Complication after Bladder Removal Surgery
My husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer on October 206. After several treatments of chemo, he underwent Bladder Removal surgery on March 15th, 2007. His procedure was an Ileal neobladder (build a new bladder with small intestines). He was released from the hospital after 9 days. All the scans show'd that the bladder…
TSA Security now Humiliating Bladder Cancer survivors wearing urostomy bag which collects urine from
A retired special education teacher on his way to a wedding in Orlando, Fla., said he was left humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine after an enhanced pat-down by TSA officers recently at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. “I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of…
New! Stage 4 metastisized to prostate & nearby lymphs? ( dad) help?!
Hello to all! This is a wonderful website, im so happy i found it. My 57 yr old father was feeling symptoms for 2 years, he went through 2 reg dr's and 3 urologist before it was found this December. He had a biopsy in July 2010 that showed negative for ca. I made him keep pushing for answers. He is now in the hands of Dr…
End of Stoma turning black???
Yesterday I noticed that about half of the end of my stoma has turned black. Has anyone ever experienced that before? I also have a stoma hernia and that may have something to do with it. I know that an entire black stoma may mean it has lost blood circulation and could mean another surgery, but I can't find anything about…
Hello Everyone, my name is Helen. I have bladder cancer and I've gone through 4 months of chemo. I was given a choice of surgery or radiation and I chose radiation. The treatment included 28 sessions and my Dr. said that the only side effect would be fatigue. Well, after 3 wks the pain was unbearable. I talked with my Dr…
Indiana Pouch
my dad recently had the Indiana Pouch surgery and everything has gone great so far but I was wondering is there any complications that could occur later on that I should be aware about?
Flag dorisEknight
Flag Spammer she' posting on all boards and messing up our place to express ourselfs. God Bless Karie...from BC Board
Need to Flag dorisEknight
bag leakage
hi my dad just recently had his bladder removed ad he is healing very well but the bag leaks while he sleeps due to a dimple or indent between his belly button and the stomas and the bag doesn't seal properly. has anyone had a problem with the bag not sealing properly due to a dimple or indent. If so does anyone have…
Kidney tube
My oncologist is recommending that I have a tube inserted in my kidney to help it drain and help keep it functioning during chemo. Does anyone have any information on what life is like after this procedure? I am a 59 yo female. The tube (I can't spell its official name) will also help lessen the kidney damage that…
cancer treatment centers of america
anyone have experience with these hospitals
Seeking advice and suggestion
Hi, i have been reading emails on this group for some time now. My father was diagnosed with gall bladder cancer around 15th June 2010. He was admitted to the hospital on jaundice (total biluribin was initially 18). From the biopsy report and PET scan reports, doctors suggested stage 4 gall bladder cancer. He is around 68…
bladder cancer
Does anyone know who is the best urologist for treating bladder cancer in Baton ROuge, LA? My husband is going to James Morris now and is thinking about getting a second opinion after six years.
Hello folks! Seeking info, advice, opinions etc.
Hi folks. Some of you may know me. I entertain as Gary the Mime and have donated Mime Time at several ACS run/walks, Relay for Life events, and for various other organizations here in the Las Vegas area! I just had a large High Grade cancerous tumor removed cleanly from my bladder, there was no muscle invasion. The Dr.…
Gall Bladder Cancer Metastasized to Liver
My mom is at the end of her fight with gall bladder cancer.. She is only 58. She was diagnosed 9 months ago. Her doctors decided to proceed with chemo 1st.. 4 months into her chemo treatments her bladder gave her alot of problems and complications the doctors decided to remove it. She was in alot of pain. After the…
Bladder Cancer - Bag vs. Neo-Bladder
Last month the took a tumor via/scope from my bladder. After (the biopsy,and ct scan) I was told bladder and prostate must go, this was verified with an oncologist Friday. My big question has anyone had this dillema, my urologist advises the bag instead of the Neo-Bladder (from what I have read there are pros and cons on…
Senate Health Care Bill Would Allow Insurers to Limit Coverage for Seriously Ill Patients.
