Chemo & Radiation Over This Week - And Now Lots of Pain
Hi All, I posted a few weeks ago about the "honeymoon" period. Since then my Mother has finished the 5 weeks of rads (25 treatments) and 5 chemos (carboplatin/taxol). Today was her first day off. Her chest feels tighter than ever, she can barely can ice chips down. She wants to see how it improves in the next 24 hours.…
Sad day today
Tonight we had to say good bye to Brian's Aunt. She died from breast cancer. It had been a long battle for her in the past, and had been doing good for years, till the stomach trouble started, and it was to late. It was back and had spread everywhere. It scares him to think that we just had Christmas with her, and now she…
stage IV and into our fourth year
Hello everyone, I have not been posting but have visited this wonderful site many times. I have also gained additional information here that has helped when visiting with our oncologist. Rick was DX in Oct 2008 with stage IV with mets tom the liver. Surgery was dismissed. Four rounds of the three part chemo cocktail…
Haven't posted...Tom has another CT in a week and half..then off to FL
Last chemo round is Wed..then the next Wed CT. He's been down thinking he has bad vibes about this CT. I know the neuroraphy is bringing his spirits down. So maybe FL will help. He's not very communicative and this could be a terrible trip for me. But I've ordered another blue sheltie cross stitch and I'm taking my water…
just got my dx
Just got results from egd. it showed EC.esop/gastroesophageal junction,modertatly diferentiated adenocarcinoma,invading at least yhe lamina propria.high grade dysplasia is positive for HER/2/neu(3+/70%) I cant make heads or tales of this.Trying to get appt @ u of m. Thanks for all you do.really scared, this is a second…
In need of help. Wife in distress
Hello, I have been scouring the internet like most with unanswered questions. My husband over the last year has had trouble with a sore throat, dryness, trouble swallowing. He has to think when he eats so not to get choked on his food. His voice is horse and it is getting worse. I knew when he made his own appt. that it…
Honeymoon Period?
Hello, I am new to the forum but I have been "lurking" since late November. My Mother was diagnosed with Stage IIIA esophageal cancer late last year. She is currently doing weekly chemo and daily radiation. She just started week 3 of 5. After week 5 she will "rest" for a month and then have the esophagectomy surgery. She…
Our anniversary
I am overwhelmed at how good life is for me today and wanted to share.My husband and I will be celebrating our 50th anniversary with family and friends this afternoon.I feel like not only am I celebrating our anniversary, I'm celebrating life. In 2007 when I was diagnosed with stage three EC, I truly didn't think this day…
extreme weight loss post esopgagectomy
My husband, 62, was diagnosed with stage 3C EC in December, 2010. He underwent chemo & radiation, then had surgery in June. 6 month CT scan was normal (good news). The problem is that he cannot gain weight, in fact, he is losing weight. He is now down to 150lbs. Some food stays in his stomach, with no issue, but probably…
New diagnosis - stage 3, questions abt treatment, fasting and VA
Hello all, My Dad had a CAT scan yesterday and an ultrasound today. The doctor said it was stage 3 (he did give the specifics, but from what I can figure out he is a T3, N0 (or 1, they couldn't tes the lymph nodes right below his tumor because they couldn't get to them) and M0. He is a very healthy 67 year old vet. We are…
Searching for insights, information and an understanding of what we may expect
It has been a whirlwind these past seven weeks and we would be grateful for any insights. We are learning, asking questions and trying to educate ourselves. Brief History - Tom had Barretts Esophagus 12 years ago which was treated. Since then he was advised to get a scan done every couple of years. At the most recent scope…
New Chapter didn't begin!
After driving for an hour in L.A. rush hour traffic to be at the radiation place at 9 a.m., we are one ramp away from exiting when the phone rings and it's the radiology office calling to cancel! Their machine broke! Grrrrrrrrr! They said they'd call to reschedule. Sometimes chapters drag on and on, so I'll post when the…
Another ambiguous scan
Hi folks, I had posted that Jeff's 5 month post-op scan was yesterday, we got the results today. Again the scan mentions something in the lungs. The thing in the lung they saw last time is stable and not changing, but there is a new nodule. This time the oncologist thinks Jeff should get a PET/CT in two months to see if…
Any news of Eric (Chemosmoker)?
