Blood in Urine (Anal Canal Cancer & Lung Adenocarcinoma, 2+ years in remission)
Hello! First I would like to thank this board for a lot of information and encouragement. It has been extremely helpful. I would like to ask for an information about my mother. Short background: My mother was diagnosed with anal canal cancer (Stage II) in May 2015, during the preparation for the radio/chemo therapy she was…
anal cancer newbie
Hello. I'm so glad to find this forum, writing and discussing is very therapeutic for me. I was recenlty diagnosed with anal cancer stage III A about 2 weeks ago from a biopsy. Since then, I've had blood work, ct scan, pet scan, and meetings with an oncologist and radiology. I've been sleeping pretty well, and my emotions…
Thinking of you ...
Hi everyone, It seems its been far too long since I have posted here but know that I think of you all so often. I've been reading when time and welcome all the new folks (though always sorry for the need, but hopefully like the rest of us you will find a great sorce of comfort and strength through this little family of…
Terrible nausea 3 weeks after treatment
I completed treatment 3 weeks ago. My six week treatment was interupted by 10 days in the hospital for neutropenia, infection, dehydration, then completed the final week. Has anyone else had terrible nausea after treatment? How long did it continue? Thank you
PET scan uptake value
Pet scan showed an uptake value of 3.0 in area of original cancer. Doc said that could be from radiation changes but previous PET, 6 months ago showed a 2.5 uptake value in the same area. My doctor said that 3 is the number they consider to be abnormal but that I should not be worried as it could be related to radiation…
I just want to share some info with those of you that have rectal bleeding issues. I had been experiencing a bout of rectal bleeding this past winter, enough to be alarming. Thankfully my last anoscopy, my last exam and my last scan were all clear. My colo-rectal surgeon told me it was just due to the radiation damage and…
newly diagnosed squamous cell anal cancer
Looking for anyone to give insight. Met with onconogist today. He made it sould like I would probably be able to work during chemo and radiation. I figured there was much more to learn. I'm glad I found this place. I was just diagnosed stage 2. Have had CT of abdomen, stomach and pelvis and bloodwork, which hasn't…
9 months
Hello all! Just checking in. Had my 9 month post treatment check-up on Thursday and doc says I am healing nicely and have responded very well to treatment..NED still, so far! Thank God! And thank you to all of you who have been here for me and with me. I wish everyone well!
Anyone else get shingles after their treatment was finished?
Hi everyone. First I want to thank everyone for such great informational posts. I was diagnosed in August of this year with anal cancer and I was able to put together a fairly good sized arsenal before I began treatment and I used almost everything! I had a couple of complications along the way and finally finished…
Help for Anyone Needing Financial Assistance
This is great information for anyone who is battling cancer and has a need for financial assistance. https://www.curetoday.com/articles/help-doesnt-cost-a-thing? https://www.curetoday.com/publications/cure/2017/financial-assistance-2/a-home-away-from-home?
Can someone please send me the link to the guidelines for anal cancer monitoring? I tried to see if I vcould locate it but cant remember.
