GI Cancers Alliance
http://tinyurl.com/hhnrprb Check out this article on improved ollaboration in GI oncology...note the member organizations of the GI Cancer Alliances. I sent a copy of this to the HPVAnal Cancer Foundation. We definitely need more visability and support!!!
TEN years NED today....Stage 3
Hey again, Today, I'm inspiring myself and maybe one or two of you as well. I made it to TEN years cancer free today with Stage III. Very few long term effects and although I won't say that I am cured, it simply feels outstanding to get HERE. Cancer is not a death sentence and I was diagnosed when my son was only a few…
Low carb and bm's
About a year ago, I started eating low carb to see if it would make a difference in my BMs as I was having 10-12 a day. This is my only long term side effect from radiation. I have to say that it was the best thing I ever did. We all have take control over our health and for me anyways, fibre is NOT my friend. After eating…
Pain during BM ?
I have Stage 3b anal cancer. I completed treatment (chemo and radiation) on April 18th and I am still having terrible pain during every bowel movement. Is this normal? When does it start getting better??
mets to lymph node
I was diagnosed with anal cancer in early 2013. I had the standard Nigro protocol which was interrupted for two weeks when I was hospitalized with an ileus – ouch – but I eventually finished the treatment, put it all behind me (har har) and went on with my life. I was sadly suprised last month when a PETscan and needle…
Oncologists, PET scans, second opinion
I have been diagnoses with rare anal malanoma cancer. They are going to start radiation as well as chemo to try to shrink the mass. After that they will do surgery. If the mass still remains the same size because of the location they will do a radical surgery and I will have to have colstomy bag. I am a 58 year old widow.…
Anal structure?
Hi all its been a while since I've been on but I do check in time to time. My mom was diagnosed with stage 2 anal cancer in January of 2015 had the standard treatment 5fu/radiation. She was cleared NED in June of 2015. In the past month she had experienced constipation which is rare for her so she went to her oncologist…
Follow-up Scans-how often for Stage 1-2
I have the 2016 NCCN guidelines and see that annual CT scans are for Stage 3-4 patients. It seems that many of you are having scans more frequently. I am Stage1-2, node negative. My onco started out mentionning every 3 months. I think that is alot of radiation (I also have had breast cancer in each breast),the scans for…
Good news from Laz
Got my test results back and it's all good. My CEA is 2, but it's been always fluctuating around here and the oncologist says it's cool. Well what's is he gonna say? So I'm ok with it too. Worry never ends though. Will be 3 year NED in October. I come here every day to check on you and trying to support those who need it.…
Proton therapy vs IMRT
I have stage III a squamous cell carcinoma. I was wondering what side effects people have experienced from doing IMRT (radiation)? I am looking into doing proton therapy as well, but there is not a lot of evidence yet as to success from it. I welcome thoughts and experiences.
Is this possible?
I went to my surgeon six weeks ago, she scoped me and said everything looked good only scar tissue. This week I passed a small amount of blood during a bowel movent . Today I don't have pain but rather just a soreness. Could something happen that fast?
oHPVAnalCancer Foundation has updated it's website and has a wealth of information. Check it out! NYTimes Magazine section for 5/15/16 is devoted to several interesting articles on the latest translational research directions. Our protocol is 30 or 40 yrs old! There are practically no new clinical trials for a.c ,and a…
I saw my colorectal doctor last Thursday for my 6-month routine follow-up and all looked good. Of course, she asked me when my last colonoscopy was done and I told her 2-3 years ago. And before she could say a word, I spoke up and said I was not ready for another one for awhile. I proceeded to tell her about my recently…
Where we live and Where we were treated
there have been many questions from new members and others about Drs and treatment centers. Perhaps it would be helpful to list where we . liveand where we were treated. Tanda Philadelphia, PA...treated by GI cancer team at the University of Pennsylvania...MitomycinC (only 1 initial treatment), Xeloda and Proton Radiation.
Relay Time.....
