It has been a while
Hello, It has been a while since I have been on here. I just wanted to give the newbies on here a word of encouragement and give the seasoned veterans an update. March 24, was the one year mark for my surgery. I visited Dr Reed yesterday, March 27, and everything looked fantastic. She released me, and said no reason to…
Home From Hospital Camp
I had a less than a good week last week and had talked to the oncologist a couple of times. Saturday was a very good day and I thought we were on the uphill climb. All of us assumed my down feeling was a combination of Nulasta and my treatment both last week. Sunday I woke up in much pain about 4am, so I took some oxy but…
radical radiation leads to damage - heart, lungs and spine
Does anyone have any experience with radiation induce pleuritis The oncologist considered this would be a short term issue but the damage is increasing. Hubby is has gone from breathless on exercise to at rest within days! No explanation has been forthcoming or possible treatment/management offered. Radiation was 6 Gy - on…
tumor in esophagus causing problems--need help!
Hello, I have a brother who has a big tumor in his esophagus. Lately, he's been having a hard time drinking nutritional milk. Food doesn't work for him anymore. It seems as though the tumor is blocking most of his food pathway to his stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter seems to be closed sometimes. He's been…
Something new that I hope will help others who follow
It has been 3 weeks since Bob passed and I am still trying to realize he is truly gone. He touched so many lives in such a quiet way and we never knew it was even happening. He was a very humble man. Some of his words as he went to his last surgery, that we were never to be able to talk with him again, were that he wanted…
Some happy news on our family's challenges
Some of you may remember that our family has had some challenges in the last 9 months. 1)Husband, Larry, was diagnosed with Stage IV EC (distant supraclavicular nodes involved) in late June, 2011. He had 9 rounds of Oxaliplatin and Xeloda which were effective and he tolerated well. These ended just before Christmas. PET/CT…
Good Result - wonderful day!!!
I don't post in here too often, but I follow all the posts regularly. I wanted to share some good news after such a long struggle. Rob was diagnosed in the summer of last year with EC stage 111. Fortunately, the EC was operable and on the 29th February, Rob had surgery in Addenbrooks Hospital Cambridge UK. It was not the…
The battle is coming to an end for my dad
I know I haven't posted much, but my dad was diagnosed in March of 2010. The cancer was at the junction of his stomach and esophagus, and one lymph node was positive. He was treated at MD Anderson and went into remission, but was not a candidate for surgery because of his health. We found out in October of 2011 that it was…
Decisions Decisions.... Surgery or No Surgery???
Update on Popi... Background: -T3N1 in Nov, 2011. -Chemo and Rads completed. Jan, 2011 -Endoscope and PET March, 2011.. -Results from PET, no spread or cancer detected. -Results from Endoscope-Surgeon said he could not find any evidence of cancer:) He took 5 biospys of the area where the cancer was. We will get results…
I start chemo and radiation 3/26 12 This is the start of a scary journey
Thinking of Don
Big time positive thoughts go out to Don Reed, who is having his surgery today! Hang in there Judy - Today's the day he becomes cancer-free!!! Bob T1aN0M0 dx 8/3/11 MIE 9/23/11
Kewpie doll
Does anyone remember Kewpie Dolls? I went to mom's house and opened a few boxes. One was particularly interesting as it was enclosed in a thick plastic bag. The cardboard box was tied with a lovely string. Inside were several more bags with crocheted or knitted things. All seemed to be encircling a small box in the center.…
University Hospitals Only? What hospital do you go to for treatment and/or surgery?
My Mother has had treatment, and will have surgery, at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. I've noticed that a number of posts inquire about which hospital and who is the Doctor. I wanted to get a 4-1-1 of hospitals and doctors that have cared for those going through this battle. Mom's surgery is coming up and I'm just seeking any…
week one down - so far so good
Hello all, Just another update. Dad just finished week one of the rad/chemo combo. He is having radiation every day and chemo (Taxol/Carboplatin) infusion every wednesday. So far so good, except for being a little tired he hasn't had any symptoms. He did fast for 48 hours before the chemo and 6 hours afterwards, so maybe…
I need help and have Q??
Ok I was really hoping that someone out there might be able to help. My husband was diagnosised in Nov 2011 with Stage IV Esophogeal cancer. The drs sometimes refer to it as Gastric Cancer as his tumor is at his ge junction and his stomach biopsies came back positive as well. The cancer has metasized to his hip and to his…
pull-up stomach needing stretched?
