Forty three year old diagnosed in January 2012
I am a 43 year old woman diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer. Never smoked ,drank or did any hard drugs my entire life. Lymph nodes were found on my left neck and GE junction. My doctors still considers this localized disease. Any thoughts. Any survivors out there. Currently taking intense chemo/radiation treatments.
Inability to Digest - How Common?
Hello, My Mom just finished her 5 weeks of rads and weekly chemo this past Tuesday. She is really "feeling it" now. She is absolutely unable to keep down anything. She can swallow o.k., but I guess once the food hits the esophagus/stomach junction it just sort of builds and then has to come up. This morning she tried to…
Rash at Feeding Tube site
Mom had a little "pimple" under the base of the feeding tube where it enters the stomach. It came to a head like a sore pimple. Now the area is red and there are 3 more "pimples" showing up. I keep applying antiseptic cream and of course I have a tube dressing between the plastic of the tube and her skin. She said there is…
Please pray
Please pray for my brother Jr. Those of you who know him, he is not doing well at all tonight. He took his last chemo treatment Wednesday and it always makes him terribly sick and weak but tonight he seems to be worse than the other times. Mom went into his room to pray for him and he can only lay there with his eyes shut…
Thinking of everyone
I just wanted to poke my head in the door and let everyone know I am thinking of you all. Although I am not able to be here as much as I would like, I try to read at least every other day. I notice that we have some new members and sadly, we've lost some of the family as well. I am doing pretty well overall. Even though I…
Esophageal Spasms
For anyone who has yet to experience these... Mom (in Hospice care since yesterday) started having severe pain in her chest area. I thought it was her heart. Morphine (liquid via g-tube) did nothing to control the pain. I sat with her as they hit - every few minutes - fleeting but intense. Finally, I asked my daughter to…
Back is breaking out?
Has anyone experienced their back breaking out after chemo and/or radiation treatment? Last night Don wanted me to scratch his back and as I did - I noticed lots of bumps. At first I thought it might be an allergic reaction to something - I gave him a benadryl, but now it looks almost like acne - but it isn't. I wonder if…
A lurker finally speaks
My dad was diagnosed with this beast on 2/28/12. I have been a reading machine for this past week...a lot on this very informative discussion board. He lives in a small town in Southwest Kansas (I am in Arkansas, 8 hours away) He was about to have a stent put in which I didn't think sounded good but luckily the Drs opted…
Mourning Dawns
As much as I don't want to be in a position where I need to join this group, the reality is that I'm now a candidate for membership. I know a number of people here are members. Would you mind telling me how to join? Thanks, Mary, widow of Chad Diagnosed October 12, 2009 at 4a; left us behind 3/1/2012
Transhiatal Esophagectomy Surgery
During my weeks reading this board it seems that most people comment on MIE or Ivor Lewis surgery (did I get that right?). We got good news today that Mom's post chemo/rads scans are clean and she's got the green light to go through with surgery. The surgeon uses the transhiatal esophagectomy method (THE). Are there any…
2 hot spots on a PET scan post an Ivor lewis - any insights please -
I spent last night reading your postings and cried for all you - both the success stories and the ones who did not make it. It is such a cruel evasive cancer. I live in Melbourne Australia and EC is very rare down here hence my internet search for help and information. My dad was super fit, never smoked, skied in the USA…
Not good news for mom
Mom's CT/PET scan were not as we hoped. The cancer is in her nodes and there is a spot (not the word the doc used) in her back. He suspects that is what is causing her such bad back pain. Seems the chemo/rads did not work as hoped. Also, her pain meds are no longer effective, so he has upped the strength of her morphine.…
Dad passed away Sunday - Final moments
I know I haven't posted much of my journey along the way with my father over this past year but I have been visiting this site and reading from time to time. I think I spent so much time worrying about my father's condition that when I was finally home, I didn't want to get on the computer and think about it anymore. I…
chemo and rads
Now I need to decide where bto get my chemo. U of M is an hour away I live in jackson mi They have a new cancer center and it is only 10 min away.Can I trust a local hospital???
A matter of time?
