anal burning
Thank you for the answers to my questions. I have a few more. I finished my 33 radiation treatments and 2 rounds of chemo. I have been done for almost 3 weesk. I am now experiencing major burning when I have a bowelmovent. Is this normal 3 weeks after? I have my first rectal at sloan ketterling, NY on April5. I imagine…
My first treatment today,
My first treatment went well today, way better then I was expecting. I now have my first tattoos :) . two chemo pills this morning, then off to radiation and get my measurments. Nothing hurt, I just closed my eyes and focused on holding still. Once all that was finished, I went for my chemo in vain treatment (chemo push).…
Treatment starts tomorrow.
Two chemo pills after breakfast then off for tattoo and radiation then to oncologist for two hours of in vain chemo. Oh and after dinner 3 more chemo pills.
APR Surgery - ever done to correct bowel incontinence after Chemo-Rad?
It is my understanding from everything my doctors and people here are saying that chemoradiation is the first-line treatment for anal cancer. And should that fail to get all of the cancer, then APR (abdominal-perineal resection) with lifetime colostomy is performed to get the rest. But what if the chemoradiation is…
I meet my Oncologist tomorrow to plan the treatment
Feeling overwhelmed, scared and nervous. Radiation and chemo starts Monday.
New Member - Starting treatment Monday
Hello everyone! I've been reading the boards and getting lots of information. Thank you all for sharing! I was diagnosed with anal cancer on 1/11/18 when my surgeon biopsied my "hemorrhoid." I've had a PET scan, met with my oncologist, met with the radiation oncologist, and will start treatment this coming Monday, 2/12/18.…
Mom is in excruciating pain
My mother was hospitalized and diagnosed with perianal cancer a couple of weeks ago. She has had it for years and we didn't know. She has been in excruciating pain for about seven months. She has received emergency Medicaid and has applied for disability. She had an appointment with an oncologist last week who prescibed an…
Question about cure T4,N1,M0
My father is currently undergoing treatment for T4,N1,M0 anal squamous cell carcinoma (some of this terminology is still mew to us). He just completed his week 3 of radiation olus oral chemo tablets. When discussing prognosis his doctor was first very positive of cure. Later, on the basis of his latest MRI right before…
Anel Cancer
I've been through all the test. I start chemo (pills) and radiation on July 2 2018. Feeling scared. Bills are coming in now. I will focus on getting better. The next 6 weeks will be tough. I visit this site almost everyday. The advice means a lot to me. Thank you. I will update as I go along this journey.
Hemp Oil--A Cure For Cancer?
Okay, my fellow posters, it seems we have a new member who insists that their lung cancer was cured by Dr. Rick Simpson and his magic hemp oil. Really? Somehow, I doubt it. If hemp oil could cure cancer, wouldn't every cancer patient be using it? I know I would. This is just a Monday morning rant, but I am so tired of…
Help please anal cancer pain
my sister was diagnosed with Anal Cancer on Monday. We are waiting for the results from her scan to see what stage it is and if it has spread. Her consultations are meeting in thursday to discuss her case. in the meantime she is in excruciating pain to the point where she is almost screaming. She is taking 10 mls of…
Going through all the pre testing.
This week is full of Doctors apptsl CT tomorrow, Friday PET scan. Then back to Oncologist. I received my chemo pills in the mail. I take them with the radiation. UGH. Reading all the side effects, well scares the crap out of me. Any advice?
It's been awhile
Hi everybody. It's been awhile since I last posted. I guess I just became adjusted to my "new normal" and my scans, etc. were good and I was busy in life, so I haven't checked in. And now... I was diagnosed with uterine cancer yesterday. It's all very new right now so I have many more questions than answers. During anal…
Were You Told Your Odds of Cure Before Starting Treatment?
I have not yet commenced treatment (apart from some naturopathic treatments I am doing). When I met with the radiation oncologist last month and asked him what my likelihood of cure was from chemo-radiation, he gave me several scenarios. But basically, the most realistic scenario places my likelihood of chemo-radiation…
Surgeon Appt
I'm 9 weeks post treatment, met with my surgeon he checked the tumor which shrunk a lot! He still feels a ridge and in 3 weeks will do a mini colonoscopy to biopsy the spot he wants to make sure it's scar tissue, not a new cancer either way I'm glad he's not waiting. I thank God gor healing me and trust he will keep on…
I meet my Oncologist tomorrow
I'm feeling very nervous, I see my Oncologist tomorrow to talk over treatment. I see the Radiation Dr. next week. I'm still feeling like I'm in shock. Overwhelimg!
