New Diagnosis
I am the father of a newly diagnosed Esophageal Cancer patient. I have 2 biological children and now both of them have been diagnosed with cancer. The first one being 29 years ago having survived Wilm's Tumor at age 2 1/2. Now my 33 year old son has been diagnosed with stage 4 Esophageal Cancer. He has masses in his…
Radiation recovery
Hello everyone..,, Just curious...how long after your last radiation treatment did you recover???? cough??? thoat burning?? -Lynn
dates for tests
just got ct,pet scan and esophogram scheduled. all to happen by the 16 of feb. then will get date for app.@ uof mich . this is all beging to get real ,real quick.
Metastatic or not ?
Hi from snowy London (UK) guys! Quick background: Mum 49yrs old dx April 11 poorly differentiated adenocarcimoma with signet rings. Stent fitted, dysphagia resolved. Had PET scan which revealed cealiac lymph node enlarged and superior anterior mediastinum lymph node enlarged. Declared not suitable for surgery, fine needle…
Liver Tumor is Malignant
A Pet/CT confirmed that the 1 inch tumor found in my liver on the 4th Cat scan since my Esophagus surgery in Dec 2010 is malignant. At Mass General they are convinced that it is stage 4 esophageal adenocarcinoma in the liver. Initially I was told that chemo with Folfox was a high possibility, but their top liver surgeon,…
Question regarding my Dad- need advice
Hi everyone, Dad had surgery a few weeks ago. Recovery has been going pretty good. The past couple days he has had increasing pain and a low fever. Mom took him to the doctor yesterday,and they gave him an antibiotic at the local doctor whom I don't really trust. They did a chest xray, and said there's some pockets of air…
Chemo radiation question and malnutrition
My father had MIE surgery on the 13 of October for esophageal cancer located at the GE junction. The biospy report showed cancer cells in stomach. Had 6 weeks chemo radiation post surgery for the stomach which he completed on the 13th of Jan. Is it normal to still feel really weak almost 4 weeks after treatment is…
Any word of Jeff Thomas - 2011 Class "President"
Laura, Erica, Niki - Has anyone heard any news of Jeff Thomas? I know he had a very difficult back to back MIE / Ivor Lewis. Seems like there might have been need of some follow-up chemo as well. Just hopeful that all is improving for Jeff. Terry
different medications
I am newer here but a while back just after my husband was diagnosed with stage IV EC I saw a posting someone had on here about different meds for pain, nausea as well as acid reflux and other types of problems. The list was about a whole page long and had many ideas on there for people during this fight we have to face.…
questions questions
My cousin is having surgery Monday the 13th of February. I don't know much about his cancer other than it's esophageal and it's stage 3. He's had it since at least this time last year. He had a feeding tube for awhile. The surgery he's having on the 13th is because the cancer has returned, now the dr's want to cut it out…
Have more info, although not great news.
Hi EC Friends, I haven't been on in a while. I thought I would do my best to take a break. I'm trying to find things to do to occupy my mind as everytime my mind idles, I end up in tears. I have been reading your posts. I was saddened to hear of Alan's passing. My heart aches for all of us here. Every day is truly a gift.…
My father
My father was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 esophageal cancer with mets to retroperitoneal lymph nodes only. Not a surgical candidate. He started a clinical trial at the Cleveland Clinic. Does anyone have experience with the Cleveland Clinic? He is happy in Cleveland and I'm not sure about moving him to another city to…
My beloved husband, Alan passed away.
For those of you who don't read Facebook I would like to let you know that Alan passed away very peacefully in my arms on January 31st. I had posted here that since Christmas day he had developed a pain in his back and said he only felt comfortable lying down. The Drs dx a water infection and he received 4 lots of…
update new Just an update on hospice. They came in right away and took over on everything gave us everything we need and more. Jarrell is feeling and looking better than he has in months. They changed his medication regiment and he is up receiving vistors and looking forward to things again. Hard to believe this could all…
Women with EC--get free help with housework---You others can help make this more available!