So how often after surgery do other people need their new esophagus stretched? My husband was eating better and better and then it started going the other way. SInce he is currently getting chemotherapy, his surgeon said we had to wait, but for the last few days he can hardly eat at all. He's too skinny to miss meals,…
Mom got mad!
My daughter and the nurse were giving mom a bath and changing sheets. She was being jostled around and bothered. she opened her eyes and frowned! they called me and I could see mom looking at me so we talked! I told her the PICC line was gone and rubbed and rubbed her arm. I told her that her orchid bloomed. I told her who…
PET results
Jr. got his results of the PET scan. I do not know all the details but from the phone call from mom the small spots that were on his lungs are gone completely. No signs of cancer anywhere else in his body. The oncologist and nurses were actually elated themselves. So I'm not sure if they will continue with the treatment…
Fentanyl Patch -- Shivering???
Fentanyl Patch. Mom just started using this around 2 pm. Nurse was here when we applied the first one. She was pain free in under 20 minutes. About 1.5 hours after going to bed she called me - she was shaking like a leaf in a windstorm. I put another blanket over a doubled quilt. Still shook. Got a third blanket and…
I have lost my forever love - Brian
My darling forever love quietly slipped away yesterday afternoon surrounded by his loving family. He made an enormous effort to say goodbye to all the significant people in his life. He left me the precious treasure of a most heartfelt, powerful and poignant video and for the last two or three months we have lain on our…
It is with a broken heart
that I let you all know that Mark lost his battle with this horrible disease on friday, 9th March, he has left such a hole in mine and my children's heart, I cannot believe he is gone, I thank you all for your support over the last 18mnths I will be back but need time to be with my family they are so young, thank you all…
Nick has passed away
My dad Nick, passed away very early on March 13th after an 11 month battle with EC. My mom and myself were by his side. He was diagnosed last April as stage III with possible lymph involvement, but even after undergoing six weeks of chemo/radiation and then the invasive surgery, the cancer returned and he went downhill…
Against the odds
Hello neighbor, I recently saw a post on here regarding hope and being realistic...especially when it comes to being stage 4. Personally, I think it's important to know what you're up against and then try and beat those odds. Of course quality of life is extremely important. And to choose to go through aggressive treatment…
Mom update - Not good
Mom has slipped into a semi comatose state. We had a crisis around 2 a.m. but things have settled for now. She still has 24/7 nurses from Hospice. I want her to wake up if even for just 5 minutes. Her breathing is so raspy. Suctioning helps, but they need to know how to properly do it. Thankfully, the dreaded PICC line was…
Not What I wanted To Hear
Went to have my CT scan and see the doc yesterday and did not get the message I wanted. I have been on a chemo holiday for six weeks and now it's over. The CT scan shows that the spot in my liver has doubled in size since last scan 8 weeks ago and the mass in the espohagus is thicker over the same time period. CEA is 7.5,…
Rick's post-radiation recove
Hi everyone from UWMC, That is the University of Washinfton Medical Center in Seattle. Rick, my husband, who is the IV 3.5year survivor I have written about before is not doing well following his second round of radiation which ended February 15th. He had twenty rounds of very targeted radiation aimed at the tumor at the…
My forever love passed away on February 27, 2012
My husband and best friend passed away on February 27, 2012. He is not just a statistic, he was so much more. Husband, father, son, brother, uncle, and friend to all. He had the most pure heart of anyone I have ever met. He did not judge people, he accepted them and loved them as they were. Here is just a small part of…
Surgery is the decision
Thank you so much for the advice and kind words. You are truly God sent. My father had 5 biopsies and 4 were cancer free, the 5th had Barrets cells.. No cancer but... Due to this the surgeon suggested surgery and my father agreed. I will keep you posted on date and progress... Once again thanks for being there... Lynn
results of tumor board
Dr Orringer gave me the go for it to get persurgery chemo and radiation started. Have an appt this thur, with chemo oncologist and next wed with radiation oncologist. I am soooo ready to start fighting this beast with-in!
Second round of chemo
Well, I started round #2 today. Leukovorin, oxaliplatin, and 5FU. So, we shall see what we shall see. I have the wonderful little pump for the next couple of days, Then two weeks of recovery, and then chemo and the pump again for 6 rounds of chemo every two weeks, and a CT scan again. So we shall see what we shall see. Did…