My mom has esophageal cancer and has spread to her lungs
I am a Mexican woman with a very sick mother. She got diagnosed a month ago with esophageal cancer and metstasis to her lungs. She can hardly take liquids and has difficulty with breathing. She coughs a lot and has a lot of nausea. She is in the hospital in Mexicali Baja California. Her right lung is not working. The…
Hello everyone, it has been quite a while since I've posted about my mom. Things had been going pretty well. Now lately she is back to having coughing fits and bouts with gas (burping). Today, her 56th birthday of all days, was actually a pretty miserable one with her barely getting a break from the coughing. Has anyone…
Sad news for Ed and Us
This week was very very sad news for all of us, Ed has been put on Hospice care at home as of yesterday, don't know what to say, I am lost and sad and don't even have the words to express how I am feeling. He is in bed most of the time, has problems walking probably from the brain met, etc., Diana is having an extremely…
Where are you William?
William, I have noticed that you stopped posting on my posts for a while now, is there some sort of problem? I appreciated your total honestly with me for a long time now and I am sure you have seen my most recent post about hospice now into our home. I am hoping that you were not offended in anyway by me so I will await…
Update, waiting on our spheres
We will hopefully be getting spheres in Colorado. Insurance has of course, AGAIN, turned us down. We are gathering everything we own to sell to pay for the spheres. (sir spheres) and Layne is on Folfox. Love you all Betty Johnson
Dad's chemo woes
Hello all, just looking for some advice/opinions. My dad Bill, was operated on by Dr. Luketich in Pittsburgh 6/14. He had the MIE surgery. They removed his entire esophogeous and constructed a new one out of his stomach. He recovered from his surgery w/ flying colors. He was staged as T2N1M0. After the op, Dr. L pronounced…
Susie-I would love to talk to you
thanks Susie for posting and yes, I really do need to talk to someone who has been through this. How would you like to get in touch with me? I know you have been down this road and for sure, it is a difficult one to say the least. Please let me know how to reach you. thanks for your kindness. Linda
William Help
Ok at the doctor today Greg had Chemo.This is his forth round of Carbosplatin of 8 treatments , he will have 8 total. While there the last time I asked the doctor what Greg had , she said T4N1Mo Larynx Squamous Cell Cancer , That it Metastic to both Lungs. This time I asked her is the Esophageal cancer she said not it was…
Study shows patients who start palliative care early live longer
Cancer strategy: Easing the burden By Stephen Smith Boston Globe Staff / August 19, 2010 By the time doctors diagnosed Jim Windhorst with lung cancer, the disease was already on the march, gnawing through vertebrae and ribs. He got the standard treatments, chemotherapy and radiation, but was also offered something less…
Long term metastatic cancer survivors and Hope
All, In doing research on EC metastasizing to the liver I found this article titled “Living on the Edge” - A growing population of patients have emerged: long-term metastatic cancer survivors. available at http://www.curetoday.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/article.show/id/2/article_id/1463 (cut and paste the link in your…
Topic of Cancer by Christopher Hitchens Sept. Vanity Fair
Author Christopher Hitchens was diagnosed with EC in June. He wrote an article about his journey so far. He will be writing more and spreading the word. You can google it & read it on line. Kathy
Experience with nutrition via port?
Hi All - My Dad's oncologist recommended nutrition via his port. Does anyone have experience with this? I've seen postings related to feeding tubes but not this approach. Background: He's 85, diagnosed July 09, stage IV with mets to the liver. Recently underwent SIR-spheres but is not "bouncing back" like he should be.…
Human Papillomavirse
When my husband was Dz with Larynx sqamous Cell cancer. He was in a study group , They seam to think that this cancer was passed from MOther to child. My husband never smoked or drank. His mother died of Ovarian cancer when he was 9. My father also died of Esophageal cancermy father was a smoker and dranker. Dad's mother…
Has anyone had this problem????
I wrote somewhere else on the board but can't find it, so will repeat here. I've been in the hospital a few days now because I couldn't eat even liquids for several days. I had the Ivor Lewis 3 months ago and have had this issue over & over. It's not dumping, diahrrea or reflux. Even dehydration doesn't explain it since…
What's next?
Well I'm back. After being diagnosed last Jan. with stage 4b cancer. I was all but told that I was not long for this world. I have made my peace with God and asked for his strength to follow this path. As of Aug. 9th after my last PET scan. I'm told that all tumors are gone and nothing showed up on the last 2 scans. My…
encountering trouble again.....
