Radiation or Stent?
Hello All, Looking for some advice. Charlie started his new chemo regime a couple of weeks ago. This time it is Taxol and Carboplatin. (His May PET Scan showed some activity in the esophagus and stomach.....so he is no longer in remission.) He started to have some difficulty getting food down. We are hoping the chemo…
In Desperate need for advice
Looking for some advice for my father. He was diagnosed Nov. 11th 2009 with stage IV EC. Had chemo. 5fu and cistplatin and 28 days of radiation followed by the ivor lewis esophagectomy. Then they found a brain tumor (also adendinocarcinoma) which they thought they might have missed in the beginning. So they weren't so…
getting new on dad this week!
So for those of you who have seen my posts about my father (59, past stroke, seizures, sleep apnea. stage three (began in top of stomach as was moving up), in one lymph node, and he isn't a candidate for surgery. treated at MD Anderson- six weeks of chemo (docetaxel and 5-fu) plus radiation). We are heading out tomorrow…
an update on Ed
Ed is going into his 10th whole had radiation treatment today, he is having 15 total. We saw his oncologist yesterday and he wants to restart chemo in a few weeks. I kind of got into an argument with him regading this because I feel Ed is too weak to restart chemo right now, he has five more treatments and then they will…
I forgot to add
i forgot to add that the brain tumor was removed successfully and followed up with radiation and his brain is clear of tumors now. Lindsay
My boyfriend who just came back to me 3 years ago after a 20 year absence was diagnosed with esophagus cancer in April 2010. He has had 6 weeks of radiation and chemo and we thought the next step was surgery. Unfortunately the PT Scan showed more cancer cells in the lymph nodes outside the radiated area. So surgery is not…
How do you answer your husband's concerns about did they get "it" all; has the cancer comeback?
Husband diagnosed December 2009 with EC Stage II T2N0M0. Chemoradiation then ivor lewis surgery in April 2010. Doctor said clean borders, good connection, lymph nodes removed 4. None had cancer cells. Recovery is hard. Rib pain and shortness of breath. Eating is improving but keep making mistakes as to quantity and what…
Could I get some pointers?
Hubby got a J tube placed on 7/14. Wondering if someone could give me pointers on cleaning and keeping it healthy. The nurse gave some instructions, but thought you guys that have taken care of them at home could give me more. How long do they stay sore? Thanks for your help Nancy
Suggestions to get past the gagging and texture problem after surgery.
Hi everyone, My Mother was diagnosed with EC last October, and within 15 days they had her on the strongest chemo they had and radiation. She did 6 full weeks of each finishing both the day before Thanksgiving. After 6 weeks off they did surgery in January. The Drs removed 2/3 of her esophagus and 1/3 of her stomach. she…
73yr old dad choosing esoph surgery
I am very new to the site and THANK GOD for all of you here. Dad had Stage 3 esophagus tumor discovered in Dec09 and it has not spread and was treated with Chemo/Radiation, Cisplatin therapy and now the tumor is barely visible. The surgeon told him today he can go through more therapy and rid the rest with a chance of it…
pardon silly ? can we eat popcorn???
Hi, Have the worst craving for popcorn but I thought I read somewhere that is a no no. I can eat chips and doritos but am afraid without knowing someone else did it without problems. sorry for the silliness of the question but you all are the experts!! LOL!!! thanks in advance!! Donna70
What to expect when rad. and chemo starts for stage one ec
Have stage one ec and start treatment next week and do not know what to expect. Oncologist says chemo is light. What is the best products for weight gain so do not need feeding tube? Thanks
Questions about treatment options with mets to the liver
Hi all, Well we got the Pet Scan results for my dad and they are a mixed bag. 1. The lymph nodes show no activity at all. 2. The tumor in the esophagous has an SUV level of 2 - the doctor said that had he not been diagnosed with EC (his SUV level was 10) that a 2 would be something they would watch but not do anything…
Stage 4 Calgary Dad update
Thank you so much to all of you who answered my "Where to go for Stage 4 " post. All of you information support and kindness has carried my for the past couple of weeks. I am excited to report that dad is home! He is still on some oxygen but able to walk around, get out and even enjoy a little food. They went to put a…
Am I missing something????
