my update on trip to Duke
Went to Duke on Wed, MRI showed progression of tumor, but they also said that the post radiation MRI could show it bigger than it actually is. So the radiation and temodar didn't work the way they were hoping. So next step is Avastin and CPT11 which I started Wed. have decided to do everything at Duke, where I feel I get…
Spouse of Cancer victim needs help
My husband (49) had a seizure in June 2008 and was diagnosed with an Oligodendroglioma tumor in his left temporal lobe. Surgery is not possible, because of the location. He received radiation and chemo. Every 3 months he gets a MRI. Well my main concern is, he has very bad mood swings. The one moment he will laugh but in a…
who use or need Temodal
please contact me at weerawat1410@gmail.com
has anyone heard of the medicine recentin?
doing some research and came across this medicine for brain tumors called recentin. can anyone offer me any information? thank you for any information you have. lynne
Temodal side effects
Hello, My friend has meningioma, has had 2 surgeries, radiation, Gleevec. It's still progressing. She is starting Temodal and wants to know what to expect, any hints for making it easier to deal with side effects, just any information you can offer. I have read the patient hand-out and it sounds like a really toxic…
husband diagnosed for 2nd time with brain cancer
Hi I am new online tonight. wuz wondering if anyone out there has been through brain surgery or loved ones that have been through that can shed a little light to me.
if you need info and lots of HOPE on Brain Trumors and Treatments PLEASE READ iT WILL HELP YOU
Newly diagnosed with Anaplastic Oligodendroglimas grade III
Just recently dx with this type of brain cancer. Had surgery on June 1st, where the neurosurgeon was able to remove 80 to 85% of the tumor. Thanks to God, my recovery has been nothing short of miraculous, as I have not had any neurlogical affects from the surgery and my doctor had prepared me to probably spend most of the…
mri contrast reactions
My husband was diagnosed with stage IV GBM April 29, 2009. Since his diagnosis he has had three MRI's. Each time they start injecting the contrast he feels it go right to his muscles. He has troubles walking after the MRI and his muscles take about three weeks to get back to normal. Has anyone else ever had this problem?…
they dont understand
people say to me you look great . i do but they dont understand how one dsy you can be in a great mood and the next day you can be in the mood from hell . they say they understand but do they ?
astrocytoma Grade III
Please share your treatment experiences with an astrocytoma grade III
Child with GBM
My daughter is two, and she has been in remission from a glioblastoma multiforme brain tumor for almost sixteen months. Now that I have time to step back from the world of active treatment, I wonder if any one else is going through this with their child. I know that the statistics of relapse are not certain in children her…
newly diagnoised
Just had the results of my brain op to be told the tumor is maglignant, and i will need further chemo & rediotharapy to get rid of what's left. To be honest I'm scared and very frightened in dying and leaving my family, and wondered if anyone could give me some advice on the chances of getting through this nightmare. I…
I FEEL LIKE A SURVI\VOR WITH 7 MORE Radiation Treatments LEFT. Ever since MY LAST POST ON 7-7-0
Even since July 5th when I felt the almighty Gods and the Lords Hand hold my head I have felt so full of life and not illness what so ever. I have enjoyed life with my family. My oldest Son and his wife and our newest Grandchild Born (May 3rd) is visiting for 2 weeks and leaving on Wednesday the 22nd to go back to…
lost my mom
sad all the time and dont know what to do.mom passed on january 31 2008.
why doing I get so tired and uptight
i would like to know why i get so tired and uptight and i can sleep as thje saying goes on a lampost
Hello I am new at this not sure how to say any thing. Any one out there had what they call Necrosis My husband had a brain tumor Glioblastoma the fast growing one last year they took out all but 10% of it he has had 30 treatments of Radiation and 6 months of chemo the(pill) he has a MRI done every 3 months and all has been…
Multiple Brain Metastases Positive stories
Hi, My mother has history of CA ovary and has been detected with multiple brain metastases with 3 lumps of size 1.5cm each on right side of her brain.She just went through 10 radiation cycles of 3000Gy.Does anyone have any positive stories on this.Her progress is good and she is improving every day.Currently i am only…
My 14 year old daughter was diagnosed a year ago with cellebellar astrocytoma. I am looking for someone who might have or is going through what she is expereincing. She had 6 weeks of radiation and was tumor free right after. The most recent MRI shows either new tumor growth or radiation effects. Apparently this is well…
On Sunday morning approx 04:30am as I always go out and have a cup of Coffee and my few cigs our in my back yard by the pool as I just sat down in my chair I felt the hand of the Almighty GOD place his hand on the side of my head (Rightside from the temple to the back of my head. I could feel the pressure and then there…
CyberKnife--An answer to our prayers.
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), or that you are not a candidate for GammaKnife, or have been advised to have Whole Brain Radiation, please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously…
My dad was diagnosed with this terriable cancer on April 20, 2009. I knew nothing about cancer but felt very well knowledged in about two months. He has just finished 6 weeks of radiation and chemo. He does not get out of bed anymore because he is so tired. When I read about others doing well it makes me wonder why he is…
Grade IV GBM
My wife was recently diagnosed with a Grade IV GBM. I love her dearly, we have been married for 34 years. I know she will have good days and bad days, she is currently taking chemo and radiation. I get very emotional sometimes and was wondering if someone could point in the direction of someone to talk to. I am by myself…
Why is the brain not checked during yearly examines?
Why is the brain not checked during yearly examines or periodically? Why do we have to present symptoms in order to get a cat scan? The majority of our organs are examined yearly and insurances paid a percentage. People keep asking me if I suffered from headaches, dizziness, etc. If these are some of the signs of a…
new to group - 2nd crainotomy in less than a week
Sorry I write the best I can. (had use word – due to spell – spell loss) 3 weeks ago I thought was a layoff the worse problem I had I was so wrong- . 1 seizure and 2 craniotomy was. the cruel joke is 31 of smoking and that not to did do it - I have did quit smoking however I am waiting for the resulting path - i was…
Invisible disabilities.
I was diagnosed with the 5 cm oligodendroglioma in my left frontal lobe in April 1996, had it surgically resected at time of diagnosis, then followed by six months of chemotherapy and six weeks of intensive radiation. I have weathered all the trauma remarkably well but it has still left its mark, primarily in my cognitive…
Huge congnitive losses due to treatment
My mom (only 54 years old) has Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. She has undergone various chemo treatments for over three years. Now, there is no sign of the tumor, but she is suffering great losses due to the treatment. In the last 6 months my mom's congnitive abilities have drastically declined. She has…
How do you get back to living??
I'm a caregiver for my mom..before her Dx I fished almost every weekend or hung out on the beach. Its now been 8 months and only been on the boat 2 times. I think Ive only been to the beach once and did not even walk on. (mom did not have the strenght so just looked at it from a distant.. Moms doing well..I just have a…
Is No Treatment an option?
My husband was recently diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma -G3. He's had surgery - surgeon said "removed all that we safely could remove". (right frontal lobe) they have not told us how big, or what percent they feel is still there. He has appts. with neurologist\neuro psycholgist\radiation oncolgist next week. We want…
Brain tumor
Hello- I may be in the wrong forum here so please excuse me if so. My older brother is 38 years old and was diagnosed with a brain tumor approx 4 years ago. It has been a rough road for my family and we need help. He has become an alcoholic and extremely tempermental. He may now have to go in for his 4th surgery. He is not…