5 Years 3 months Cancer Free
Hi to everyone. Some may remember me; I don't come on very often. I was diagnosed in Feb. 2012 with Stage 3b Anal Cancer. Received treatment and was declared cancer free July 24, 2012. I'm feeling very blessed and thankful today. Found out the results of a recent CAT scan. I remain NED! For my own psychological well being,…
Hello I am doing pretty good
I had my last chemo and radiation treatment July 21st, for stage 1 cancer. Doing pretty good so far. Except now I am lactose intolerant. Never was before, and am having all kinds of indegestion and bloating. It doesn’t make much difference in what I eat. I am going to have an ultrasound and HIDA scan next week on my gall…
Another Newbie here -- tx questions
Hi, everyone - I was dx with stage 1 squamous cell anal cancer last week. I've appreciated having this discussion board for information so far. I had stage 3 breast cancer 13 years ago, and I relied a great deal on a discussion board at that time, so I'm looking forward to giving and receiving information and support here…
Post 8 years-long term side effects
I'm 58 year old active athletic woman who's been cancer free for 8 years!! Thank you Lord!! I was on the 5FU/Cisplatin regimen. I have had trouble with my short term memory ( more than just old age setting in...not genetically prone to this ) my 82 father and mother are sharp as tacks and have excellent memories. It's…
Hair Color Treatments
A question for those of you who color or highlight your hair. When is it safe to resume this? I finished chemo and radiation treatments 3 months ago. I did not lose all of my hair, however, it was shedding like crazy and became fairly thin. It still sheds a little every day (more than before treatments began), so I think…
Anal Cancer spread to the lung
Hi, everyone. I'm new to this forum. I'm very happy to find out that there are people out here posting about their experiences in Anal Cancer. I have been very worried for my husband and it's been driving me crazy knowing I can't do anything about his condition. My husband got diagnosed with Stage 2 of Anal Cancer last…
Any supplements help during radiation and chemo or aftet?
Any supplements help during radiation and chemo or after the treatment?
Stomach cramps
I am on day 12 (of 30) radiation treatments and my second chemo/pump round starts in 8 days. I had flu shot this year before I even knew I had anal cancer. Over this past weekend, I did get the worse flu of my life that I can recall with the most gut-wrenching pain from my upper stomach down through my intestines, chills,…
IV chemo versus oral
Any one who has gone through the AC treatment, IV chemo versus oral or pill chemo, any experience?
dazed and dumbfounded
Hi everyone hope you all had a great holiday and all are doing well. This forum is now my new home, I started posting here since being diagnosed with anal cancer last year. I completed treatment in Dec. and have been "somewhat" monitored for the disease. I say somewhat because I have yet to recieve the Anoscopy exam. My…
Liver mets
Hello there, what a crazy couple weeks it has been for me. I was diagnosed stage 2 AC back in March 2015. Everything has been going great until a few weeks ago. I had what was suppose to be my last scan. when I met the doctor I had a feeling something was not right. He broke the news that my cancer had returned in my…
How long does fatigue last. I have been done with treatment since the end of Aug. Try to walk every day. 10 min. at a time. It exhausts me. I am tired of feeling like this
Hip pain/back pain Update
Here's my update...as promised. Turns out that my back pain was actually back pain...with nothing to do with radiation (unlike the hip pain). A couple weeks of back pain turned into sciatica. I went through this last year. It's been a month and has only got worse. Had an MRI. No change from last year. A couple of herniated…
Thought I was have hemorrhoid removed, ended up being Squamous cell carcinoma. Start radiation and Chemo next week. I have a great team. Still scared...
Six years!
middle of October I will be six years NED. When I was first diagnosed and on here A LOT I could not imagine six years NED! So. Hello to all my old friends on here and blessings to all!
Tumor and results
my daughter had a quarter sized tumor removed from right inside her anus 2 weeks ago. The doctors office called her this afternoon and said the pathologist called the doctor and the doctor wants to see her in the morning before he goes into surgery. Should we be worried? Has anyone had this happen? I need to be strong for…
Gyn question
OK so next week I am getting surgery- two for the price of one so to speak-anoscopy to check for cancer recurrence ( GI surgeon) and then the gyn is going to dig around to try and retrieve the IUD that got scarred in and lost. I am really dreading the gyn procedure. I feel like I'm going to get torn up inside and they…
Someone explain this pump thing I am going to have to have
I went to the doc today and I have to wear a pump, someone please tell me how to handle this, and if there are problems I might run into , scared. The pump will be put on after I have a round of chemo.just need a friend to talk to me about it. Thanks !
Anal Cancer Foundation Newsletter
Here is a link to sign up to receive their quarterly newsletter. https://www.analcancerfoundation.org/2017/10/20/welcome-new-quarterly-newsletter/