Avoiding types of food?
For those that have been thrugh the radiation tratment do certain foods cause more mucous or stomach issues? 5 months post-treatment here and would love to stop wearing panty liners. I find certain days much better than others but have not been able to specifically determine what foods are the culprit. I am sure chips and…
Having Patience
I'm 6 weeks post chemo & radiation, what a whirl wind this has been I don't think I'm dealing with everything yet! How to have patience for the next year whilke this tumor shrinkjs and disappears completely! Positive thinking is my task but it's so hard! I still have some skin issues and itching, my energy level is getting…
Vaginal Stenosis
Has anyone gotten through vaginal stenosis on their own?
Mom pet scan
Just a brief background my mom was initially diagnosed stage 2 in jan 2015, received standard treatment was great until feb 2017 biopsy confirmed recurrence. Apr colostomy was her only option done in May 2017, some hicups on recovery but doing great! Had her pet scan tues went for results today and NED! Don’t lose hope I…
Treatment started today!
Hello everyone. I had my first radiation and chemo infusion treatments today. Radiation 5 days/week, chemo pills twice/day. Wow! Help!!! Is coconut oil good to apply daily after radaition treatmemt/does it help? I also have Aquaphor. First treatment so no skin irritation yet. Want to be as prepared as I can. Any…
Anal Adeno Carcinoma
I was diagnosed with Anal Adeno Carcinoma in March 2018. I'm currently receiving chemo (using Xeloda) and radiation treatment at St. Joe in Brighton (MI), which is using their brand new (one month ago) radiation contraption. I would like to compare notes with either someone who has or had the same or similar diagosis or…
Cazz Update
Having just completed four rounds of Cisplatin/5-FU, I went last week to MD Anderson for a CT scan to see what affect it had. I had what they are calling a mixed response. Two of my biggest liver tumors grew, one by a lot, while the third stayed the same. All of the lymph nodes shrank a little bit and there were no new…
ASCO meeting abstracts 2018
ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) annual meeting is next week. The abstracts are searchable. More info for colon and rectal cancers, and a few for anal cancer. Possibly more for us from The GI Symposium sometime later in the year. One interesting abstract compares 5FU and capecetabine(Xeloda)…
Folate level & B12
Anyone have a high folate level? B12 was in normal range, I'm 6 week post treatments.
The Empire Strikes Back.
Greetings, everyone. It seems that I come here only when I have problems. I regret that. However, today is no different. On the 4th anniversary of my anal cancer diagnosis, I had a follow-up CT scan with a lymph node that the radiation oncologist thought should be further explored, "just to cover things". I had a full-body…
Straight to surgery?
I was just diagnosed with stage IIIB. I’ve been reading about the initial treatment consisting of chemoradiation using 5FU and Mitomycin (Nigro Protocol) and the side effects. Of course, if the treatments don’t get it all surgery is usually the next option. Has anyone else had thoughts of going straight to the surgical…
bleeding after digital exam
Hey guys, So I had a huge biopsy done 3 months post treatment and all came back as scar tissue. BEcause of the huge bipsy I haad a painful fissue for two months. After that healed I went in for another digital exam and he felt a lot of scarring and smthing on the other side that he was nt too concerned with...that is where…
Is a colostomy the only option after recurrence?
I'm five years out from treatment, but still have issues. "Tissue: at AIN 3 are removed with greater frequency. A surgeon mentioned, of course, that a colostomy is the next step. I've been reading about innumotherapy, plastic/rubbber spinchters, and other developments. If if returns, is there still hope?
NED 6 months - New Member
Hi! While I am a new member now, I have been reading the posts in this forum for 8 months. And all of your tips really helped me get through it. On June 9th 2017 I awoke from a colonoscopy (thought I had a hemroid) and was advised that I had a large anal tumor. I was handed contrast to drink and was immediately escorted…