Here is a wonderful resource for women with cancer--any kind of cancer--. Don't be fooled by the Breast Cancer logo on the website. The social worker at my cancer center gave me the information on them but said it was hard to get in as there was a lot more demand than participating cleaning services at this time. I found…
Always fighting to get tests, the results & explanation
Hi all Again looking for some information, the Xray shows "right pleural effusion", my reading suggests this is ca spread and time left is is very limited maybe weeks. I'm sorry to ask but there is two week wait for specialist appointment, four weeks wait for urgent CT and the primary doctor will not explain many thanks kit
Mom is going to have a G Tube inserted on the 8th. What do I need to know about feeding her through a tube? I was not able to be at the doc's office when she was told this. She is of no help in answering questions. She shuts off her brain. My brother told me someone would come and show me how to feed her through the…
Horrible side effect of Radiation treatment
Hi all Please can I have your prayers for Mark, he has reacted to the radiation treatment really badly, I am so scared. Ann
Today we made the dicision to call hospice in to take over Jarrell's care. I am feeling so angry with his doctors right now. If only they would have been more truthfull, we could have given him a better quality of life sooner. It saddens me as I watch his depression deepen. We had such high hopes. I am feeling so defeated…
Hello Everyone I am not sure if anyone can use this or not or if this even the correct way to go about it but I have some formula for J tube feedings that I did not use. My wife (Susan) has tried to get the insurance company to take it back with no luck. We tried the health care supplier we got it from and they don’t want…
Rachel Naomi Remen M.D>
right now listening to Rachel Naomi Remen MD give a interview on the mystery of illness including cancer. If you do a search on this site, you'll find her. Amazing. http://www.humanmedia.org/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?search_in_description=1&keywords=rachale+naomi+remen&x=0&y=0 Cora
PET scan results - Confused!
We went to the doctor and the repeat PET scan showed a complete response. We were thrilled! Then the doctor went on to say this is palliative treatment and will prolong life, it is not a cure. He said the original prognosis of 6-9 months was now more like 12-18 months because my husband responded to chemotherapy. My…
In need of a friend
hi My name is Ida. and my husband was diagnosed with esophageal cnacer in July. It has been a roller coaster ride every since with many ups and downs. He was misdiagnosed in Jan 2011, so the cancer is in the late stages. he has gone thru chemo and completed 28 radiation. The radiation really done him in. He isnt eating a…
Need advice for Homer for his son
I have copied Homer's post for reply. His contact info is hdwchisholm Luketich/UPMC, Reddy/Michigan, Sugarbaker/Boston Judy, Thank you for your reply. I have been reading a lot of posts on this site. I wish that I had found this site when I was diagnosed with throat cancer stage 3 last March 2011. I am doing well now. PET…
letting the cat out of the bag..... Chantal's new life, part 2
Well, my friends, You have all been so great to me through the last year, helping me with Lee's ec. I've shared with you the tale of Lee's daughter, and you were so very helpful to me, now the next crisis is being unveiled, and I could really use some more advice...... I've posted this to the lung cancer page as well, so…
Dad and his battle with EC...
Last November 2010 my Dad Arnold Drange was dx with EC stage iv b...after a long 13 month battle it traveled to his brain...With my heart so heavy and my tears i could not and can not control on januray 7th 2012 my dad lost his battle against this horrible disease.. i thank all of you who have helpd me thru the fight..i…
Maybe I can share my story and help the "newbies"
Hi everyone, I use to post on this website everyday when my husband, age 56, back in 2009, was having some swollowing issues and eventually October 7,2009, was diagnosed stage four, mets to liver, stomach and pelvis. He did five rounds of radiation, of which most of them did nothing except the last round, at which time,…
Stage IV EC is not "one-size-fits-all". Very thankful for docs who recogniize this
There are many varieties of Stage IV EC patients and many responses to treatment. Here is just our story, so far, if anyone is interested. My husband was diagnosed in June 2011 with Stage IV EC; no other organs were involved but distant supraclavicular nodes were. Our oncologist NEVER gave him a time limit, and we never…
Mom update
Haven't posted here in a while with a mom update. Mom spent 12 hours in the ER last Thursday, then was admitted with pleural effusion and pericardial effusion. Severe they said. They drained her right lung (painful) and I brought her home Sunday. She is still coughing, but not nearly as much as before. Some of you may…
It's been a while. Update on Tom + a dose of supernatural
Hi everyone, I see a lot of new names on the board, which is unfortunate. But I am also glad to see some old names, which is very encouraging! I have not been to the board for several months, so my delayed best wishes for a new year: good health, strength and many bright days ahead! I thought I would stop by and post a…