IUD and pelvic radiation-helpful hint
If you are just getting started with pelvic radiation treatment and have an IUD I would suggest getting it removed. I was told to just leave mine alone and it has scarred in and can't be found by my gyn. She says it's no big deal but I don't like the idea that it's there and can't be removed.
Hair question
I have been off chemo since the 11th of November, while on it I had no side effects what so ever, however after being disconnected I developed such bad mouth sores that my diet consisted of liquids. They finally went away 2 days before Thanksgiving which made me really happy and I was able to not miss out on all the great…
Gastroparesis registry.
I don't remember who it was here who was struggling through gastroparesis, but I happened to see this request for registration and for a questionaire: http://iffgd.org/clinical-trials-studies/nih-other-sponsored-clinical-trials-and-studies.html ,
Lost trust in VA
You can read my story under (misdiagnosed by VA). Due to the misdiagnosis (almost costing my life), I have lost all trust in the VA. The VA being my only health care (cancer being treated outside VA, at there cost under Tri West), I have only seen my primary once. I have been thru 3 primaries in 3 yes because they keep…
I'm sure by now everyone on this forum must be sick of me, I think for the last four days I have posted either a question or concern regarding my treatments. I am starting treatments this Monday, and having extra anxiety over it, I was initially diagnosed in September, the only scan I had was a pet-scan on the 28th of…
Surgery in the morning
Well at 6 am I'm going into surgery for anal cancer and breast cancer! I'm scared silly
Hi everyone, recently I found this much needed site and I can't thank you all for sharing your stories and experiences. In February of 2016 I was diagnosed with anal cancer, and by June I finished chemo and 7 weeks of radiation. Recovery has been toughish - but the cancer is gone. I wish I had found this site before I had…
The HPVand Anal cancer Foundation has a an excellent website with a huge amount of very relevant and helpful information. I urge everyone to check it out! Also, consider adding the Foundation to your holiday list; donations will help move the research forward. Best wishes to all for a happy and a healthy New Year. Tanda
Westie1981 (copied and started a new thread)
Hi, I saw you had posted this in an old thread so thought it may get more response if started a new one. Often the older posts are still VERY useful so wise to read through them (check dates in upper corner) but they don't always get as much response. I am so sorry for your situation, it sounds quite frustrating to say the…
Hi everyone, I am new to this type of cancer and there is much I am not familiar with in the way of monitoring wether treatments are effective. All I can compare it to is the monitoring I had while going through treatments with lung cancer, but from what I have been told it is a very different beast. I would like to know…
Help with incontinence
Following radiation treatment in March, I experienced a few months of IBS-type symptoms, including incontinence. It had been healing through late June and early July. Now, after going back to chemotherapy, I've been experiencing symptoms all over again. Earlier this morning, after going out for a walk, I had a sudden urge…
Pain Meds
How long were you on pain meds, and how long did you continue to stay on them after the conclusion of treatment? Thanks in advance for your insight, and best wishes to all!
Five years NED
Haven't been here for awhile.. FIVE years out and still NED.... so what's with my not wanting to do ANYTHING? I should be incredibly happy and up for whatever! Anyone else????
Hello fellow surviviors, It was the night before Thanksgivng, six years ago, that I was diagnosed with Anal Cancer. What a long and painful journey it has been. During my treatment for anal cancer, they located another cancer, unrelated. When I finsihed treatment for anal cancer, I was treated for the second cancer. None…
anal cancer survival rates
I have been diagnosed with squamous cells around the external area of my anus. I also have two AIN2 sites on the inner anal tissue. I was told I need to have surgery to remove the squamous cell infected area and then follow up with HRA evaluation in 3 months. I have a great deal of fear about the potential loss of anal…
Just diagnosed - what should I expect?
Hi, I'm due to start chemo- and radio-therapy for a T3/N0 tumor in the rectum this coming Monday. Getting a picc line installed on Friday, and I'm to be given a pump to deliver the chemo over the course of the week. So far the doctors, nurses and support staff I have dealt with have all been wonderful, and I've been made…
Almost 5 Years but have Some Questions
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is well or on the road to being well. I would like to ask a question to anyone who has passed their 5 year anniversary. Mine will be in December and I was wondering if any of you ever had a second PET Scan? I had mine when I was first diagnosed in 2011 but never had another one. Actually the…
Houston support groups?
Are there any for anal cancer? With real live people?
mouth sores
Hi everyone, just wanted to thank those of you who responded to my previous post, you all have a lot of encouraging and hopeful words of wisdom which is valueable to me right now, so here I am again with another question, and some good news. I finished my chemo yesterday and am officially disconnected, yeah freedom! It is…
Chemo therapy and diarrhea
I just finished my first round of chemo /radiation in having a severe time with diarrhea and with the radiation burns the diarrhea I can't sit period even using silvadine I can't tolerate aquapjir. I'm also taking lots of immodium but doesn't seem to help!!! Sitz baths work for a very short time but when I sit it stand I…
Mucus discharge
Mucus discharge started pretty early after starting radiation. Over half way. Passed a clot yesterday and it felt like giving birth. Having surgery after treatments. Does it get better?
Squamous cell rental tumor --- anyone?
After more than 2 years, I still deal with this side effect almost daily. Any hope? I know my diet contributes because I eat a plant-based diet and lots of green juice (kind of a Gerson Protocol) June
Hi everyone, I am on my third day of chemo (F5U pump) radiation daily. I have been given by my doctors so much literature about the chemo end of things, things to watch for, things to expect side effects and tips on how to manage them. I must admit leading up to my start date I had much anxiety and I thought it would be…
Hip/thigh pain
I am in week 2 of radiation and my hips and thighs are killing me, anyone else have this problem? I am taking oxygenation ER 10mg every 12 hours and oxycodone 5mg for breakthrough with no relief. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Wendi
New dx
I was recently dx with anal cancer and just finished my first week of chemo and radiation. Thus far, the only side effect is fatigue and today a little bit of nausea and diarrhea. How long after the pump comes off, will I experience side effects, or worry about having them? Thank you in advance for any help. Wendi
3 months post APR question
Hi all, I'm another newbie. Writing on behalf of my dad-he's 81 and has never touched a computer!He was diagnosed in November of last year and underwent 6 weeks of radiation with 5 days of chemo at the beginning and end of his radiation. He did great until about 3 months after treatment when he began having the burning,…
just diagnosed III (T1N2M0) foolish questions? etc.
I'm a 68 year old woman who doesnt feel it but suspects I will soon...starting chemo/radiation on nov 14 scheduled to finish just as the year ends. besides dove soap and baby wipes what should i be stocking up on? is there a truly soft toilet tissue? seeing a nutritionist but i dont know when. what have you guys found easy…
have questions about chemo
I went through chemo/radiation for lung cancer 6 Yrs. ago, I seemed to breeze through the chemo, never got sick or had a lot of the side effects others had. I've been told by two of my Dr.s that this treatment for anal cancer is nothing like what I went through for the LC, I guess because having been told that I am more…
leg pain 3years after having treatments
I was diagnoised with cancer three years ago it was called squamous cell cancer and had to have radation treatments and chemo. I am completely cured of cancer for now. My problem is that my legs shoot pain severely when walking a distance and it is so bad I have to take several breaks to continue with my walk rather it be…