My husband has E.C in Feb 2009 they did treatment t4n1 , The treatment was 7 weeks of radaiton and Chemo, he had no surgery, no tubes, The radaition he did what they told him wash the area before you come with ivory soap, so before he would go in he scrubbed his face and neck to make sure he removed any thing . He did have…
Doctor has retired
My surgeon has retired. He was at Emory Hosipitl in Atlanta. I have got to make a follow-up appointment for Sept. I've been given names of drs at Emory and have been researching them. It didn't seem that important to me before,but after joining this site I realize how important it is to choose the right dr.. Is anyone…
Time to vent
Hubby was diagnosed in feb. and had the stent in feb. After weeks of not wanting to eat due to a scratchy throat, three rounds of chemo, a bout with dehydration, a bout with multiple pulmonary blood clots from DVT. Here we are again. The stent is plugged, nothing will pass, even water. they admitted him monday eve for…
Need help with surgeon at Clev Clinic or OSU for minimally invasive surgery
My husband was diagnosed with EC 2 days ago. We are petrified. He just turned 60. Our CT scan and PET are next week to stage it, but he has abdominal pain on both sides and has lost 19 lbs in 10 days so we do not expect good news. We wanted Dr. Luketich in PA but our insurance says we have to go to Cleveland Clinic or OSU…
Gagging and throwing up white foamy stuff after esophagectomy
My husband is 6 weeks post op after chemo/radiation and an esophagectomy. He is having difficulty eating and seems to gag and throw up a white foamy substance. Does anyone know what this is an d what causes it.
good news already!!!!
Hi, My wonderful oncologist just called me to say no cancer on my CT scan which was done this am. Boy am I one happy camper!!! My lungs are still screwed up but that is not going to change and it is not cancer so good news all over. Thanks for everyone's support and prayers, they mean the world to me, like I am floating on…
Esophageal Cancer - colon cancer - now maybe peritoneal carcinomatosis
I don't know if anyone else has experienced this but I am at wits end! This is long and I apoligize but I hope someone responds. My husband (53 years old) had his entire esophagus removed 2 1/2 years ago - as well 30 lymph nodes - a couple of the lymph nodes did have cancer also. He had chemo and radiation for about 6…
Hi, According to my sister my BIL (advanced esophageal cancer) is having trouble with constipation, she is giving him Sinakot, and stool softeners but they are not working that well. He has not started any of his treatments yet. He is taking a liquid pain medication (sorry I do not know what it is). Is there something else…
Now Robert has jaundice
Everything seemed to be going very well, Robert was bumped up to a clear liquid diet and possibly puddings tomorrow. He was supposed to be going home tomorrow but doesn't look like that's the case. The PA came in today and noticed Robert looking a little yellow so they drew his blood and found he is jaundice. They are…
Where to go for stage 4 ec
My dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in April. A Pet scan revealed hot spots on his lymph nodes. He decided to go for surgery. They opened him up, discovered that his esophagus was 90% blocked, his nodes were affected and there was a spot on his liver.They sewed him up with out removing anything. They have diagnosed…
Hello all, I don't usually post much but I wanted to share this awesome news. Our beloved and dear friend Kitten, passed from us In November of last year, with EC, she was only 24. Kitten aka Cathy, was always in good spirit no matter how bad she felt, she always lifted our spirits when we were down, even though she could…
I had a endoscopy today to try to dilate the esophagus. It was almost closed completely, so the Dr. had to use a pediatric scope and then the regular scope. Once again he was unable to open it completely because of inflamation. this was the third attempt since May '07 when I had my surgery and 80 percent of esophagus and…
dad is finally improving
Well, we have been home for nearly four weeks and he is finally improving. It's amazing how he did so wonderful while we were in Texas getting treatment, and it hit him a few days after he finished! The fever is gone, his dizziness is MUCH better, and he is walking around and stuff now. However, he has had some trouble…
New regime
Hi All, Have not been posting much lately.....busy and a little overwhelmed. We did get away to RI for a couple of weeks...got back last night and tried to catch up with everyone and once again I find there are so many newbies. I want you all to know you are in my prayers. Today we start a new regime. Charlie has been on…
Dad newly diagnosed
Thank you all for this wonderful resource!!! My dad (Bill -61) was recently diagnosed w/ EC. He had a pinky nail sized tumor w/ 1 lymph node involved. His surgeon is Dr. Luketich at UPMC. It's absolutley amazing what they were able to do laproscopically. It's been 3 weeks since his surgery and he's going in to be discuss…
Persistent pain post stenting - looking for post stenting survivor experiences
Hello: I shall start with a some background information of the patient (my Dad), before posing my question to this forum. My Dad is 67-1/2 years old and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma) this march. He has stage IV cancer with a primary tumor at the esophagus - stomach junction and some secondary nodes…