A loophole in the Senate health care bill would let insurers place annual dollar limits on medical care for people struggling with costly illnesses such as cancer, prompting a rebuke from patient advocates. The legislation that originally passed the Senate health committee last summer would have banned such limits, but a…
Invasive Cancer of the Bladder (In the Bladder Wall)
I'm 22 years old, and I'm not ready to say goodbye to my father... He's been diagnosed with invasive cancer of the bladder, after having a tumor removed from his bladder about the size of a lemon... His current doctor will not perform the surgery needed (removing the bladder and making a new one out of his large…
I have just learned that my bladder cancer (C.I.S.) has failed the BCG therapy and now face the options of bladder recon surgery. My MD's (Indiana University Urology) have offered one more hope before the surgery. This is VALRUBICIN instillation in the bladder for 6 weeks (similar schedule to the BCG therapy). Does anyone…
First post here and scared to death
Hi, I am a 51 year old female who was diagnosed over 12 years ago with hematuria(blood in urine detected by microscope). At the time it was detected I had all the tests done to check for bladder cancer and kidney problems, everything came up normal. I was told 5% of the population has hematuria and there are no found…
CT scan ????
My Dr called me today about a CT scan I had done there is a problem with the size of the urinary track tub is a little big and I have pain in the lower abdomen I know I don't have a UTI cause I had them.I am scare it might be cancer I had rectal cancer last year and this April I had major surgery do to blockage in the…
Pancreas and other Cancer Treatments
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone heard of Issels Treatment in California? Has anyone been there? How do they treat cancer? What are the results? I would really appreciate it if I got any feed back from someone who has been there. Thank you very much. Julia
Stage 4, with mets to liver,lung & bone
Diagnosed with stage 4, 11/10 with mets to liver & lung. received 5 rounds of Carbo & Gemzar and a large tumor then found on my pelvic bone. Recently finished 3 weeks of radiation of my iliac bone. My fatigue seems to be worse now than ever. Not sure how long that will last. Having repeat scans done & plan is probably…
Is it something we are doing?
I was diagnosed two years ago when I was 25. There is no family history of bladder cancer. I was in pain for almost a whole year before I found out. I would bleed and dread going to pee because it hurt so bad. My primary care didn't think anything was wrong with me until I finally went to the emergency room. I had a CT…
Bladder Cancer Stage IV
Hello, My dad was diagnosed with stage IV gall bladder cancer. He is carrying a large size tumor that has evaded the liver, small intestine and possibly other organs. We were told with surgery they would be able to remove the tumor and things would be fine. But it turns out they discovered during surgery the tumor evaded…
Hi, Wondering if anyone more recent can elaborate on symptoms. Last string I found was from 2003. I am having workup, but have burning in lower abdomen (more periumbilical, above level of bladder). Also urine stream has slowed and have to push harder to get urine out. When it seems I have finished urinating, I bend over or…
gallbladder Cancer
anyone online specific to gallbladder cancer?
help and support
my husband was just diagnosed with bladder cancer on March 2010. He went through the surgery to remove most of the tumor. Now we just found out that is was indeed cancer and am waiting for a bone scan and ct scan to see if it did spread or not. That is schedule for May 5th. Then our follow up is May 13th. Why is such a…
Need Advice for my father
July 13th 2009 my dad had surgery to remove his bladder due to cancer. He had a neobladder placed at the time. In December he had a checkup and was cancer free...a huge relief. Then in late Feburary he started have problems with his lower back and pelvis but was nothing new due to his line of work. After several…
seeking information
Hi. My father just found out he has bladder cancer. He's 84 and has just spent five months sleeping very poorly due to enlarged prostate & having to urinate literally every hour or more. Now, we're awaiting biopsy to see how serious bladder cancer is (they can see a "thickening in the wall" of bladder but say they're…