My 71-year-old mother was diagnosed with EC due to Barret's Esophagus on 11/7/2011. On Nov 9th, we had our first oncologist appointment and were told we needed to undergo several tests to determine the stage of cancer and whether or not she was a candidate for surgery. Based on the endoscopy and the CT Scan, we were told…
Can this cancer be beat? Help!
Hello everyone, I am a new member here. I just found out on Tuesday, February 28, 2012 that my dad, age 69 has Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer that has spread to his liver. His liver has 5 tumors on it, the size of ping-pong balls. He is not a candidate for surgery I've learned at Stage 4. He had a triple bypass in November…
Can't believe this man!!
I am just so touched by my husband's desire to stay alive! He keeps shocking the begeebers out of us all! Here is what I posted on fb today. It has been such a roller coaster ride this last month and every time he gets knocked down and I think he can't possibly take anymore, he lunges back! He is just so truly amazing and…
Need info about a stent
Hi everyone, I have written about my husband, Rick, who is into his fourth year of the stage IV. He finished 20 rounds of very targeted radiation about ten days ago and is back home from Seattle. He is not doing well at this point. Lots of trouble swallowing and very difficult sleeping. He is considering a stent as the…
Going good
Well next Wed will be treatment number 3 of taxotere, and so far the last one went a little better than the first. He still gets leg swelling, and pain, but not as bad as the first time. My husband was kinda proud of himself, cause he gained 15 lbs, this chemo doesn't make him sick. He asked me tonight what I would do with…
What to expect first day of chemo?
Hello all, Dad is scheduled for Chemo Wednesday morning. At this point I can't get off work until thursday, and I'm worried about him going through this first treatment alone. I have heard some people say that the first day isn't too bad, but it gets worse the 2nd-3rd day. I plan on driving to portland early thursday…
Week one down
Dad finished week one of 5.5 weeks of chemo rads combined. We had cisplatin infusion Monday and then 5FU pump Monday-today. Rads were at esophagus and clavicle lymph. Day 1-2 were good but ol boy hit the wall yesterday. He is super tired and esophagus is burning up. I am super proud!
Lenrev post-surgery update
I don't post often but since, I have lurked and posted occasionally, I feel obliged to keep y'all up to date. I was diagnosed in October as stage-three, did chemo (5FU) every other week for six-weeks while also wearing an infusion pump and did 28 radiation treatments. This was all accomplished without missing a day of…
update on my husband Jarrell
I just wanted to post an update on Jarrell. He stopped all treatment over a month ago and went with hospice. This was the best choice he could have made. Since going with Hospice he is living his life again. He has improved a great deal. His quality of life while recieving treatment was almost 0. He wasn't eating, wasn't…
Uncle just diagnosed need Info please!
My uncle was just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Esophageal Cancer and is undergoing some tests tomorrow. I've been reading online and the things I have read are very grim. Are there survivors of this disease? So far he has lost a TON of weight. He didn't realize it was bad since he was watching what he ate and was working…
so sorry to read of chad's passing. I pray for God's comfort during this difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, sandra
ventral hernia
Has anyone developed a ventral hernia after an esophagectomy???
Red Blood Count
My husband is continuing his chemotherapy, just completed round 6. Still remains very positive and continues to work most days. After receiving several blood transfusions initially, his Red Blood count has continued to remain around 10, until lately. It is slowly going down again. Today is was 8.2 so the doctor suggested…
update - met team and now prepping for radiation/chemo
Hello everyone, Just wanted to post an update. What a crazy day at the Portland VA/OHSU! We had three appt's in one day on thursday, with them all blending into each other (from 2:30pm - 6:00pm straigh through) - Surgery, Chemo and Radiation. Despite the long day, we have a really awesome team and I feel sooo much better…
Pulminary Embolism
Does anyone have any experience with treating a PE? I've been on Lovenx for one week with no appearent improvement. For the last three weeks, I could not walk 6 ft. without total exhaustion. This is despite having a 95% O2 at all times. I've had a filter installed to prevent anymore blockage. I'm scheduled for my 4th chemo…
New Member
Just became new CSN member… Awaiting J-tube removal and was wondering if anyone out there has any info on what to expect? Also, like to hear from more experienced about meeting on-going nutritional needs...