Bladder cancer metasthesized
I am a 54 year old woman with history of bladder cancer. Carcinoma in citu. Treated with BCG and we thought it was gone. Two years later, now, I have a huge tumor in my kidney, smaller one in my lung, cancer has broken one of my vertebra, and chewed up one of my ribs. Currently getting cysplatin and gemzar. Anyone with…
know little about bladder ca
My brother has a cherry-sized tumor in his bladder found on ultrasound. It will be taken out soon and then he will know if it is ca or not. I have breast cancer and I know little about bladder cancer. His symptoms were bleeding on urination intermittently and his urine sample showed atypical cells. Should it turn out to be…
Post Surgery- Bladder distention
My husband had neo-bladder reconstructive surgery May 2003. He has been doing extremely well. Just recently he developed a problem with the bladder becoming extremely distended, and over several days was not able to urinate normally at all. He is currently being treated with meds and self cath. several times daily. He is…
Stage of bladder cancer and how to decide treatment options?
Are there some doctors who are more extreme in their treatment recommendations than others? I would imagine this is true. How do you know who to "go with"? My father supposedly had superficial bladder cancer, had the bacterial treatments twice and was told the cancer cells were gone. A doctor at a second larger hospital…
My dad has bladder cancer
I'm looking for any info that can help prepare me for this. My father has a very large tumor on his bladder and is a very high grade. The doctor(s) say he won't make it through surgery so they're going to be starting radiation and chemotherapy. I'm scared because I don't know what to expect from this. They have given my…
What can nurses do to better help you?
I am an RN student and I would like to know what the nurses who care for you could do to better help you? I'm anxious to get your feedback! Please reply!
lots of questions just diagnosed with BC
I have recently be diagnosed with bladder cancer and have decided not to mess with it and asked the doctor to remove the bladder and go with the ileal conduit. Is the a good choice. I'm 52 yo male. thanks in advance Bryan
Can some of you share your symptoms of bladder cancer. The reason I ask...I was diagnosed with breast cancer on June 10th. Had surgery and radiation. Finished over a week ago. This past weekend all of a sudden I had pressure in my bladder and then lots of blood. It came one day, and was gone the next. Went to the doctor…
Prostate and Bladder Cancer
Hi, Everyone! My X husband was diagnosed with prostate cancer in August of 2001. He decided to go with a holostic approach to treating it rather than the conventional medical methods available. (I know. STUPID! But I could NOT get him to budge no matter how much I begged him to get treatment.) He recently had blood in his…
My husband had 16 inches of his large intestine removed last year. He is still very sick with abdominal pains and feels like he is seating on a stick all the time. He is very depressed and now the doctors want to preform a ileostomy on him. Pls someone help us. I do not think this the answer. @end
Chemo - Bladder Cancer
I had a Radical Cystectomy and ileal conduit performed on March 5. 2003. They did find traces of cancer in 2 out of 12 lymph nodes they took from that area. I have just had my first session of Chemo Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Tues., I had Gemzar and Wed., I had cysplatin. I think this is more common for lung…
bladder cancer
i would like to hear from any one who has had a uretero-sigmoid-ostomy please reply if you have or know of any one who has
recurrent bladder cancer plus supply question
Hi, My father-in-law was found to have bladder cancer a couple of years ago and had a radical cystectomy. He has a urostomy and his insurance won't pay for any of his supplies for that. He and his wife don't make that much money and he has trouble getting his supplies. Does anyone know of a source to get some help with…
Recurrence of Bladder Cancer
I had a TUR in February of 2000 followed by six weeks of BCG. I had another TUR in August, 2000 and it has been recommended that I have my bladder removed. I want to know everything! The pros and cons. I have been informed that there is a possibility that I may be a candidate for a bladder reconstruction. I need to know…
bladder cancer reoccurring
Ive been 6 years cncer free. it was caught in time so BCG worked. when can I feel totally free from this type of cancer, or is it for life
bladder cancer
I was diagnosed in Jan. with bladder cancer and was told that they got it all and I didn't need any chemo. On apr. 24th had to go in for a biopsy and they told me it came back and now I need at least 6 weeks of treatment. I was told the treatment is not the ordinary chemo. where you lose your hair and get sick. Its…
Thank you for info, getting more tests
I talked to my doctor and the culture of my urine came back negative to infection. Since I have had a problem for a couple years with UTI and this is second time no infection was present, the doctor is ordering tests. He has ordered a Cytology test, which i don't know much about. He has also ordered a CT Scan. I did call…
husand it termial from bladder cancer
would love to hear from anyone who is going through this need some support dealing with things
Bubble Bladder??
Hi, I have recently went in to remove a small tumor in my bladder. This was also done in 1998. I have like a bubble on my bladder that (all) the tumors occur in. Now the Dr.s want to do major surgery to remove this bubble. any info would be helpful from someone who has had (part) of their bladder removed...
Partial cystectomy
I would like to hear from anyone who has had a partial cystectomy for cancer. How have you increased you bladder capacity and how long did it take? Any advice? Would love to hear from you.
Partial bladder removal/Malignant endometriosis
I am a 50 yr. old woman who, on 2/28/03, had surgery for a cancerous tumor and invasive bladder cancer from endometriosis that had become malignant. I'd had a total hysterectomy in 1984 but my doctor put me on estrogen, which helped the endometriosis continue. I had 25% of my bladder removed, part of my vagina and a stent…
Urachul Carcinoma
I'd like to talk to someone else with urachul carcinoma. I was diagnosed back in January of this year.
Advanced bladder cancer
I live in the UK. My dad has advanced bladder cancer. He has had his bladder removed, but the cancer is spreading up towards his kidneys. They've tried one session of chemotherapy, but it made him constantly sick. They are now arranging for him to go to a hospice to die. I don't want to give up just yet. Are there any…
neo bladder recovery process
my 76yr old mom has not been ablr to eat since her surgery. all she can tell the drs. is "you don't know how i feel. i just can't eat. i'm so full" does anyone recognize this? she couldn't have food because of complications and it has been a month since a real meal. she was fed intravenously. now she can't seem to get back…
new treatments(like gleevec)
I heard there are more drugs like gleevec coming soon. does anyone know if any of the upcoming medications like gleevec are being tried on bladder cancer?
experimental treatments
My dad was diagnosed with a bladder tumor and because the cancer has spread he is not having surgery. I am interested in any experimental treatments that have had some success.