Laparoscopic Cystectomy
I'm facing a radical cystectomy soon. I've read some interesting articles regarding laparoscopic cystectomy and it sounds so much better than open surgery. However, my doctor says it is in the early stages and hasn't been prefected yet. I've found a few places that do this procedure. Do any of you women have any…
I'm so scared...Doctors say Dad is going to die
My father is 65 years old and was diagnosed with bladder cancer 4 years ago. Docs suggested that bladder be removed at that time...Dad refused, so they did a partial. Cancer returned 8 months ago...very aggressive. Invaded the muscle and attached to the pelvic wall. They removed the bladder but the cancer had already…
Support groups
Does anyone know of any bladder cancer support groups? I don't know of any in the Los Angeles area and the only ones on the internet are on Yahoo and they are so negative and go on in such graphic detail they make everything seem even worse than it is.
women with neo bladder
I am 52 year old female and had a neo bladder in Feb 2004due to bladder cancer also had my pelvic lymph nodes also removed however they were clear from cancer. I needed two bladder slings because my sphitcter muscle (sp) did not work properly for the neo bladder so I had two bladder slings and now self cather. I was just…
New to CSN
Hi all, I am a 35 yr old cancer survivor. I was diagnoised with Adenocarcinoma of the bladder in October of 2003 and had a total cystectomy in Febuary of 2004. I am STILL recovering.I have muscular dystrophy (able to walk) to begin with, but after I had surgery, I had a violent allergic reaction (to what we still don't…
CyberKnife. Treatment available for previously inoperable tumors
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously inoperable tumors to be treated. For more info, go to www.cksociety.org. I do not work for CyberKnife or any…
Looking for Chicago area treatment center
My mother has recurrent bladder cancer now in the vaginal wall. The local doctors are moving slowly and she is not a candidate for the gemzar-cysplatin chemo and radiation as she has already had it. She has always been a nonsmoker. We are looking for a good urology oncologist, GI specialist and cancer treatment center.…
I'm not sure what to do. Any help out there?
Please take the time to read my urologist's notes to my personal physician. I want to have as much information as I can when I see him again. I'll probably have to decide whether or not I want to remove my bladder or wait and see. **************************************** He writes: I rebiopsied the site of [the patients]…
Need Info on Stage 3 bladder cancer
My father-in-law was just diagnosed with stage 3 possible 4 bladder cancer. He is supposed to see a cancer specialist Feb. 4th. What advice can you give us to deal with the news of his diagnosis and what kind of questions should we ask at our visit? I can honostly say that this is one of the hardest things in my life that…
Need support
My father was diagnosed with bladder cancer last month. He had surgery Wednesday, and we were prepared for a radical cystectomy and ileal conduit. However, once he was opened up, the surgeons found that the cancer had attached itself to the pelvic wall and was inoperable. He hasn't been given a timeline, but we were told…
Metastasized Bladder Cancer to Lung
Hello Everyone, I need info. concerning Bladder Cancer that has spread to the lung. According to the Oncologist, the tumor mass was approx. 2 inches in width in the x-ray. Around Christmas, we should receive the latest news about where the cancer metastasized. Any info. from you would be greatly appreciated. The more…
plz reply i need to know ASAP
i am a 17 yr. old girl i live in canada and i was on the health region site to find out why every 20 minutes i needed to go pee it only said bladder cancer my mom had lung and brain cancer and i have been thinking maybe it passed to me i am just getting over a cold that i have had for 2 weeks syptoms high fever, sore…
Need help on how to use neo bladder
A little over a month ago I had my bladder removed due to bladder cancer. I have made three attempts to use the neo bladder on three separate days for about four hours each time. In all cases I was not able to empty my bladder. My urologist does not want me going more than four hours at a time if I cannot empty my bladder…
I'm a 31 yr old female
I've just been diagnosed with a superficial bladder tumor. I don't smoke, use saccharin, work with rubber, etc... Is there anyone else out there who is under 35 with a history of these types of tumors?
