Intravesical BCG/Interferon combo
I'd like to hear from anyone who has had personal experiences with having the combination of BCG and Interferon introduced into the bladder.
Need support
Hi, I am just looking for some support. My dad has bladder cancer, he is living with me as I am his main support. I am not sure what stage he has, but it is not good. He had a cat scan done a week or two ago, and they have found that the cancer has spread. It is now also in his kidneys, his liver, in his lymph-noids and…
please disregard
Have new unused urine bags to give away for free
I have a neo bladder now, and do not need the urine leg bags I have. If someone has a need for them I have quite a few. Also, if anybody knows where I can put this information so someone in need will see it please let me know. My e-mail is kerisplace@hotmail.com
Indiana Pouch
I would love to talk with any women who have an Indiana Pouch. I had my radical cystestomy surgery on 10-05-05. I'm in my 7th week of recovery and have some questions. I'm currently voiding every 3 to 3-1/2 hours and not getting much sleep. Will I ever be able to sleep on my stomach again? How often should I irrigate?…
is tumor back
i had a tumor removed 2mon ago, im getting the same feeling i did befor but no blood in urine.Can anyone tell me how fast the tumor can come back
indiana pouch vs external bag
My father has to have his bladder removed and I have been to alot of sites. I am getting info. on both procedures but none rate one above the other.I want him to have the right info to make the right choice. I figure personal experience would be the best. Anything shared would be greatly appreciated.
RUSS 2006....Please read
Russ, as my Dr. told me..age and activity have alot to do w/ your decision. I'm 47 and still have a very active life style. I had to wear a bag for 4 weeks or so, until I healed enough to use my internal pouch (Indiana Pouch). I can tell you now that the internal pouch is so much easier. The only thing is you have to empty…
Blood in Bag
My Mom had her bladder removed 5 years ago because of Bladder Cancer. Thank god she has been cancer free since. For the last 2 months she has had blood in her bag and severe back pain. Has this happened to anyone else out there? She has had 2 scans and has been told that everything is fine. She can barely walk and the…
Surgery March 12-VERY AFRAID
I am a 58 yr. old male who has been bladder cancer free for 15 years. It has returned and is a T-1 High grade and my urologist, whom I highly respect, feels that the best thing to do to give me a long term prognosis is to remove the bladder, prostate and one ureter. I know this is a huge surgery and I know what the results…
Post polyp removal symtpoms
My husband had 2 low grade cancer polyps removed from his bladder 16 days ago. His doctor said that they flooded his bladder with Chemo and in 2 months when his bladder heals my husband will start a 6 week regiment with BCG. All of his symptoms are gone except light nausea, frequent urination and a burning sensation at end…
diag 2006 blad ca 3 turbts i rigid 1 flex 2 chemo in this time i;v had 14 infections starts in blad ends in kidneys is this normal any help appreciated
BCG treatment
two years ago bladder cancer diagonised and surgically removed the cancer growth. Then BCG treattment was done weekly once. Cistoscopy was done every three months. So far no recurrence or any problems. Was chooing tobaco and drinking alcohol twice a week. After cancer however continued tobaco and also drinking moderately.…
Psycological Problems
Since being told I had cancer of the bladder, even though mine was caught early and removed, it has affected me mentally. I cannot get over the fact that I might not be around that much longer so it is hard for me to think of the future. It this normal? Has anyone else had these feelings? I want to try and put this behind…
LUPRON question
My father was diagosed with bladder cancer in 2000, they ended up removing his bladder and his prostate a few years ago, he has been doing well and has been getting the Lupron shot for some time now- Last month he got a shot and didnt get his usual hot flashes then he started getting back pain and nausea. Now about a month…
What is going on with my husband?
