Is X-Knife or CyberKnife Radio surgery good for recurring Meningioma ?
My beloved wife (54 yrs) got two cranio surgeries to remove meningioma(2001 and last year). It looks like the meningioma has metastasized to upper right and on right temple. I am considering X-Knife or CyberKnife radio surgery instead of conventional cranio surgery. Can some one refer doctor/hospital providing this surgery…
Does anyone have any input on what kind of treatment this is? My brother is not doing well at all and this is one route he can take. Thanks for any info and God Bless.
depression Rx
My dad has glioblasoma and is 83 years old. he has not been able to shake his depression since being diagnosed 3 months ago. been through radiation and now starting temodar. can anybody share their thoughts of the depression and what Rx are available to help with this? I appreciate it. This is a great site and helps to…
Hi I do not do this much. So forgive me if I am to wordy. Where to begin... A brief history: I have an inoperable malignant astrocytoma/glioma brain stem tumor. I am currently in remission for going on almost 10 years. :) I received six weeks of radiation, which seems to have slowed the growth. This is monitored yearly via…
Just went for my MRI last week...it was clean as a whistle! HURRAY, HURRAY!! They took me off of Dilantin..I had no idea that stuff was making me feel so bad till I had been off of it for about 4 days..and suddenly I began to feel like my old self for the first time in nearly a year!! I don't have to go back until November…
Just wondering how long people have been kept on rounds of timidor for brain cancer tumor..thanks.
Fluid in the brain
Hi all I'm a newbie here and I just want to say how wonderful I think CSN is. In my short time here so far I have met wonderful caring and understanding ppl. Thank you so much! Now, for my question. My brother was diagnosed with glioblastoma about 13 months ago. During a recent scheduled MRI appt. they had found fluid in…
Some Basic Questions!
This may sound silly, but after dealing with brain cancer for 7 months, I still don't know the answer to some basic questions. I surf the net a LOT and find so much conflicting information. If I had surgery and they removed 90% of the tumor and then had chemo and rads and my MRI is good...am I then in remission? One site I…
Final update on my mom with glioblastoma grade IV
Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. My mom had a major setback and passed away on April 27th. She fought a good fight and never gave up. The cancer was just too agressive. She was very positive throughout the whole time. She had alot of courage and fight, but her body finally had no fight left in it. She was…
DME...What is this?
Check out this website www.DMEsource.com...is this for real? Read patent info especially.
Cause of Death - Oligodendroglioma
My dad might have terminal progression of his brain cancer. The tumor was removed from the right frontal lobe. If his new chemo doesn't work he might be gone in a few weeks. I've looked up lots of images of the functions in different regions of the brain. What exactly would be the critical failure to cause his death? My…
New GBM Treatment option
This is a clinical trial that people ought to know about. It is a Phase 3 study that has just started. It won't be for everyone of course, but I have trouble reading these boards without at least mentioning the possibility. IMO, it is by far the most promising treatment for GBM currently being tested. Take a look at page…
Gliadel wafers
Has anyone had any experience with this chemo? Do they seem to help?
possible useful info
Hey Guys, Some of you may know me from the chatroom, I am an almost one year survivor of breast cancer. I just wanted to share some information you may find helpful. Some of you may have heard of this magazine before..CURE.. The spring issue is "Into the Brain" If you have not heard of the magazine before, you can get it…
The Grape Cure
Has anyone heard or tried this? It is a South African theory that you eat only grapes for a month or two which then helps decrease the size of the tumour. I have tried chemo, and lots of other ideas and none of them have worked. i was diagnosed nearly 4 years ago and given 8 months to live, so not doing to badly, but still…
Brain Cancer Surviver
Hey all I am new here and am looking for some friends, My name is Kevin and I am a Childhood Brain Cancer surviver, I was diagnosed on May of 92 and now am 23. Been in remission for going on 12 years now. I am from a small town in NW Alabama, and I have a Support group for Teens and Young adults Survivers in Muscle shoals…
my brother's cancer
I do not know if this will be help to everyone but my brother Michael battled brain cancer for 30 years. He was first diagnosed in 1972 and went through a year of treatment after surgery..the doctors tols my parents he would at best be a vegetable, he was not he returned to school, graduated, worked, married and 17 years…