Hi all, Hoping today finds everyone with at least some sense of well-being along this adventure! So, I live in a rural area and most residents that care to participate attend the relay in a close neighboring town that does a big event. While my town does a relay, we are included in the same district and ours is much…
good news! Dr. Eng turned me loose from MD Anderson! I have graduated with a clean bill of health! (for now anyway, don't want to jinx things!) .
Just checking in from Laz
Exactly 3 years and 3 days ago I took the feared phone call in the bathroom at work. "Sorry to inform you but you have cancer..." Amazingly I don't remember the emotions only the facts. After 3 hard years, with physical and emotional scars, without some body parts and my spouse, I'm glad to report that my life is still…
Urinary leakage during treatment female
Hi Everyone, I am going into my sixth week of treatment for S2 AC and am so excited to be near the end. Within the last week, I have had peeing pain and low flow. I was tested and do not have a UTI but was told I could take pyridium to help with these issues. The pyridium, besides making my urine a lovely shade of orange,…
Starting pelvic floor physical therapy
Since radiation ended in April 2015, I have been suffering from IBS and a painful anal ulcer- which makes bowel movements painful. Ulcer is somehow different from more commonly known anal fissure. Anyway, I've found some measure of relief through low-FODMAP diet and pills -- including pro-biotic w. digestive enzymes,…
How do I choose the right doctor and treatment facilities?
During a routine annual gyn exam, my doctor felt something unusual. I immediately went to my GI doctor that same afternoon. He felt the same thing and scheduled a colonoscopy which took place two days later. A biopsy was done and analysis was "poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma". I found out on April 12, 2016. I…
Hi all, anyone have any idea how often someone should be full body scanned? Mums anal cancer is in remission however she has secondary brain cancer. Her radio oncologist has said he doesn't want to do a full body scan (she hasn't had one for 6 months) as he doesn't think it is necessary. She's had a persistent cough for…
Keeping a brave face
Hi, My name is Ronnie and this is my story...A year ago I was on top of the world, great job, all the kids off to collage me and the wife talking about traveling and then I went to the bathroom one day and noticed some blood. Not a big deal I thought being a truck driver for 30 years it was probably just hemroids. Went to…
Black Spots in Prev Radiation Areas (nearly 4 years later)
I saw my rectal surgeon today, I have a black spot in the previous radiation area that he said wasn't there in Febuary when he did an exploratory colonoscopy. Also there's 3 to 6 spots in the vaginal area now. I've seen a GYN and a dermotoligist, too. It appears I'll see a urinolist soon. Then a "short" surgery to remove…
What is radiation cystitisis?
Blood in the urine since radiation, caused by radiation. Does anyone know anything about this? I've had urine cultures, no UTI, blood in the urine after radiation. Now I am getting it after an hour walk, or a workout at the gym.
I finished radiation today so now I'll be glowing at both ends - Lol! (Sorry the text isn't larger - don't know where that feature went). This radiation experience was so much better (if that's possible) than previous radiation, but then again first radiation was in a different area. The staff was wonderful. I received a…
Feels like I'm sitting on something, getting anxious, what could this be?
I'm 30 year old male, around last week I started to get his feeling in my anus as if I was sitting on something. I have no pain, but it's very annoying. No blood in stool, really no digestive issues until anxiety set in. at first I thought it was hemmeroids, and went to see GP, who said he saw nothing, everything looked…
Hi all, so my mum has brain mets, has just had her third surgery to remove the tumour again. She's two weeks out of surgery and has developed shingles on her face. Has anyone else experienced this? Or does anyone know if there are any issues or complications with the shingles? We've been to the GP and to emergency…
Himalayan Pink Salt Bath
Hello Everyone, I had my appt with Radologist on Tuesday. I will need to have Chemo (pills) and radiation on my bum. My Sister-In-Law just beat Stage 2 Ovarian cancer. Her nutritionist had her drinking Himalayan salt water before each chemo appt. She said the Himalayan salt has 94 minerals and a natural antibiotic. The…
The bag
Hi every one well does any one no how long the surgery is to have a bag put in and how long well i be in hospital after. My doctor appointment isnt till 20 april but its been a long road seence they found out im allergic to chemo. I just want it over i want a plan in place all i have left is this surgery.