My ivor Lewis was mid-May and until the last 2 weeks, I've had multiple complications digestively. The last 8 days have been smooth - able to eat, hydrate & maintain the same low weight the whole time. Today, I couldn't eat at all and felt full. Bowels haven't moved in 3 days but til then had been quite frequent and…
Question about chemo drug
Wondering if anyone has had the drug called, Irinotecan (CPT-11). Brand name: Camptosar? Hubby is going back into treatment with above drug and 5-fu, cisplatin. He had the 5-fu and cisplatin the first round. The Irinotecan is new to him. Thanks for any info.
esophagas cancer metatosis to colon
My husband was diagnosed with esophagas cancer in Janurary, he went through 6 weeks of chemo and radiation. April 19th he had a 12hour surgery, went in to respitory failer, and was in a coma for 8 days. He is home and doing better, except that when he eats about 20 minutes later he is in pain down towards his lower…
Update on Hubby - stage IVb
It's been awhile since I have posted and I wanted to let everyone know I still read the new posts. Our roller coaster has begun My husband has had 7 Radiation treatments and 2 Chemo's. They also put in his port on Monday. They insisted he needed a stent because of the size of tumor and this was done on 7/13/10 and so far…
Weird Dreams - mystery solved
I found out what was causing my husband to start having strange experiences. Last evening I noticed that when he would keep drifting off, he would use his hands and be reaching for something. But it wasn't until I went to bed later that he started talking and hands moving. I asked what he said and one time it was a job…
an update on Ed
Well we have had a horrible week again, the doctors cannot seem to find the cause of ed's high blood pressure problem for a week, they have changed med's, increased/decreased decadrone, adding new b/p med's. It has been a week from hell!!!!!!! He is very very weak, I believe some of this is from post radiation to his…
I just wanted to touch base and let
All of you know that not a day goes by where I dont think of you all. The last couple months have been wicked for me. I just cant get over the fact that I lost my father from something that the DR's failed to look into knowing what type of patient he was. If he was at presby I know for sure it would of been done on the…
what to do when someone keeps saying they won't get cancer?
Hi, Just wondering if anyone on the board has ever encountered someone saying what you consider a really stupid remark to you regarding cancer? This person was visiting us before my surgery and said it and she continues to say it. Just had her here for a week and I keep shaking my head. She does not believe people should…
Added costs of living with EC and other forms
Hi Everyone, Can anybody relate to the financial implications of seeking cancer treatment? For example, in my early process I have many things on my mind like work. Will I need short-term or long-term disability from my employer which only pays 67% of my pay. What will happen to my bills such as the mortgage? I know that I…
Ivor Lewis
I keep seeing this surgery slammed over & over and it's getting to me. I did have this surgery three months ago and have had many complications but these were due to causes unrelated to the type of surgery I had. I have a problem believing that the finest medical center in the modern world - Mayo Clinic- would consistently…
Support for the journey
I can't help but notice that nearly all of this board's members seem to have a loving partner! What a wonderful and critical asset this must be during such trying times. Having a husband or wife to oversee hydration, weight, diet, meds, etc and advocate with the medical system when the ill partner is too weak to do so is a…
Looking for gentleman going to Mass General in Boston
I cannot seem to find your post that I was reading the other day, I am too from Boston, Ma. My husband was diagnosed last october with stage four with mets to liver, stomach and now brain. I hope you post under this posting so we can talk and see if we could help each other. thanks Linda
update on Ed
Well it has been a week since Ed got out of the hosptal and his decadrone was increased, he is doing better since the med change. We are having a party Saturday at our house for our 25th wedding anniversary and having some friends/family over. It has been one struggling 10 months since he was first diagnosed. I have come…
New Diagnosis
Hello everybody, I am a brand new CSN member. I was diagnosed last Tuesday with EC stage 4 which has spread to the liver. Never in a million years did I expect to contract cancer and am terrified. I am going to Mass General and have just had a PT Scan. Any words of wisdom would be helpful. Thanks. Paul
slydog11 and others
Written for you today august 10, 2010. FOR YOU. I read your stories and laughed and I cried. I understand the way you feel. I wish I could take you in my arms I wish I had the power to heal. It breaks my heart when things go bad I rejoice with you when things go well. I have nothing that I can give to you. Only experiences…