Good news
I'd just like to let you know that Dad had an M.R.I last week and it come back clear. He also had a full body scan before that and it came back clear also. He's feeling really good (which is one of the most important signs). He had surgery to remove the two tumors, then he had whole brain radiation. He's now got his spark…
Anaplastic Astrocytoma chemo side effects
My 25-year-old sister has completed her radiation treatment at MD Anderson and she is about to begin chemo. I would like to hear about your experiences with chemo for AA. Mostly I am concerned with any side effects but I welcome any experiences you would care to share. Thank you all in advance.
Check out my video, 48-hours after brain surgery
Hey there fellow brain cancer survivors... I was diagnosed with a grade 2 Astrocytoma in the fall of 2008. I had a craniotomy in September 2008, and another one in February of this year (2009). I have been on Temodar for three months and just found out that my brain is responding well to chemotherapy. Yeah! I've been…
so hard
hello my name is allison and i am 28yrs old my mom past away on 9/2/08 she had brain cancer the doctor told her she had 6months to live but my strong mom lived for 4 yrs .even though she did not remember who i was before she passed i always spoke to her told her how much i would miss her when she was gone.i told her that i…
Post MRI
Got my post MRI completed on May 27th. Waiting on the Radioligist do his report on the 200 pics that they took and it (report and disk) are being sent to Dr Henry Friedman at Duke Preston Robert Tesch Brain Tumor Cancer Center. We should be getting a call from DR H. Friedman within 24 to 48 hrs after he gets them. Can't…
Wiggling my hips and shaking my 'thang'... You won't believe this......I got 'Hit On' !!!!!!!!!!! This gorgeous hunk in a convertible corvette actually Hit on me. I couldn't believe it! He bought a load of plants and said he was coming back next week. The Boss's husband was in near hysterics after he left, he'd noticed…
job discrimination
Five years ago I was diagnosed with brain cancer. I had brain surgery and 2 years of chemotherapy. The MRIs have not shown any regrowths. Since I came back to work from a medical disability. My performance reviews have been intimidating and humiliting. I can not afford to quit my job and their harrassment is adding stress…
Long term effects
I am just curious as to other suvivors stories, I had my tumor( grade 3 astrocytoma right frontal lobe) removed in 1993( 18 years old) and went thru 6 weeks of Radiation and a years worth of Chemo. I am 34 now and I have always felt run down. I have some good days where I can get a lot done, but some days I do not want to…
1 st Seizure since begining of April Cat Scan Info 5-23-09
Yesterday afternoon I had my 1st seizure since the early part of April and we went to the Emergency room to get checked out. They did bloodwork and a CAT Scan. No problem with the bloodwork, and the CAT Scan showed nothing abnormal other than the normal things from surgery at which I had the tumor removed on April 30th. We…
new to this group
Hello, my name is Tammy, and I am a brain cancer survivor. I would like everybody to know about the Centre for Integrated Healing, in Vancouver,Canada. I strongly encourage anybody who has been diagnosed with any kind of cancer to seek care with this centre. They are fabulous. They care for the Mind, Body, and Spirit of…
Aggressive Stage III
I have a close friend who just found out he has brain cancer. He is a 33 year old male. He only started showing symptoms within the past month or so. It started off with numbness in his legs, then sudden immobility, and something he described as brain zaps. He finally decided on Wednesday it was time to go to the hospital…
facing death
I've spent the last two days physically feeling fine for the first time in four months unable to sleep or eat because I'm so freaked out about my imminent fate. I'm obsessed, I just can't seem to accept my situation. I've been searching for something positive which will give me hope that my life will go on beyond next…
Are there any survivors in the High Desert?
My name is Andrea Rivera and I am 24. I am a survivor of brain cancer and would like to communicate with others.