My husband is 36 years old - he recently began complaining of a frequent need to urinate (it has been going on for 3-4 weeks). I automatically thought UTI. I finally talked him into going to the ER - which was a waste of time - but, they did an urinalysis and ruled out an infection. He then went to an urologist and had cat…
Blood in urine
I was diagnosed two years ago and had two tumors removed (Stage 1 TIS). I have been scoped every three months since with no reoccurance. I have had slight burning and occasional blood (small amount of blood sometimes for a couple of days and then not another oocurance for months) since tumors were removed. Dr. says all is…
Hello everyone, I am usually in the colon cancer discussion group, as my mom was diagnosed in January 2003, but I had a question regarding bladder cancer symptoms. My mom had lab tests recently and they showed slighly low hemoglobin and a small amount of blood in the urine. The doctor said the tests indictaed a urinary…
sis-taw-skuh-pee warning
The only way I can pronounce that word......I am usually good with pronouncing medical terms but this one is a tounge twister for me. I wanted to warn anyone having this exam in the hospital that there is a chance you will have trouble urinating afterward. Our Urologist did not warn us and my husband waited all day and…
brand new DX
Hello everyone, I am a BC sruvivor and I have used the BC forum many times in the past. It helps so much to talk to others who have experienced cancer and understand the fear and the anxiety we go through. My husband just had an internal bladder exam and the urologist found a small tumor the size of the head of a match.…
Bladder Cancer and staph infections
Last January I had a small bladder Ta tumor removed. 3 months later I went through BCG and after 7 months my check up showed no sign of return. For six weeks now I have had a staph infection that is getting better but has not yet gone away. Could this be a sign that my cancer has returned? Thanks, holdorfs
Lung Cancer 05/ Now Bowel problems and bladder ....Could it be back?
I had 1/2 right lung removed from squamous cell carcinoma.....a year ago. In Dec. thin stools ..muscus.....bloating started ....finally doc has ordered colonscopy next week but that Thursday my bladder started to leak. My pelvic looks like i am five months prego. NO blood in stools or urnine.....but discomfort will not…
Bladder Cancer WebCafe
CCDRT - Cell Culture Drug Resistance Testing / chemo-sensitivity tests Cell Culture Drug Resistance Assays are for help in evaluating which chemos would be less likely to have an effect on your own personal cancer cells. For the great majority of people with bladder cancer, the issue of drug resistance testing will not…
pregnancy with internal pouch
I have an Indiana pouch, and am a 37 year old female. My husband and I are discussing pregnancy. I've read some old journal articles that talk about chronic UTIs, possible incontinence during the last part of preganancy, and hydronephrosis. Has anyone been through this? Or can anyone recommend places where I can find…
Neobladders after the first year
I was found to have T3-B bladder cancer back in 10-18-04 .Its been going ok, use the cath. few times a month .it beats the alternitive for me .(42).I would like to know what I'm up aginst in the future .thank you an bless you all .
Employment following Surgery and Chemo
I just past my 5 years on Bladder Cancer and continue to survive Carconoid and the Surgery. My Previous Employers (2001 and 2003) following my first diagnosis (Bladder Cancer) and second diagnosis (Carconoid) terminated my employment following treatments and cleared to travel (Training in sales and sales management in…
WHERE can I go for an active chat room?
I found one once and it was like www.onco.org or something like that. It was great. Now I can't find it again. Can anyone help? I need to talk to real live people. So far, I can't find ONE room where there are any people.
mistletoe extract as bcg alternative
has anyone heard about mistletoe extract as an alternative to bcg treatment? does anyone have info on natural alternatives for superficial bladder tumors?
diet to prevent reoccurence of tumors
I've read that broccoli can be effective in preventing the reoccurence of superficial bladder tumors. Has anyone heard of any particular foods/diets that promote bladder health?
my father has had another partial removal bladder surgery in 7 months
It is a grade3 bladder cancer. And my father recieved the first surgery to remove about 1/3 of his bladder in this Jan and also had chemotherapy (having drugs injected into his bladder through a small tube) on a weekly basis for two months after surgery at first, then on a monthly basis for another 8 chemotherapies. But…