Sorry folks, but I'm not a Facebook member. I know many of you are. Could someone provide an update? Thank you! Terry
Radiation Questions
Hello, I wanted to ask for help once again. My mother is 86 years old. Her cancer has spread outside of her esophagus to multiple lymph nodes in her chest area. She has been receiving chemo for almost a year. Initially, she was going once every 2 weeks and receiving the Folfox treatment at normal doses. Since she was…
Describe For Me "Physical Cancer Pain"
Because I never officially had EC (only a tiny bit of my tumor lit up) and my tumor was completely removed, I never had radiation and/or chemo. But I did have excruciating esophageal pain for 3 three years due to complications from my surgeries. There were many times after hours of vomiting where I'd be screaming and…
Jimbo...... hope all is going well
Hi Jimbo, how are you doing? Have you finished Chemo... and Surgery? keep us updated, you are in my thoughts. I hope all is well. Sal
"Happy Valentine's Day"
This is to all you people who have lost your Valentine just like I did a little over a year ago. I was sitting here today, somewhat sad, thinking how I have lost my "Valentine" to this horrible cancer and started thinking about all of you who must be feeling the same way as I do. It is never quite the same, is it, without…
G-Tube How much to feed?
All I was told after the G-tube was inserted on Thursday was to flush every three 3 hours eight times. That flushing has finally been completed. I can't find any instructions on how to feed her Boost or Ensure, which is all she is to take through her G-tube. Do I give her 1 can at a time? I know I have to flush with water…
New chapter begins tomorrow
Mom's first internal Radiation Boost is tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. I will tell her tomorrow when she wakes up. I know she's fretting about it, and if I tell her tonight, she won't sleep a wink. This will be the first of four treatments to rid her of the remaining 2cm of tumor in her esophagus. Good News... The Home Health…
Painful Teeth
Mom has been off chemo and rads since Jan 6th. She is complaining about her teeth hurting. Anyone have any info on painful teeth during this stage? She isn't using her mouth for much - all her foods are puree or smoothies. at 84 she has all her teeth. I will also ask the nurse today when she comes.
What should we expect?
We found out about a month ago that my grandfather has an aggressive form of esophagus cancer. My grandparents have decided that the best route for them would be surgery to remove his esophagus. He is scheduled to have his surgery on the 20th of this month and I really just want to know what we should expect. I am…
2 wks post op update and QUESTIONS
Hi All, been a long few wks. Nicholas is doing well and has been home for the past wk and I am back to work at both jobs so not much time online. So far no issues with fatigue or dumping, very little reflux. Eating is going well except for a piece of salmon that was gagged back up. Hopefully no stretch will be needed. Saw…
Not what I wanted to hear today
Two week check up after stent placed. Still have a leak and now going back for a scope and possible replacement/repostions of the stent. Haven't been able to eat or drink since December 9, 2011. It's time to fix the leak and let me get on with my life.
Happy Birthday William and Loretta
Thought you were going to sneak that in at the end of one of your long post, didn't you. Well I read it. Happy Birthday to you and Loretta, February is a big month for you two sweethearts. What a good day to celebrate! Enjoy, Lee Ann
Good news today
Got PET scan results, almost two years post op. PET scan clear and blood work good. Going to start spreading out the oncology visits and scans. We are very thankful. BMGky Dx Dec 2009 Stage2N0M0 Cisplatin 5FU and radiation Ivor Lewis April 2010
advice for esophogram and or pet scan this is all new to me
any exrerienced listers got any tips or advice for a newby. swallow test mon and pet thurs. thanks for all you do====phil w
CT/PET scan Thursday
Will this show if nodes are hot?
My husband has Stage IV EC
My husband was diagnosed with StageIV EC in July 2011. He had a ‘spot’ in his liver and on his spine. He was given aggressive chemotherapy, including targeted Herceptin (since his tumor was positive for HER2) and Cisplatin. His scan in Sept was GREAT with all tumors shrinking or disappearing. He also had a stent inserted…
Esophageal Ulcers
Well, my wife and I were wondering why it still hurt to swallow now that several weeks have gone by after rads/chemo. Talked to the oncologist and said swallowing is still hard, and it hurts, could we stretch the esophagus? Scheduled an endoscopy for yesterday, and they did a stretch, but guess what? The reason why it…