Avastin--New drug for Brain Cancer
Hello all, A friend sent me this article about Avastin, a new drug for brain cancer. Have any of you used this drug yet, or asked your doctors about it? Here's a link to the article: http://www.thereporter.com/wirenews/ci_12044014
girl 8 inoperatable AA
Hi, my niece has AA, the doctors are not giving us a lot of time. She was diagnosed 4 months ago , had radiation done, chemo. Please help if anyone has a child with non-operatable AA grade 3. May G-d help all who are suffering with any illness. thank you, angela
Meningioma - Newly diagnosed
I am new to this discussion site, having been on the breast cancer board for about a year. Last week an MRI found a Meningioma tumor above my right ear. The neurologist has ordered an EEG on Friday of this week, and then another MRI in two months to see if it is growing. Does anyone have information on this type of tumor,…
The Black Hole
My brother recently had a small, Grade IV Glioblastoma removed from between the two lobes of his brain. There is another, larger but lower grade tumor left which is inoperable (I don't know if it's the same type, my mind is slow to catch up because of the shock). I am having a really difficult time with this and am trying…
why is it sometimes like right now @3;48 am i wokeup and felt like something isnt as right as it schould be ?????everything is FINALLY getting to get back into a normal routine , but as of right now i feel like nothing is feeling relly normal for me and there is times where i want just yell at the world and say LEAVE ME…
Financial Help for Cancer Patients?
My mom is 70 years old and was diagnoised with a glioblastoma brain tumor in December 2008. They have done a round of chemotherapy (low dose Temodar) and 35 radiation treatments. She also had surgery in December to remove the tumor and they were able to get 95% of it. Last week she had her first MRI since the surgery and…
Temodar and women/menopause?
Hello All, First post here, my wife is on Temodar for an Anaplastic Astrocytoma. She had a crainiotomy and radiation, and is now on the once a month Temodar. Have any of the ladies here noticed or heard of Temodar bringing on Menopause early? (She is 42) Thank You, Jeff & Brenda
Brain radiation. Is it worth it?
My cancer is a carcenoma of unknown primary currently with mets to the brain. They are radiating my brain to maintain my quality of life while I die of cancer, so I don't have sezeres, or oddities, and can continue to drive and be mobil. I think it is the steroids wacking me out, but unsure. Yesterday I was just a mess.…
I have an odd situation/question...
I hope someone has some insight into my situation. I think it's odd. Briefly, about 4 1/2 years ago, I had a seizure (that's it, literally no other symptoms) and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Part of it was removed and about a year later, the neurosurgeon had to remove the rest of the tumor along with my hippocampus,…
sleeping problems
My husband has had an oligodendroglioma for 10 years. He has had 3 surgeries, radiation, 2 gamma knives, and now chemo. At first it was a low grade, but now very aggresive, hence the chemo. He sadly, also has Parkinsons, which is the med he had a reaction to this week. Last nite he slept well, so I am assuming that was the…
Sie effects of IMRT radiation and Temador
I am newly diagnosed with an inoperable low-grade astrocytoma. I will start 6 weeks of IMRT radiation and Temador in a few weeks. Can anyone please tell me their side effects from taking the two treatments together? I have two young children, and I would like to prepare them (and myself) for what to expect. Any info is…
Aspartame, Brain Cancer and the FDA
Millions of people are eating and drinking aspartame and have been doing so for several decades now. If you are one of these millions consuming some of the 6,000 products that contain aspartame, or know someone who is, please keep reading as the information that follows is crucial to your health. There have been more…
problem sleeping
My husband had a terrible night, thrashing around, his feet were jerking, etc...didn't sleep at all. He has been on Temodar for over a year now, MRIs are still ok from reocurrence last year....anyone else have that problem? This is the first time this has happened.Wondering if the tumor is rearing it's ugly head again.
Chloroquine and/or DCA
Hi there, My mom was recently diagnosed with a Stage 4 GBM. She is starting standard treatment of Temodar and Radiation this weekend. It has been over 5 weeks since the surgery, which removed most of the tumor, although residual tumor remains. We are thinking of adding chloroquine to standard treatment. Does anyone have…
Smell from radiation...
I am in my 2nd week of going through radiation and chemo treatments. They both seem to be going okay so far, however at the last part of my radiation treatment, I get a really bad smell and taste in my mouth. It goes away as soon as my treatment is finished but it almost makes me want to vomit while I'm lying on the table.…
Dad's Cpt11 and Avastin 3 treatments for 6 weeks. WoW!!!
My dad was inoperable given no hope and had a successful event free biopsy no problems Aug07. He went on to the Temador and Radiation at the same time. Then, he did temador up to 340mg 5days on and 23 days off. In April, after consulting with several professionals in my father's care including these messege boards, I…
Raadiation and Chemo
I am hoping that some one will share with me the effects that radiation and chemo taken together has had on them. This form of cancer is a newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme IV. Since Jan. biopsy has been performed and now radiation and temador are taken daily. Being a mother I would like to prepare what the future…