My husband, Chuck915, was killed in an auto accident recently. He was an 11 year survivor of bladder cancer. I have a supply of appliances which I would like to have find a good home. If anyone is out of pocket for these, please let me know (wolf@texas.net) and I will even pay the postage to get them to you. Chuckslady
Husband with Bladder cancer
My husband had a 5cm malignant tumor removed January 22nd and has just finished his 6th BCG treatment on May 28th and had another scope and there was no sign of returning cancer. He will continue maintenance treatments on August 10th for three weeks and then another scope and this will continue for 18 months. Does this…
Dying at Home?
Hello, I am looking for opinions and comments from those who have been through a similar experience. First some background, I was diagnosed with stage III two years ago and was successfully treated. Unfortunately, a few months later I was diagnosed with metastatic cancer, and just recently it was found in my brain.…
Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer & Emphysema
Hello All, My dad is 73 and was just diagnosed with muscle invasive bladder cancer. I don't have complete info on the staging, but scans, tests and x-rays didn't show it in any organs or nodes just in the muscle wall. He has significant lung loss due to emphysema (78% lung loss) and uses oxygen. They have indicated he's…
Cystectomy after nerve sparing rp
2 years post RP w/nerve sparing. Now facing possibility of Cystectomy. Will this operation take out the nerves spared in the RP?
What symptoms are you experiencing due to chemo or radiation therapy? Are you currently being treated? If so, how?
Stage IV bladder cancer
My dad was recently diagnosed with stage III bladder cancer. He went into surgery last tuesday to have his bladder and prostate removed. during surgery the doctor discovered more tumors in his pelvic lymph nodes. he stopped the surgery and now we are going through a series of chemo and then hopefully back to surgery to…
Husband with Bladder cancer
My husband had a 5cm malignant tumor removed January 22nd and has just finished his 6th BCG treatment on May 28th and had another scope and there was no sign of returning cancer. He will continue maintenance treatments on August 10th for three weeks and then another scope. Does this mean the tumors won't come back? Doctor…
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at krp@hiwaay.net My name is Kevin.
Another victim/survivor
I never thought I'd find myself at a site such as this. I am a 38 yr. old female diagnosed with bladder cancer in Oct. of 2002. No signs/symptoms preceeded the diagnosis, other than my urine stream not being quite 'right' and having to force to empty the bladder completely. A urine sample proved to have traces of blood and…
Suspected bladder cancer
Hi I am a 30 year old female.. I have smoked for 18 years... been having lots of medical problems. For over a year now I get the sensation sometimes in the middle of the night or normally in the mroning when I wake up.. that I leaked urine.. I run into the bathroom and go.. sometimes its hard to start.. Recently my belly…
alternative treatment
Hi, My father, 69 years old and he has transitional cell carcinoma (phase II). He had surgery (transurethral resection of tumor and prostate). Did anybody test herbal products like ZoonCan or similar herbal products? Are these a scam? Thank you, Bianca
Right Decision?
I recently visited my doctor to have a second tumor removed from by bladder. Both were cancerous.My doctor wants to do a neo bladder and as he states he always removes the prostrate. I had numerous x-rays using dye and two CT SCANS. There is no indication that I have cancer in any other part of my body. When I asked the…
Bladder reconstruction questions
My husband has had three tumors re-occur in his bladder. Has gone thrugh all of the advised methods for removal, each time it has come back in a more aggressive form.The last tumor was pronounced "ominous" by the surgeon. He is now undergoing chemo (into his third round) prior to bladder removal. He is confused and…
Bladder cancer
I am currently undergoing chemo and radiation for bladder cancer. Am suffering from diarrhea and cramping. Any suggestions on how to cope with these discomforts. I am a 72 year old male with no other physical problems.
Chemotherapy with a Neobladder
I am going to need chemotherapy and have a neobladder as of 6/1/04. They will be giving me gemcedemine and cisplat, and will have to give an extra liter of fluid both before and after giving the drugs. The nurse said that with the medicine, I will be receiving almost 3 liters of fluid. I am still incontinent with using the…